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47 48. But if Men obftinately and perverfely reject my Words, and continue wilfully impenitent, notwithstanding all reasonable Means of Convictitheir having been offered fuch extraordinary Means of Salvation, must indeed of Neceffity aggravate their Crime, and finally encrease their Condemnation. Not that I fhall now pafs Sentence, or execute Vengeance upon them. No: The prefent Defign of my coming into the World, is not to judge Men; but only by all mild and gentle Methods to reclaim them from their Sins, that they may confequently be delivered from the Punishment thereof, and become capable of Happiness and eternal Life. But if this my first coming into the World, prove ineffectual to fave them, because of their Incorrigibleness and vicious Affections; then at my fecond Coming, which will be to judge the World, the Words which I now speak, and the Offers of Salvation which I now make to them, and they reject, muft witness against them, and highly encrease their Condemnation; fuch Perfons being capable of no Excufe, who having been convinced by the most undeniable Miracles, invited by the most gracious Promifes, and warned by repeated Denunciations of the feverest Threatnings, have nevertheless perfevered incorrigibly in their Unbelief and Impiety.

49. The Words, I fay, which I now fpeak, muft finally witness against such Perfons. For fince the Things which I teach, are fuch as have abundant Evidence, that they are not the Invention of Man, but the Doctrine of God; and fuch as ought to be believ'd, both for the Goodness and Holiness of the


Precepts themselves, and alfo for the fake of the mighty Works wherewith I moreover atteft my Commiffion; no Man can be excufable in his Unbelief. 50. The Commandments of God, ye all know, are the Conditions of eternal Life. Now the Doctrine which I teach, I have fufficiently proved to be the Commandment of God. Ye ought therefore to receive and embrace my Doctrine, as the Condition of everlafting Life and Happiness.

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Jefus's laft Supper, ver. 1. He gives his Difciples an ́eminent Example of Humility and condefcending Love, ver. 4. And exhorts them to imitate that Example, ver. 12. Foretells who would betray him, ver. 18. Solemnly enjoyns his Difciples to love one another, ver. 34. And foretells Peter's fall, ver. 36.

1. NOW on the Evening before the Paffover, Jefus knowing that the time of his Suffering was approaching, when he himself, who was the true Pafchal Lamb, was to depart out of this World, and return to his Father: As he had all along expreffed a great and tender Love to his Difciples, during the whole Time of his Continuance here upon Earth; fo now before his Departure, he in a more particular and affectionate Manner, at his laft Supper, difcovered an earneft Concern and exceeding great Love towards them.

2. For, a Time of great Trial and Diftress being immediately to come up on them; and Judas,one of the Twelve, having already yielded to the Temptations of the Devil, and the Enticements

I NOW before

the feaft of the paffover, when Jefus knew that his hour was come, that of this world unto he fhould depart out the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.

2 And fupper being ended, (the devil the heart of Judas Ifhaving now put into cariot, Simons fon, to betray him)

3 Jefus

3 Jefus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God,

4 He rifeth from fupper, and laid afide his garments, and took a towel and girded himself.

5 After that, he poureth water into a bafon, and began to wash the difciples feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.

6 Then cometh he to Simon Peter:

and Peter faith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet? VOL. H.

of his own corrupt and covetous Inclination, not only to forfake, but even fo far as to refolve to betray Him; Jefus thought it neceffary at this Time, to exprefs in a particular and extraordinary Manner his Care and Love of them, and to give them a memorable Example of that Charity and tender Concern, which they ought, in imitation of Him, to have one for another.



4. And this he did in fuch a Manner, as to give alfo at the fame time an Inftance of the greatest Humility and most admirable Condefcenfion that ever was: and to root out of the Minds of his Difciples all worldly Ambition, and defire of Superiority. For though he knew that God had commit ted all Power into his Hands; and that as he came forth from God, fo he was to return to God, being Lord and Difpofer of all Things; yet, this being the laft Time that he was to eat with his Difciples before his Death, he in great Humility, and fo as to leave a strong and lafting Impreffion of his exemplary Charity upon the Minds of his Difciples before his Departure, rofe up from the Table as they were at Supper; and, laying off his Upper-Garment, girt himself about with a Napkin, after the manner of a Servant waiting at a Feaft.

5. Then pouring Water into a Bafon, he went about to wash his Difciples Feet, and to wipe them with the Towel which he had girded himself withal.

6. And coming to Peter, he offered to wash his Feet. But Peter, astonished at fuch an unparallelled Inftance of Humility, faid: Lord, I can never confent to fuffer you to perform so mean a E e Service

Service for me. I well know
my own
Unworthiness, and your Dignity; and
I cannot imagine why you fhould de-
bafe your Self in this manner, to wait
upon us, who are but Servants and At-
tendants on You.

7. Jefus anfwered: You do not yet
understand what I mean by this Action;
but hereafter fhall know what I in-
tended to reprefent, and to put you in
mind of, by it.





8. Peter replied: Well, I am refolved fhall never wash my Feet, while I live; I cannot bear to think you fhould condefcend to do a Thing very much beneath your Self. But Jefus answered him again: If not be washed by Me, you cannot be my Difciple, nor continue to have a Part in my Family and Kingdom. Meaning, by an eafie Figure and cuftomary Allufion to the Thing they were at that Time doing, that without fuch Holinefs and Purity of Mind, as is naturally reprefented by cleaning and washing the Body with Water, he could not be a worthy Apostle and Preacher of the Gofpel.

9. Then faid Peter: Nay, Lord, if this be the Cafe, that I cannot otherwife continue your faithful Difciple and Follower; then, not only wash my Feet; but wash me, I befeech you,



10. But Jefus replied: He that is once washed and become clean, needs not be washed all over again, but only his Feet, which are apt frequently to contract Soil and Dirt. Meaning, by the fame Allufion as before, that he who has once heartily embraced, and for fome time obeyed the Doctrine of the Gospel, must not be fuppofed ever after to stand any more

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in need of any total and entire Change of Heart and Mind, but only to cleanfe himfelf continually from the unavoidable Incurfions of daily Infirmities. Whofoever is thus wafhed, continued he, is clean all over: And ye my Apostles are clean, but not all of you.

11. By which laft Words, that the Apostles were clean, but not all of them; he meant to tax the Impiety and Ingra titude of Judas Iscariot, who he knew intended to betray him.

12. Having therefore washed the Apoftles Feet; Jefus, as foon as he had done, laying afide the Cloth wherewith he had girt himself like a Servant, and putting on his own Upper-Coat again, fat down at the Table as before, and faid to them all: Since, I perceive, you do not of your felves apprehend it, I will now tell you the Meaning of what I have done.

13 & 14. Ye call me your Lord and Mafter: And therein ye do well; forafmuch as I really am, what you be lieve me to be, the Son of God and Saviour of Mankind. But now, this is not enough, that ye in Words acknowledge my Authority; unless ye alfo in Deeds obey my Commandments and imitate my Example. Here therefore I have proposed to you a Trial of your Sincerity, and a Teft of the Heartiness of your Obedience. I, whom ye auknowledge to be of infinitely greater Dignity and Authority than your felves, have condefcended with all Humility to do the meaneft Office of Service and Kindness to you my Inferiors and Difci ples: How much more then ought ye, if you be fincere and hearty in your Love and Obedience towards me, with all

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