GB 42250-2022 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GB 42250-2022, GB42250-2022): Information security technology -- Security technical requirements of specialized cybersecurity products [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 2023 M11 10 - 13 pages This document stipulates the security function requirements, own security requirements and security assurance requirements of specialized cybersecurity products. This document is applicable to the research and development, production, service, and testing of specialized cybersecurity products sold or provided. |
Common terms and phrases
access control policies Access control Specialized audit Specialized cybersecurity Audit targets collect user information communication protocol components confidentiality and integrity configuration items control policies based control Specialized cybersecurity core elements Core technology intellectual cybersecurity products provider deletion Ensure the confidentiality Establish and implement evaluation and daily exceeded the retention flaws and vulnerabilities following functions following security assurance functional modules GB/T Identify Inform users information includes Information security installation and upgrades intrusion event Malicious program prevention meet the following network operating status network security event NOTE personal information prevention Specialized cybersecurity processing method product security flaws products set access provide security provider should meet security assurance requirements Security audit Specialized Security development systems Security functional requirements security management systems security requirements security Specialized cybersecurity Security technical requirements security testing set access control source code Specialized cybersecurity products storage media Support detection systems and processes technology intellectual property testing and security