is the first letter of the Greek Alphabet, and omega the last. Thus are we instructed, by three passages, offered as it were on purpose, in the very book in which the number of the Beast is revealed; that the number is to be counted by means of the Greek alphabet: for it is totally incredible that the Spirit of prophecy would, in one part of the Apocalypse, use the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet in a symbolical sense; and in another part of the same book, design that the mystery of the Beast should be computed according to the numerical values of the letters of some other language. It is, therefore, evident that the number 666 is a symbol of the GREEK name of the Beast, CHAP. III. Examination of the various interpretations of the number of the Beast-Insufficiency of any interpretation yet given in solving the mysteryThat the number of the Beast is not 616, as in some Greek copies; but 666, demonstrated. AS we have amply proved from incontrovertible evidence, that the number of the Beast must be computed by summing up the values of the letters in his Greek name, we shall now first examine the different expositions of this mystery in this language; as, for reasons already advanced, such interpretations have in this respect an advantage over all others. Of all Greek names which contain the number 666, none can lay claim to greater antiquity than that famous one of Irenæus, which has been approved of by almost all commentators who have given any sort of tolerable exposition of the Revelation. The word alluded to is Aareivos, * which was supposed by Irenæus to refer to the then existing Roman empire, "for," says he, "they are * The number in Aarevos is thus computed: A, 30, α, 1, 7, 300, 8, 5, 1, 10, x, 50, 0, 70, s, 200,-666. Latins who now reign." * son, But the great majority of Protestant commentators, not without great reahave applied this word to the dominion of the Roman Catholics, on account of this name being that by which this power was known in all parts of the Greek empire. As, therefore, this word has been supported by so many great writers, and is allowed to be the best explication of the number yet given, it will be indispensably necessary to examine it the more attentively, in order to point out in what it is to be approved, and in what disapproved. There appear only two circumstances which can be legitimately produced in favour of the word AaTEivos, viz. That it is computed according to the numerical value of the Greek letters, and is also, (admitting the Protestant interpretation of the Beast to be correct,) the name by which the Papists were known in the Eastern countries. The objections are insurmountable, In the first place, the orthography is incorrect; for it should be written Aariyos, and not Aarsivos. † Bengel, in his CommenΛατεῖνος. is very diffuse upon this That Aareivos ought not 66 tary on Apoc. xiii. 18, point, and informs us, to be spelled with the epsilon. For," says he, "the Greek when a consonant follows, the Latins in Sed et Aareivos nomen habet sexcentorum sexaginta sex numerum: et valde verisimile est, quoniam novissimum regnum hoc habet vocabulum; Latinį enim sunt qui nunc regnant. Iren, Lib. v. c. 30, p. 449. + See Critici Sacri, Tom. VIII. p. 539, ἀκυλεῖνος, 39 CALIFO deed write with an I, as xv, icon; but the Latin I, is never written by the Greeks with an ; and therefore Λατεῖνος has no analogy. For ἀκυλίνος is not written άxuλsivos, The same may be said of Αλεῖνος, Ακραγαντῖνος, Αλεξανδρῖνος, Αντωνίνος, Αρκ τῖνος, Αρχίνος, Βροντῖνος, Καλεῖνος, Καρίνος, Κολλα Tivos, Keativos, &c. &c. &c. Even Irenæus himself constantly writes the Latin names, Justinus, Valentinus, Hyginus, and Florinus, in the following Greek form Ἰεςῖνος, Ουαλεντῖνος, Ὑγῖνος, Φλω givos. And so Latinus is written Aarivos in the Sibylline verses, with the second syllable in some instances long, in one case short. Also, in one manuscript of Andreas it is found without the diphthong, even contrary to the design of Andreas, the editor of this copy considering the diphthong improper. In another, Latinus is written Aarsivos, by an open confession of licence, which sort of liberty, as it is common with the Germans in their German eteostichi, so is it frequent in the etcostichi of the Greeks." * In addition to what Bengel * Aarεivos cum & sumi non debuit. Nam & Græcum subsequente consonâ, Latini quidem per I exprimunt, ut xv, icon: sed I Latinum Græcè non transit in ; neque AaTelvos analogiam habet. Non enim scribitur ακυλεῖνος, κ.τ.λ. sed ακυλίνος, Αλβ 205, &c. &c. Apud ipsum Irenæum, 'Iesivos, &c. constanter persimplex: et sic Aativos, quod ipsum in Sibyllinis etiam . modo productum, modo correptum, habet. Itaque in uno An * A great variety of examples of this kind are given by Bengel in his Commentary on Apoc. xiii. 18. says, we may add, that the Greek word for Latinus is not written with the & in any one of its various inflections, whether we consider it as an adjective or a substantive. For a proof of this assertion we may refer the reader to every Greek author who has used this word; among whom are Hesiod, Polybius, Dionysius Halicarnassensis, Strabo, Plutarch, Athenæus, Dio Cassius, Photius, The Byzantine historians, &c. &c. &c. * Eich dreæ codice MS. Λατῖνος, & librario emendante, contra Andrea institutum, est repositum : in altero ad Λατεῖνος additur, δια διφο Soyle, apertâ licentiæ confessione, quæ ut apud Germanos in Germanicis, sic apud Græcos in Græcis eteostichis frequens est. * In illustration of what is said above the following examples may be of use : The substantive Λατῖνος in its different cases. Nominative Case, Singular. Βασιλεὺς μὲν ̓Αβοριγίνων ἦν Λατῖνος ὁ Φαύνε. Latinus, the son of Faunus, was king of the Aborigines. Dion. Hal. Antig. Roman. Lib. i. p. 35. Genitive Case, Singular. Τρίτῳ δὲ ἐτεῖ, τοῦ Φαύνε τελευτήσαντος, ἐκδέχεται τὴν ἀρχὴν ὁ Αινείας κατὰ τὸ κῆδος καὶ τοὺς ̓Αβοριγίνας ἀπὸ τοῦ κηδεςοῦ Λα τίνε Φαύνε Λατίνες επωνόμασε. But in the third year after the death of Faunus, Æneas succeeded to the government according to his affinity; and named the Aborigines Latins, from his relation Latinus, the son of Faunus. Photii Bibliotheca, p. 51. Rothomagi, 1653. Appiani Alexandrini Historia Romana. Dative Case, Singular. Καὶ ἐβασίλευσε μετὰ Φαῦνον ἔτη λέ' ὁ Ἡρακλῆς. ἔπειτα Λατίνος ἔτη λς'. τούτε κατὰ τὸ τρίτον ̓Αινείας ἐξ Ιλίε παραγίνομενος συμα μαχήσας τε αυτῷ Λατίνῳ κατὰ Ρετούλων, καὶ Τοῦρνον ἀνελῶν, Λαβινίᾳ ζεύγνυται Λατίνε θυγατρὶ τοῦ βασιλέως, καὶ βασιλεύει τῆς χώρας μετα Λατίνον ἔτη γ'. And Hercules reigned after Fau |