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36 Jefus anfwered, My kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world, then would my fervants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews but now is my kingdom not

from hence.

37 Pilate therefore faid unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou fayeft that

I am

36. Jefus replied: I have indeed a Kingdom, which, I do not deny, I have profeffed I would eftablish. But, as I faid, it is not a Kingdom of this prefent World, nor any way tends to caufe Disturbance in the Government. For, if it had, my Servants would have fought for me, and not fuffered me to have fallen into the Hands of the Jews. But, to tell you the Truth plainly, 'tis a Kingdom wholly Spiritual, confifting only in the Obedience of Men's Wills and Affections to the Laws of God.

37. You acknowledge then in general, anfwered Pilate, that you have pretended your felf to be a King? Yes, replied Jefus, in the Senfe that I have

told a king. To this end was I born, and for this caufe came I into the world, that I fhould bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth, heareth my


38 Pilate faith unto him, What is truth? And when he had faid this, he went out again unto the Jews, and faith unto them, I find in him

no fault at all.

you, I have declared, and do now declare my felf to be a King. For this very End was I born, and for this Purpose came I into the World, that I should bear Witness to the Truth; And whofoever fincerely loves, and is always ready to embrace the Truth, will hear my Testimony, and be convinced by it.

38. Pilate answered: What do you mean by the Truth? And having fo said, he went out again to the Jews, and faid to them: I have examined this Man again; and cannot find that he has done any thing, which, according to the Roman Laws, is worthy of Death.

V o L. II.


39. However

39. However fince ye have brought him before me as a Malefactor; and it is the Cuftom that I fhould release to you one Malefactor at the Feast of the Paffover; Will you have me, feeing nothing is proved against this fame King of the Jews, releafe Him now to you? 40. This Pilate faid, hoping he had found an Occafion to caufe Jefus to be fet at Liberty, who he faw plainly was accufed only out of Envy and Malice. But the People, at the Inftigation of the Chief Priefts and Pharifees, cried out with one confent; that they would not have Jefus released, but one Barabbas; a notorious Malefactor then in Prifon, for having been at the Head of a great Riot, wherein he had also committed Murther.


39 But ye a custom, that I fhould release unto you one at the paffover; will ye therefore that I release unto you the king of the Jews?

40 Then cried they all again, faying, Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a robber.



Pilate endeavours to acquit Jesus; but is prevailed upon by the tumultuous Importunity of the Jews to condemn him, ver. 1. Jefus crucified, ver. 17. And buried, ver. 38.

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I. THEN Pilate, not willing to

yield to fo fhameful a Piece of Injustice, as to cause a Man to be put to Death, whom at the fame time he verily believed to be innocent; and yet feeing that the People would not by any Means be fatisfied, if he fhould acquit and release him without inflicting any Punishment on him at all; took Jefus, and delivered him to the Soldiers to be fcourged; hoping, that at least That Severity would appease the People.

23. And because the Crime laid to his Charge was, that he pretended to be a King; the Soldiers, in Derifion, put upon him a Purple Cloth for a Robe, and fet a Wreath of Thorns upon his Head for a Crown, and gave him a Reed or Cane in his Hand for a Scepter. And kneeling down to him, they scoffingly faluted him, faying; Long live the King of the Jews. And taking the Cane out of his Hand, they ftruck him on the Head with it, and fmote him with their Hands, and abused him with all manner of Infulting, Scorn, and Contempt.


Hh 2

4 & 5. After

45. After which, Pilate, hoping (as I faid) that the Fury of the People might by this Time be appeafed, brought out Jefus to the Multitude in the fore-mentioned ridiculous Habit, that he might turn their Malice either into Pity or Contempt: And faid to them: See, here is the Man; I proteft, I do not find any Fault in him worthy of Death: Be content therefore with the Punishment already inflicted on him, and suffer me now to discharge him.

6. But the Chief Priefts and Officers of the Jews, cried out in a moft violent and tumultuous Manner: Nay, let him by all means be crucified; Let him be crucified. Wherefore Pilate, feeing the Tumult increase to fuch a Degree, that their Demand was rather a feditious Mutiny, than a regular Defire of having a Favour granted them; yielded at length to their Importunity, and was in a manner forced to comply with their Requeft. So that at laft, with much Unwillingness and Reluctancy, he paffed Sentence upon Jefus, that he fhould be crucified: Yet with a Proteftation of his own Dislike of the Fact, faying; Take ye him, if ye will, and crucifie him; I am not guilty of this innocent Man's Death; be ye answerable for it.


7. The Jews replied: We wonder you fhould be fo unwilling to condemn this Man to Death. We have a plain Law, by which whofoever falfely pretends to be a Prophet, is declared worthy of Death. much more This Man, who has ta


4 Pilate therefore went forth again, and faith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him. Then came Jefus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate


faith unto them, Behold the

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ken upon Himfelf to be no less than the Son of God!

8. Pilate, hearing this, and not knowing who this Perfon might at laft appear to be, about whom there had been spread fo many ftrange Reports, and against whom the Jews argued fo inconfiftently, and now at the laft produced a new and strange Accufation against him, that he had declared himself to be no less than the Son of God; was feized hereupon with a fudden Fear and Doubting, with great Anxiety and Perplexity of Mind.

9. Going therefore again into the Judgment-Hall, he enquired farther of Jefus, Who He was, and Whence He came; Who his Parents were, and What his Family. But Jefus anfwered him not a Word.

10. Then faid Pilate: Why do you not answer me? Do you not know, that I have abfolute Power over you; and, if I would peremptorily use Authority, could, without any regard termine either to condemn or acquit to what the Jews defire, abfolutely de


11 Jefus answered, Thou couldeft have no power át you all against me, except it were given thee from above : therefore he that de livered me unto thee, hath the greater fin.

11. Jefus replied: I could eafily fecure my Self; and neither they nor could have any Power at all to hurt me; was it not my Father's Will, that, for great and wife Reafons, I fhould at this Time fubmit to be delivered to you by the Envy and Malice of the Jews. But fince it is fo; and that they urge and prefs you with the utmoft Vehemence to caufe me to be put to Death ; I must needs fay, your Sin in yielding and being prevailed upon by great Violence and Importunity to conHh 3 demn

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