ber 666 in the Hebrew name Evivas, * which he interprets one that points out serpents." + Benedict, a name assumed by several of the popes, also contains this number, if we write it BevédixTOS, an orthography allowed by the Greeks. § But it is evident, if the popes be intended by the Beast, that the name of any one bishop, or set of bishops, should not be selected for the purpose of determining what is meant by the number; but a name which comprises the whole of them. Valent. Ernest. Læscher, finds the number 666 in Pope Boniface III. by writing it in the following manner: Βονίβαζιος Γ, Πάπα Ξη, ε. ε. α. || which, without contractions, is Βονίβαζιος Γ, Πάπα Ξή, ἐπίσκοπος ἐπισκοπῶν, πρῶτος, that is to say, "Boniface the third, the sixty-eighth Pope, and first bishop of bishops." I Grotius fancied that he found this num E, 5, v, 400, 1, 10, v, 50, α, 1, 5, 200,-666. † Εὐίνας ἐρμενεύεται, ὁ δείξας ὀφεῖς, ου ὁ ἀριθμὸς χξς'. In Libro de Nominibus Hebraicis, Tom. II. page 158. Edit. Paris. 1699. ‡B, 2, ε, 5, v, 50, ε, 5, 8, 4, 1, 10, x, 20, 7, 300, ◊, 70, 5, 200, =666. § See Bengelii Gnomon, in Apoc. xiii. 18. and Dosith. Patres Hierosol. Lib. viii. c. 10. || B, 2, 0, 70, v, 50, 1, 10, 6, 2, α, 1, 2, 7, i, 10, 0, 70, s, 200, г, 3, II, 80, a, 1, π, 80, a, 1, 2, 60, 1, 8, ɛ, 5, ε, 5, α, 1,— 666. See Wolfii, Tom. Cur. p. 548. ¶ I am not aware that Bovisatios, with respect to its orthography, is supported by a single authority from any Greek writer. I have only met with the Greek name for Boniface in two forms, viz. Βονηφάτιος and Βονιφάτιος, the former in the Biblio ber in Osarios, a name of Trajan, the Roman emperor. But in this he is certainly mistaken, as the final sigma which he makes to stand for only six in the arithmetical computation of this word, was never so valued by the Greeks; as proofs of which we need only refer to the ancient examples γραῦς, Ἰησοῦς, and Λατεῖνος, which contain the respective numbers 704, 888, and 666, the sigma being taken in each of the words for 200. + Martin Luther being thought by several to be the Beast, his name has been twisted different ways to make the number, the only instance of which that I have met with in the Greek computation is Aségava, t a word made evidently for the purpose. The num‣ ber 666 is also found in avios, § Saxon, Martin Luther being a Saxon by birth. Le Clerc, in his Additions to Hammond, finds the number in Aids εἰμὶ ἢ Ἥρας, || "I belong to Jupiter or Juno " It theca of Photius, col. 196. Edit. Rothog. 1653, fol. and the latter in Procop. Cæsar. de Bello Vandalico, and also in Const. Porphyrog. de Them. Imp. Orient. seu Antiq. C. P. Part. I. c. 24. p. 63. *0, 70, v, 400, λ, 30, π, 80, 1, 10, 0, 70, 5, 6,666. + See Poli Synopsis Criticorum, in Apoc. xiii. 18... ‡ A, 30, 0, 70, *, 400, D, 9, ε, 5, p, 100, αy 1, 1⁄2, 505. 0, 1,± 666. See Selden's Works, Vol. II. Part. II. col, 1402, Luther's name in Greek is Aurépos, and not Aspava. See Dosith. Patres Hierosol. Lib. xi. c. 2, § 2, 3, 4. §, 200, a, 1, &, 60, 0, 70, v, 50, 8, 5, 1, 10, 0, 70, s, 200,666. ||A, 4, 1, 10, 0, 70, s, 200, 5, 10, f. 40, 10, 7, 8, H, 8, p, 100, a 1, s, 200,—666. τις. is also discovered in the Latin words Ecclesia Italica written in Greek characters. * It is also said: to be contained in άλαóveiα Bio, "the evil vaunting of life;" + but I can only find in it 665. Mohammed's name has also been made to contain the number 666, by writing it Maueris, or MoάueDr. Walmsley, the late titular bishop of Bath and Wells, copying from Massuet, approves of this word, and says that its orthography is acknowledged by Euthymius, and the Greek historians Cedrenus and Zonaras. || But there is nothing more false than this assertion; for, of the seven different ways in which Mohammed's name is written in Euthymius and the Byzantine historians, not one is the orthography in question. The seven different modes of writing this name are, Mwάuer, Μωάμεθ, Μωάμεθ, Μεάμεν, Μεάμεθ, Μεχούμετ, and Maxouμst. These words, with the number * Ecclesia Italica, "The Italian church," written in Greek characters is Εκκλησια Ιταλικα, which is numbered as follows: ε, 5, x, 20, x, 20, λ, 30, 7, 8, 6, 200, i, 10, a, 1, 1, 10, 7, 300, 2, 1, λ, 30, 1, 10, x, 20, a, 1,666. See Fulke's Rhemish Testament, in loc. and Piscator's notes, ib. + See Selden's Works, Tom. II. Part. 11. col. 1402. ‡n, 8, a, 1, λ, 30, a, 1, 4, 7, 0, 70, 1, 50, 8, 5, 1, 10, a, 1, 6, 2, 1, 10, 0, 70, v, 400,=665. § M, 40, a, 1, 0, 70, μ, 40, ε, 5, 7, 300, 1, 10, 5, 200,=666; and M, 40, 0, 70, a, 1, fi, 40, ε, 5, 7, 300, 1, 10, 5, 200, =666. Gen. Hist. of the Church, p. 366. Edit. 1771; and Iren. adv. Hæreses, à Domno Renato Massuet. Edit. Paris. 1710. p. 200. Varior. Annot. contained in each, and the authorities by which they are sanctioned, are as below : * Μωάμετ =1186 Euthymius. * Μωάμεθ = 890 Nicetas, Cedrenus, Euthymius. + Μωάμεθ = 895 Cananus, Zonaras, and Euthymius. † Μεάμεδ =560 Theophanes. § Μεάμεθ = 565 Cons. Porphyrogenitus. || Μεχεμὲτ εἶτον Μωάμετ, Muchumet, or Moamet. Bibliotheca Patrum, Tom. IX. p. 308. Edit. Paris. 1624. † Αναθεματίζω τὴν τοῦ Μωάμεδ βλασφημίαν, I anathematize the blasphemy of Mohammed. Ibid. p. 286. Nicetæ Sara cenica. Μωάμεθ, ὁ τῶν Σαρακηνῶν ἀρχηγὸς, ψευδοπροφήτης, Mohammed, the prince and false-prophet of the Saracens. Georgii Cedreni Historiarum Compendium. Οὗτος ὁ Μωάμεδ, ὁ καὶ Μεχούμετ, this Mohammed, also named Muchumet. Ibid. † Τὰς βίβλες τοῦ Μωάμεθ, the books of Mohamet. Joannis Canani De Bello Constantinopolitano. Μωάμεθ ὁ τῶν Σαρακηνῶν φύλαρχος, Mohamet, the ruler of the Saracens. Joannis Zonara Annales, Lib. xiv. c. 7. § Μεαμὲδ, ὁ τῶν Σαρακηνῶν ἀρχηγὸς, Muamed, the prince of the Saracens. Theophanis Chronographia, p. 220. Edit. Ven. 1720, Edit. Par. p. 276. Byzant. Histor. - Bibliotheca Patrum, Tom. ΙΧ. p. 289, Edit. Paris. 1624. || Εἰς τοὺς αὐτοὺς χρόνες πρῶτος ἀρχηγὸς τῶν ̓Αράβων Μεά μεθ, ὃν οι Αραβες καλοῦσι Μεχούμετ, ὁ καὶ προφήτης αυτῶν χρησ ματίσας, ἐκράτησε τὴς ἀρχὴς τῶν ̓Αράβων ἔτη ἐννέα, About these times the first prince of the Arabs was Muameth, whom the Arabs call Muchumet, who being also divinely appointed their prophet, held the empire of the Arabs nine years. Constantini Porphyrogeniti De Administrat. Imperii Orientalis, Pars ii. cap. 16. Μεχούμετ 1925 Cons. Porphyrogenitus, Euthymius, Cananus, Cedrenus, Ni cetas. * Μαχούμετ = 1456 Cantacuzenus. † Hioam finds the number 666 in the surname of the present French emperor, by absurdly writing it Bovveragrn; and Wrangham has fancied it to be contained in the Greek word 'Aσ TaTS, §"an apostate." But in this he is certainly τατὴς, mistaken; for the Greeks, in their ironía, never counted the six, but 500, as is evident in the word περιςερὰ, 66 a dove," which Irenæus informs us contains the number 801; || but if the 5 had been taken for six, this word could only be said to contain the number 397.1 The editor of a late * Περὶ τῆς γενεαλογίας τοῦ Μεχούμεν, of the genealogy of Muchumet. Const. Porphyrog. De Adminis. Imp. Orient. Pars II. cap. 14. + Τῷ ἑπτακοσιοσῷ πεντηκοσῷ ἔτει τοῦ Μαχούμετ, In the seven hundred and fiftieth year of Machumet. Joannis Cantacuzeni Historiæ, Lib. iv. cap. 14. ‡ B, 2, 0, 70, v, 50, v, 50, ε, 5, π, 80, α, 1, p, 100, 7, 300, 666. 7, 8, § He numbers this word as follows: A, 1, π, 80, 0, 70, 5, 6, a, 1, 7, 300, 7, 8, 5, 200,=666. See before, page 50. ¶ If 5 be reckoned only six, this word will be thus numbered: π, 80, ε, 5, P, 100, 1, 10, 5, 6, ε, 5, p, 100, a, 1,397. Another example in which the 5 is counted 500, and not 6, is found in Jerome's commentary on the eighth chapter of Zechariah, where ἑπτακισχιλίες and Χρισιανούς are said to contain each the number 1946. This is not an example of the irongia, |