CALIFORNIA. REV. xxii. 7. BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY: BLESSED IS HE THAT KEEPETH THE SAYINGS OF REV. xxii. 10. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR; AND SOLD BY OGLES, DUNCAN AND COCHRAN, 37, PATERNOSTER PREFACE. THE principal design of the following pages is to shew, by means of the number 666, what is intended in the Book of the Revelation by the Beast and False-prophet. This is a subject which has long exercised the learning and ingenuity of commentators in general; and hitherto with comparatively little success, as not one of the vast variety of opinions upon the number of the Beast, already before the public, is allowed to be sufficient to elucidate the whole that is mentioned in the Apocalypse, with which this number has, directly or indirectly, any connection. Therefore none of these imperfect solutions could have been designed by the Holy Spirit; for the number of the Beast, which refers, according to the plain tenor of the text, to his name, must symbolize a name, with which the whole description of the Beast agrees in every particular. As, therefore, so much depends upon having a correct view of the number 666, that, inde |