CHAP. VIII. Jefus preaches in feveral Places, ver. 1. The Parable of the Sewer, ver. 4. Why Jefus fpake in Parables, ver. 10. The Duty of Minifters, ver. 16. Obedience the only Qualification efteemed by God, ver. 20. Jefus ftilleth a Storm, ver. 22. and cafteth Devils out of a Man, and fufers them to go into the Swine, ver. 27. Healeth a Bloody-flux, ver. 43. and raifes a young Woman from the Dead, ver. I 49. AN ND it came ward, that he went 1. A Fter this, Jefus paffed through many Cities and Villages, preaching the Doctrine of Chriftianithroughout every ty; the Neceffity of Reformation, city and village preaching, and fhew- and the Acceptableness of the Repening the glad tidings tance even of the greatest Sinners in of the kingdom of the Sight of God. And his Twelve God: and the twelve Apoftles and other Difciples went were with him. with him, promoting promoting this great Work. 2 And a certain woman which had been healed of evil fpirits and infirmities, Mary, called Magdalene, out of whom went feven devils. 3 And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herods fteward, and Sufanna, and many others, which miniftred unto him of their fubftance. 4 And when much people were and were him VOL. II. times more reservedly and obfcurely, in Figures and Parables; as they were able, or worthy to hear his Doctrine. More efpecially once, as he was preaching by the Lake of Tiberias, and a vaft number of People was gathered together about him out of the neighbouring Cities, he described to them the State of the Gospel-Difpenfation, and the Nature and different Effects of the Doc-" trine of Chriftianity, by feveral Comparifons, or Similitudes; and among others, by this which follows. 5. A Husbandman, faid he, went out to fow Corn in his Field; and as he was foring, fome grains fell upon the hard beaten road, where they never entered, but were partly trodden under feet, and destroyed by those that paffed by, and partly picked up by the Birds: Thus while Chrift, or any Preacher of the Gofpel under him, publishes the Doctrine of true Religion to all forts of People; fome of those that hear, have Hearts fo hardened with Impiety and worldly Lufts, that the Doctrines and Precepts of the Gofpel, never make any Impreffion upon them at all; but they immediately forget what they hear, and return to their Wickedness. 6. Again, other grains fell upon ftones covered with thin earth where the Corn fprang up indeed, and grew at first; but in a little while, for vant of moisture and depth of root, it withered away: Thus fome others hear the Doctrine of Chriftianity, who at first indeed are moved by it with fome warmth of Devotion, and embrace it chearfully; But when Perfecution, or any other great Temp city, he fpake by a parable: 5 A fower went out to fow his feed, and as he fowed fome fell by the way fide, and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. Lit 6 And fome fell upon a rock, and affoon as it was ed away, because it fprung up, it witherlacked moisture. 9 And his disciples asked him faying, What might this parable be? VOL. II. tation comes upon them; for want of wife and fettled Refolutions, and a true Love of God, they fall away. 7. Again, fome other of the feed fell among weeds and thorns; Which alfo fprung up indeed; but the weeds coming up with it, and growing fafter and thicker than the Corn, they overspread it and choaked it, fo that it never came to any perfection: Thus others, who hear the Word of God, and are moreover convinced by it, and even make fome kind of Refolutions to obey it; yet having their Minds and Attention wholly taken up with the Cares, Covetoufness, and Pleasures of the World; they neglect the Means of Improvement, and bring forth no fruit of Righteousness, Holiness, and Charity. 8. Lastly, fome other of the feed fell into good and fruitful ground, where it grew up and profpered and came to maturity, and proved a very great Crop of Corn: Thus others, to whom the Gofpel is preached, believe the Word of God heartily, embrace it wifely. adhere to it ftedfaftly, and obey it fincerely, and show forth the Effects of it in the conftant practice and perfevering courfe of a good Life. Whofoever is capable and defirous of Inftruction, let him hear and confider what I fay. 9... This and other Parables Jefus fpake to the People, reprefenting things in the bare Similitude only, without adding the Explication. But when he was alone, his Difciples defired him to expound to them plainly, the full Senfe and Meaning of the Parable. 10. Jefus replied: Ye indeed, who are difpofed and prepared for this Knowledge, may have all the Truths that concern the Kingdom of the Meffiah and the State of the Gofpel, clearly and fully explained to you; but the mixt Multitude are not capable nor worthy of this Priviledge. For fuch is their Ignorance and Prejudices, that in them is exactly led that Prophecy of Ifaiah; That, Seeing, even the plaineft things, yet they fee not; and hearing the moft reafonable Doctrines, yet they underftand not. To them therefore I fpeak only obfcurely and in Parables, infilling things by degrees, as they are able to bear them, but to you I reveal all the Mysteries of God, plainly and fully. *SeeMar. iv. 20. 11. Then he told them, how by the 12. That by the hard beaten Road, 13. That by the ftony ground, where the Corn fprang up indeed, but, for want of Root, foon withered; were to be understood fuch Perfons, as receive indeed the Word of God with a feeming Chearfulness; but for want of Refolution and a true Love of God, fall away in time of Perfecution. 14. That by that Ground, where the Corn was over-run and choaked 10 And he said, Unto you it is given to know the myfteries of the kingdom others in parables; that seeing they might not fee, and hearing they might not understand. of God; but to are they, which when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches, and But that on the good ground, are they, which in an honeft and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. 169 No man when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a veffel, or put teth it under a bed: but fetteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may fee the light. 17 For nothing is fecret, that fhall not be made manifeft: neither any thing hid, that shall not be known, and come abroad. with Weeds, were meant fuch, as em- 15. Laftly, That by * the good ground *See Note which brought forth fruit in abundance, on Mark were meant fuch Perfons, as receive the iv. 20. Doctrine of the Gospel with Simplicity and Sincerity, and by pious Meditation caufe it to make a deep and lafting impreffion upon their Minds, and obey all the Precepts of it in their whole Life and Converfation with Conftancy and PerSeverance. 16. And now, continued Jefus, feeing I have explained to you all thefe things fully; it remains that ye be careful to inftruct others hereafter, both by your Doctrine and Example, in proportion to your Knowledge and the Advantages ye have received. For as a Candle ufeth not to be hid under a Veffel, but to be set in a Candlestick, that it may give Light to the whole Room wherein it is: So ought ye to make fuch ufe of the Inftruction I have given you, as by your Doctrine and Example to direct and incourage Others, in the knowledge of the Truth, and in the practice of Virtue. 17. For there is nothing which I now teach you fecretly, but muft in due time be published openly to all the World; and nothing which I now fpeak obfcurely and in Parables, but muft in time be declared plainly and with all freedom to all Men. |