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"True fhe was fair, oh! how divinely fair,"

But Emma's real beauty was her mind.

In that the feeds of innocence and

truth, Warm'd by the native richness of the foil,

Grew up, and bloffom'd in her earleft youth,

And in perfection now began to fmile.

Thus, thus fhe liv'd, diffusing blifs around,

With health's high fervours Aushing on her cheek;

Thus reach'd the age, when joys the heart furround,

And every glance its language feems to speak,

But foon the fad tranfition taught her


That the beft founded human hopes

are frail;

The dread arreft their flatt'ring profpe&t ends,

And mem❜ry fickens at the mourn

ful tale.

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Who hew'd thee to a STAVE for vulgar use,

And bound thee to confine the apple's juice?

What anxious raps have met thy groaning fide,

Whofe found betray'd the liquor's ebbing tide!

How pierc'd to try the mixture of its ftream,

And prove that honefly in trade's a dream!

Degrading office! yet, O fallen oak! This, this is worfe than e'en the ax's ftroke,

Was there no God propitious to thy


This harder fate of thine to have with

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Whilft thou the inflrument of paltry pride,

A. B. To demagoguifh vengeance art allied. O! that impatient at her fire's gloom, Some wench had Inatch'd thee to

thine earlier doom;'



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Yet for the deed, an hand let their not lack,

An hand made hardy by thy frequent twhack.

Burn, with the rod. Grammar! make thou the third,

(Oh! that the tyrant's felf was fo interr'd)

How were THY rules and Your lefs knotty grain

Apply'd with foolish art t'inftru&t the brain!

Yet down, revenge, nor their past deeds decry,

Howe'er they liv'd, fince SHINING LIGHTS they die.

On a young Attorney who had no practice, and recovered from a dangerous diforder, after having been given over by the Physicians.

N his fick bed as SIMPLE lay A novice in the laws! The hapless youth was heard to say, "How cruel to be fnatch'd away,

"And die WITHOUT A CAUSE!" Jove wondering hears: his gracious nod

The youth from death reprieves.
Yet with fubmiffion to the God,
His cafe is ftill extremely odd-


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4. A golden fheaf the peasant's toil


A beauteous SHEAFFE excites the lover's lays.

5. To lovely white the dreary black gives way,

And charms us when allied to pleafing GRAY.

6. A

fpacious HALL we view with fweet furprife,

When in a hall we view fuch brilliant eyes,

7. Mifs PALFREY fure has turn'd friend Strephon's head, Since he compares Diana to her fleed. 8. With quiet though Mifs STILLMAN may be blefs'd,

Few that have feen her can in quiet reft.

9. The APPLE ruddy, and the TON of France,

Strive which shall blooming Charlotte moft enhance.

10. Thrice happy who an EMERY can gain,

Polifh'd herfelf, he'll polish every (wain.

11. The trembling foliage and the verdant hue,

Prefent the charming GREENLEAF to your view.

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12. A ftately building we a TEMPLE find, Adorn'd by nature, and by art refin'd;

At fuch a temple who would not adore,

At beauty's fhrine the pureft off'ringe pour,

Venus and Dian ip fweet Betfey fee, Join'd to Minerva and the graceful


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Monthly Chronologer for February, 1784.

Foreign News.

SALONICA, (Turky in Europe)
ON the 6th inft. we had two fmart

fhocks of an earthquake. On the 8th, at half paft 8 in the morning, we had a very violent one, and in the fpace of a quarter of an hour three others, and eleven more within twenty four hours. Part of the city walls, a baguio, and fome other buildings were thrown down..

PARIS, (France) October 17.


IS Excellency Benjamin Franklin has lately given to Mr. Fleury, Major in the regiment Saintonge and Lieut. Colonel in the fervice of the United States, a medal which had been intended for him by Congrefs, after taking of fort Stony Point. This fort, though defended by 30 pieces of brafs cannon, and 600 chofen men, was taken in the night of the 15th of, July, 1779, by a detachment of 1100 Americans, under the command of General Wayne. Mr. de Fleury, who commanded the van guard,jump ed the firft into the English entrenchment, and lowered himself the English flag. The medal, intended to perpetuate the memory of this gallant action, reprefents on one fide the fort Stony Point, with this legend, Ag. geres, Paludes, Hoftes Via. And on the exergue Stony Point expug: xv. Jul. M,DCCLXXIX. On the other fide, a warrior taking a ftandard and trampling it under his feet, with this legend Virtutis et audacia Monum: et Premium. And on the exergue---D. Fleury, Equiti Gallo Primo, Super Muros, Refp: Amer: D. D.

December 7. Mankind have never gone fo far in natural philofophy as

they have lately. The original invention of Meffi'rs Montgolfier is daily brought to a higher degree of perfecti


The following detail will, I hope, fufficiently prove it: Mrs Charles

and Roberts, two celebrated academicians, have formed an areoftatic globe, which is covered in fuch a manner as to be proof againft winds, rains, and every other injury of the elements; beneath this globe they. have fixed a moft fuperb vehicle, in which feveral perfons may, fit withease, carry provifions, telescopes, a fmall furnace neceffary to feed the globe, and the proper pumps intended to diminish,or to encrease the quantity of their gas; thus prepared,they afcended, the other day, from the centre of the Tuilleries to an amazing height, in the prefence of an immenfe number of fpectators; they came down again to within fifteen feet of the ground, converfed with the people, and proceeded up again, fometimes accelerating, fometimes diminifhing their speed, to fhew that they could perfectly command the velocity of this machine. I was there; but words cannot exprefs the fingular mixture of terror and admiration which filled my mind, as well as the innumerable crowd which filed not only the gardens, but covered the roofs of all the adjacent houses. After having defcended four times, perceiving that a brisk wind fprung up from the north, they took leave of us, and told us they intended to fpend the night at, 31 miles diftant from Paris. After having raised themselves to an height fuperior to that of any of the feeples, we faw them traverse the whole city, wafted by the wind; and we have fince learnt that in a very little time they alighted at their intended deflination. Like mariners, they

they made ufe of a fair wind to pro-
ceed on their journey--the first ever
undertaken in fo new a machine, and
executed in that element.
In my
next I will not fail to inform you of
the time they employed.

American News.

KINGSTON, (Jamaica) Nov. 29. We are informed by a gentleman of undoubted veracity, who is juft arrived from Port-au Prince, that the harbour is crouded with American vessels, which are admitted to an entry on the fame footing as their own veffels trading to that place, and that liberty of trade is granted to them at the othe other ports of Hifpaniola, not withfanding what has been afferted to the contrary.

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ANNAPOLIS, January 16,
GRESS affembled, Jan. 14, 1784.
On the report of a committee to
whom were referred the definitive
treaty of peace between the United
States of America, and his Britan
nick Majefty, and the joint letter
of the 10th of September, from Mr.
Adams, Mr. Franklin and Mr.
Jay, Refolved unanimously, Nine,
States being prefent, That the faid
definitive treaty be, and the fame
is hereby ratified by the United,
"States in Congrefs affembled, in the
form following:

GRESS affembled.


WHEREAS definitive articles of

peace and friendship, between the United States of America and his Britannick Majefty, were concluded and figned at Paris, on the 3d day of September, 1783, by the Plenipotentiaries of the faid United States, and of his faid Britannick Majefty, duly and refpectively authorifed for that purpose; which definitive articles are in the words following."

[For which articles our readers are referred to the Bofton Magazine of December, 1783.]

And we the United States in Congrefs affembled, having feen and duly confidered the definitive articles aforefaid, did by a certain aft, under the


feal of the United States, bearing date this r4th day of January, 1784, approve, ratify and confirm the fame, and every part and clause thereof, engaging and promifing that we would fincerely and faithfully perform and obferve the fame, and never fuffer them to be violated by any one, or tranfgreffed in any manner as far as fhould be in our power: And being fincerely difpofed to carry the said articles into execution truly, honestly, and with good faith, according to the intent and meaning thereof, we have thought proper by these presents to notify the premises to all the good citizens of thefe United States, hereby requiring and enjoining all bodies of magistracy, legiflative, executive and, judiciary, all perfons bearing office, civil or military, of whatever rank, good citizens of thefe States of every degree or powers, and all others the vocation and condition, that reverencing thofe ftipulations entered into on their behalf, under the authority of that foederal bond by which their exiftence as an independent people is bound up together, and is known and acknowledged by the nations of the is every man's fureft guide within' world, and with that good faith which vocations, they carry into effect the their feveral offices,, jurifdictions and faid definitive articles, and every claufe and fentence thereof, fincerely, ftrictly and compleatly.

Given under the feal of the United, States. Witnefs his Excellency Thomas Mifflin, our Prefident, at Annapolis, this 14th day of Janua ry, 1784, and of the fovereignty and independence of the United States of America the eighth.

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GRESS affembled, Jan. 14, 1784.

States being prefent, That it be and RESOLVED unanimously, nine it is hereby earnestly recommended to the legislatures of the refpectiveStates, to provide for the reftitution of all eftates, rights and properties, which have been confifcated, belonging to real British fubjects; and alfo of the eftates, rights and properties, of perfons refident in diftris which were jefly's arms, at any time between the in the poffeffion of his Britannick Ma


goth day of November, 1782, and the 14th day of January, 1784, and who have not borne arms against the faid United States; and that perfons of any other defcription, fhall have free liberty to go to any part or parts of any of the Thirteen United States, and therein to remain twelve months, uhmolefted in their endeavours to ob- tain the reftiturion of fuch their efiates, rights and properties, as may have been confilcated; and it is alfo hereby earnestly recommended to the feveral fates, to reconfider and revife all their acts or laws regarding the premifes, fo as to render the faidlaws or acts perfectly confiftent, not only with juftice and equity, but with that fpirit of conciliation, which, on the return of the bieffings of peace, fhould univerfully prevail. And it is hereby alfo earnestly recommended to the feveral states, that the eftates, rights and properties of fuch laft mentioned perfons, thall be restored to them, they refunding to any perfons, who may be now in poffefion, the bona fida price (where any has been given) which fuch perfons may have paid, on purchafing any of the faid lands, rights or properties, fince the confifcation.

CHARLES THOMSON, Sec. We are informed that the ratification of the definitive treaty was immediately difpatched to the Minifters Plenipotentiary of the United States at Paris, under the care of Colonel Harmar, who fet out from this place early yesterday morning for New York, with a view of failing in a packet from that place to France, and that yesterday triplicate was order

ed to be fent under the care of Lieutenant-Colonel D. S. Franks, who was to let out with all difpatch, and take paffage in any other veffel which hall firft fail from any port eastward of Philadelphia.

PHILADELPHIA, January 14, We learn from different parts of the country, that confiderable dam. age has been done by the fudden and extraordinary rife of water, occafioned by the thaw and great rain laft, week The ftage from this city to Baltimore with fix paffengers was upfet in a run, four miles on the other Side of Hartford; the paffengers and driver narrowly escaped with their

lives, having been a confiderable time in the water, but the waggon and the whole of the baggage (in which is included a trunk having between 5 and 600 guineas in cafh, with bank notes and other papers of value) was totally loft.

BOSTON, February 22.

They write from Vienna, Capital of the German Empire, that the Empe-. ror has appointed the Sieur de Bealen to repair to thefe States in order to fettle a commercial treaty with Congrefs; and that the Emperor had caufed notice thereof to be given to all the Merchants throughout hisdominions

The General Affembly of Connecticut have incorporated the Towns of New London and New Haven with city privileges. city privileges. In confequence of which they have had meetings and elected the Mayors, Aldermen and commen Councilmen ot thofe cities. Roger Sherman, Efq; is elected Mayor of the city of New-Naven.

Mr. Morris, Financier of the United States of America, has advertised the Public, "That the United States are held to payment of monies in Amfterdam and Paris, for the principal and intereft of fums borrowed there; which payment will be provided for, out of the funds to be granted by the feveral States, in confequence of the recommendations of Congress in that behalf made,and that to reduce fuch payment in Europe, to precife fums in America, contracts must be entered into for the making of them. As it is probable therefore, that all will now fpeedily affent to the aforefaid recommendations already adopted by the greater part, the time for propofing, fuch contracts muft foon arrive, and confequently the perfons who may hereafter incline to offer propofals, would do well to obtain in time the neceffary informations and form the proper arrangements with their feveral correfpondents."

Feb. 23 On Wednesday morning laft, an infant (fuppofed to be about a week old) was found dead, concealed between two beds, in a chamber, at the fouth part of the town. A jury of inqueft being fummoned, returned their verdi& WILFUL MURDER. A young woman, supposed to be the mo ther, was foon after taken up‚and' committed to goal.


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