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siders more probable than Aarsivos; first, on account of its being a word of six letters, and consequently has in this respect some analogy to the number; and, secondly, because it is a very ancient and remarkable name, and answers in some sort to the ænigmatical expression in the 17th chapter of the

appellation of every individual in that empire. Here it is observable, that the Gentile name of Latinus, or a Latin, was, in the victorious days of the republic and empire, almost lost in the more favourite Gentile name of Romanus, or a Roman. Preserved however it carefully was, though not so frequently used as the other; insomuch that, although the people were styled Romans, their language was denominated Latin. But when, by the arms of the northern nations, the Roman empire was divided into ten kingdoms; when, by setting up a spiritual tyrant in the church, and by lapsing into Papal idolatry, it again became a beast; when Rome was governed by her bishops under the wing of a new line of emperors; and when Greece, formerly her instructor in the arts and sciences, was now become her rival both in imperial and ecclesiastical domination: the old gentile name of Latin was revived, and has ever since been the peculiarly distinguishing title of the Papal Roman empire both temporal and spiritual. Such, accordingly, is the general appellation which the inhabitants of the West bear in the eastern parts of the world: the particular names of Spaniards, French, and Italians, are swallowed up in the common title of Latins. Hence Mr. Gibbon, in his account of the Crusades, terms, with strict propriety, the people of the western empire Latins: and gives us, under this name, the history of the five Latin emperors of Constantinople. Hence also, though the Papists are wont absurdly to style themselves Roman Catholics, the real name of their community, as contradistinguished from the Greek church, the Armenian church, or the Abyssinian church, is certainly the Latin church. Thus Thevenot, in his account of Mount Sinai, speaks

Revelation, "The beast which thou sawest was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition." That is to say, Teitan is an ancient celebrated name, which he supposes, will also be the name of Antichrist. * Knittel de


of two churches, one for the Greeks, and the other for the Latins: and thus Ricaut, throughout his State of the Greek and Armenian churches, discriminates the Romanists from all other professors of Christianity by the appellation of Latins. Papists,' as Dr. Henry More aptly expresses it, latinize in every thing. Mass, prayers, hymns, litanies, canons, decretals, bulls, are conceived in Latin. The Papal councils speak in Latin. Women themselves pray in Latin. Nor is the Scripture read in any other language, under Popery, than Latin. Wherefore the council of Trent commanded the vulgar Latin to be the only authentic version: nor do their doctors doubt to prefer it to the Hebrew and Greek text itself, which was written by the prophets and apostles. In short, all things are Latin; the Pope having communicated his language to the people under his dominion as the mark and character of his empire.' Here then we have a name which completely answers in every respect to the Apocalyptic name of the beast. Lateinos is at once the name of a man, the title of an empire, and the distinguishing appellation of every individual in that empire; and, when the sum of its numerical letters is taken in the Greek language, the language in which the Apocalypse is written, and in which therefore the calculation ought apparently to be made, it will amount precisely to 666. On these grounds then we have abundant reason to conclude that Latinus, and nothing but Latinus, is the name of the beast; for, in no other word, descriptive of the revived temporal beast, or the Papal Roman empire, can such a fatal concurrence of circumstances be discovered." See his Dissertation on the Prophecies, Vol. II. pp. 345-349, Edit. Lond.


Iren. adv. Hæreses, Lib. v. c. 30. pp. 449, 450.

fends this name, and "considers it as an allusion to the prænomen of Domitian, which was Titus, and says, that the name of Titan was justly applicable to Domitian, because toward the close of his reign he insisted on Divine honours being paid him, and was therefore a Deoμáxos, as the Titans were." * Wetstein also approves of this word. + But, notwithstanding all that these great men have said in vindication of it, it certainly is entitled to no credit, as the orthography is erroneous, the word being properly spelled Tiras, and not Teírav. + Grabe remarks that the word Пarioxos is found in the Codex Claromontanus of Irenæus instead of TeiTav§ but this is evidently a corruption. The word Παπίσκος is the diminutive of Πάπας, Pope; and only contains the number 666 by writing it with the diphthong . EL. #

Irenæus gives us another word containing 666, namely, Evavàs. But this he produces to shew

* Michaelis on the New Testament, Vol. VI. p. 526. Edit. Lond. 1802.

+ In Apoc. xiii. 18.

See Diodorus Siculus, and the Greek Lexicons. Teirax is thus numbered: T, 300, ɛ, 5, 1, 10, 7, 300, α, 1, v, 50,=666. § Iren. adv. Hæres. à Grabe, Prolegom. p. xv.

Ibid. II, 80, a, 1, π, 80, 8, 5, 6, 10, σ, 200, x, 20, 0, 70, 5, 200,-666.

I E, 5, v, 400, a, 1, v, 50, 9, 9, α, 1, f, 200,=666. It is not altogether certain that this is the word intended by Irenæus; for in the different copies of Irenæus consulted by Grabe it is written Euav, which is 210 short of the number said to be contained

that several names might be found containing the number of Antichrist, which cannot well be applied to him.* It is very difficult to determine what Irenæus intended by this word, whether the proper name of a person, or the adjective suavdées, or suaves, flourishing; if the former, nothing can be concluded from it; and if the latter, the writing it εὐανθὼς for ευανθέες οι εὐανθεῖς is sufficient to overthrow it. Hippolytus, who lived at the end of the second century, finds the number 666 in ågvouus, I deny; for, says he, Antichrist, when he comes, will openly deny the articles of the Christian faith. But the orthography of this word, like the others already mentioned, is also improper; for it should be written agvouas. § Arethas of Cappadocia gives us several words or phrases containing the number 666. The first is Aauréris, || (I suppose a proper name,) but it can be applied to nothing respecting Antichrist. The second is "O NixTs, The Conqueror; a character which, according to the Sacred Oracles, in a most eminent sense belongs to Antichrist, "for power is given

in it. It is for this reason that Feuardentius added the third syllable Jas.

*Iren. adv. Hæres. Lib. v. c. 30, p. 448.

+ A, 1, p, 100, 1, 50, 0, 70, v, 400, μ, 40, ε, 5,666.


† De Consummatione Mundi.

§ See the different Greek Lexicons.

A, 30, α, 1, μ, 40, π, 80, ε, 5, 7, 300, 1, 10, 5, 200,-666. 10, 70, N, 50, 1, 10, x, 20, 1, 8, 7, 300, 7, 8, 5, 200, =666.


him over the saints to overcome them."* But this word is insufficient in two respects: first, it is totally indefinite, as several persons have appeared in the world at different times who have been great conquerors. Secondly, it is the name of no particular person exclusively. The third given by Arethas containing 666 is xaxos idŋyòs, † “a bad guide" this is also a striking character of Antichrist; yet the words can be applied to any person who publishes erroneous doctrines, or otherwise leads the people astray. The fourth given by Arethas is ἀληθὴς βλαβερός, † "a truly injurious person;" but it ought to be written aandãs Braβερός. The fifth is πάλαι βάσκανος, § "envious of old time." The sixth and last is apvòs dixos, || "an unjust lamb." Primasius gives us the name of a month which has this number, viz. "AvTEμOS; ¶ and Rupert informs us that yevonginòs, (earth-born,) also contains 666. ** St. Jerome finds the num

* Rev. xiii. 7.

+x, 20, α, 1, x, 20, 0, 70, s, 200, 0, 70, 8, 4, 7, 8, 7, 3, 0, 70, s, 200,=666.

‡ a, 1, λ, 30, 1, 8, D, 9, 1, 8, 5, 200, ß, 2, λ, 30, a, 1, 6, 2, ε, 5, p, 100, 0, 70, 5, 200, 666.

§π, 80, α, 1, λ, 30, a, 1, 1, 10, 6, 2, a, 1, σ, 200, x, 20, α, 1, v, 50, 0, 70, s, 200,=666.

|| a, 1,μ, 40, v, 50, 0, 70, s, 200, α, 1, 8, 4, 1, 10, x, 20, 0, 70, 5, 200,=666.

¶ a, 1, v, 50, 7, 300, ɛ, 5, μ, 40, o, 70, s, 200,—666.


7, 3, 8, 5, 7, 50, σ, 200, 1, 8, p, 100, 1, 10, x, 20, 0, 70, 5, 200,-666.

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