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Four Evangelifts.


For the Clearer Understanding of the SACRED HISTORY, the whole TEXT and PARAPHRASE are printed in feparate Columns over-against each other.

With CRITICAL NOTES on the more difficult PASSAGES.

Very Useful for Families.


By SAMUEL CLARKE, D. D. late Rector of St. James's Westminster.


V Q L. II.


Printed for JA ME S, JOHN and PAULKNAPTON, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street, MDCC XXXVI.




The CONTENTS of the Gospel according

to St. LU K E.

|HE Preface, ver. 1. John the Baptift's Conception,

ver. 5. and Office, ver. 15. The Conception of Chrift,

ver. 26. His Office, ver. 32. The B. Virgin's Hymn

of Thanksgiving, ver. 46. The Birth and Naming

of John, ver. 57. Zacharias's Hymn, ver. 68.

CHAP. II. Auguftus's taxing the Empire, the occafion of Je-

fus's being born at Bethlehem, according to the Prophecy, ver.

1. The Birth of Jefus, ver. 7. Made known to the Shepherds,

ver. 8. Jefus circumcifed, ver. 21. and prefented in the Tem-

ple, ver. 22. Old Simeon prophefies of Chrift, ver. 25. and

Anna, ver. 36. Jefus difputes with the Doctors, ver. 43.

CHAP. III. John the Baptift's Office and Miniftry, ver. 1.

His Inftructions to the Common People, the Collectors of the

Tax, and the Soldiers, ver. 10. His Account of Chrift,

ver. 16. His Death, ver. 19. Jefus's Baptifm, ver. 21.

and Genealogy, ver. 23.

CHAP. IV. Jefus's Fafting and Temptations, ver. 1. He be-

gins to preach, ver. 14. Preaches at Nazareth, and is ad-

mired, ver. 16, and 22. But the greater Part defpife him

for the meanness of his Parentage, ver. zz. and have therefore

the Means of Grace withdrawn from them, ver. 25. Jefus

cafteth out a Devil, ver. 34. Heals Peter's Mother-in-law,

ver. 38, and many other fick, ver. 4o. But fuffers not the

evil Spirits to tell who he was, ver. 41. He preaches in fe-

veral Places, ver. 43.

CHAP. V. Jefus calleth Peter, James and John; and by a

miraculous Draught of Fishes, prefigures the Success of their

future Miniftry, ver. 1. Heals a Leprofy, ver. 12. and a

Palfy, ver. 17. whereby he proves his Power of forgiving Sins,

ver. 21. He calleth Matthew, ver. 27. And gives the Rea-

Jon of his converfing with Sinners, ver. 30. He vindicates his

Difciples in not fafting at this time, ver. 33.

CHAP. VI. Jefus fhows, that pofitive Inftitutions must give place

to Neceffity or moral Duty, ver. 1. Chufes his Apoftles, ver. 13.

Heals many Difeafes, ver. 18. The Blefedness of the Righte


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ous, and of those that fuffer for Religion, ver. 20. The Mifery

of worldly Men, ver. 24. That Charity must be univerfal and

extend even to Enemies, ver. 27. That doing Good ought to

be the principal Bufinefs of Mens Lives, ver. 30. That Mini-

fters ought to practife what they teach, ver. 39 and 41, &c.

That Suffering for Religion must be expected, ver. 40. Obe-

dience the only Proof of Sincerity, ver. 44.

CHAP. VII. Jefus heals the Centurion's Servant, ver.z. Raifes

the Widow's Son at Naim, ver. 11. Bids John's Messengers

judge of him by his Works and Doctrine, ver. 19. Gives an

Account of John the Baptift, ver. 24. Shews the Perverfeness

of the Jews in rejecting John, who came in a fevers Way;

and Jefus who came in a freer Way, ver. 31. Shews by the

Similitude of a forgiven Debtor, that repenting Sinners often

exceed other Men in Zeal and Piety, ver. 41.

CHAP. VIII. Jefus preaches in feveral Places, ver. 1. The

Parable of the Sower, ver. 4. Why Jefus fpake in Parables,

ver. 10. The Duty of Minifters, ver. 16. Obedience the only

Qualification esteemed by God, ver, zo. Jefus ftilleth a Storm,

ver. 22. and cafteth Devils out of a Man, and Juffers them

to go into the Swine, ver. 27. Healeth a Bloody-flux, ver. 43.

and raifes a young Woman from the Dead, ver. 49.

CHAP. IX. Jefus fendeth out the Twelve to preach, ver. 1.

Herod fufpects Jefus to be John the Baptift risen from the

Dead, and defires to fee him, ver. 7. Jefus feedeth Five Thou-

fand with five Loaves and two Fishes, ver. 12. Enquireth

what Opinion the World had of him, ver. 18. Foretells his own

Paffion, ver. 22. And warns his Followers to expect Suffer-

ings likewife, ver. 23. The Transfiguration, ver. 28. Jefus

bealeth a Lunatick, whom his Difciples could not, ver. 37.

Foretells his Paffion again, ver. 43. and warns his Difciples

against Ambition, ver. 46. and forbids them hindring those

that in any manner promoted the Gospel, ver. 49. Reproves

a paffionate and revengeful Spirit, ver. 51. Why Elias deftroy-

ed his Enemies with Fire from Heaven, ver. 56. Obedience

must be conftant and without Delay, ver. 59, 61.

CHA P. X. Jefus fends out the Seventy to preach, ver. 1. Obe-

dience the Condition of eternal Life, ver. 28. Charity muft ex-

tend univerfally to all Mankind, ver. 30. Attention to the

Doctrine of Religion, much better than an uneafie Diligence

in external Services, ver. 39.

CHAP. XI. Jefus teaches his Difciples how to pray, ver. 1.

Prayer must be conftant and importunate, ver. 5. God rea-

dier to give good Things, than Men are, ver. 11. Jefus proves

that his Miracles could not be worked by Magick, ver. 15.

Obedience the only Qualification esteemed by God, ver. 27.

Miracles will not convince the Obftinate, ver. 15, and 29.

Jefus upbraids the Jews for their Obftinacy and Hypocrify,

ver. 31. Shows, against the Pharifees, that moral Duties are

more neceffary than ceremonial Obfervances, ver. 39. And de-

nounces Woe to them for their Hypocrify, ver. 42.

CHAP. XII. Jefus warns his Difciples against Hypocrify and

Fearfulness in Preaching, ver. 1. Refuses to meddle in deter-

mining a Difpute about an Inheritance, ver. 13. and warns

his Hearers against Covetousness and Worldly-mindedness,

ver. 15. Of the Oppofition between the Cares of this World

and the next, ver. 22. Of the Neceffity of Watchfulness, ver.

35. The Reward of good, and the Punishment of bad Mini-

fters, ver. 42. Knowledge a great Aggravation of Sin, ver.

47. Perfecution must be expected, ver. 49. The Jews inex-

cufable, in not knowing Jesus to be the Meffiah, ver. 54. Re-

pentance must not be deferred, ver. 58.

CHAP. XIII. The Punishment of fome, a Warning to others;

and that temporal Afflictions afford no Judgment of the Mea-

fure of God's Anger, ver. 1. God will not always bear with

Sinners, ver. 6. Jefus cures a crooked Woman, ver. 10. The

Parable of the Mustard-feed, ver. 19. Of the Leaven, ver.

21. Repentance must not be deferred, ver. 25. Obedience the

indifpenfable Condition of Salvation, ver. 26. Jefus defpifes

Herod, ver. 31. and laments over Jerufalem, ver. 34.

CHA P. XIV. Jesus cures a Dropfy, and shows that Works of

Mercy are to be preferred before Ceremonies, ver. 1. Exhort-

eth to Humility, ver. 7. and Charity, ver. 12. The Parable

of the Guests that refufed to come, ver. 16. A Religious Life

must not be undertaken rafhly and carelessly, but with Confi-

deration and deliberate Refolution, ver. 26. The Duty of Mi-

nifters, and the Punishment of bad Ones, ver. 34.

CHAP. XV. Sinners may be converfed with, in order to reform

them, ver. 1. The Parable of the loft Sheep, ver. 4. of the

loft Money, ver. 8. of the prodigal Son, ver. 11.

CHAP. XVI. The Parable of the unjuft Steward,v. 1. Worldly-

Mens Diligence in temporal Affairs, ought to be imitated by

good Men in Spiritual, ver. 8, Of Worldly-mindedness, ver. 10.

Jefus reproveth the Pharifees for their Covetousness and H

pocrify, ver. 15. The Gospel does not deftroy, but fulfil the

Law, ver, 17. The Danger of a voluptuous and worldly

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