166 13. At M Pearce,in the ing fuflained L the fecond cor that town, 4% and daughters, had bleifed him dren: The fitt to bear the lan for a folemn de tual parent, whe of that church, I defcription: T cumflances Com the following an ried out twins, a and a twin bapt hift day of the w of the month, a the year." 13. In the fame Henry Webber, a Mrs. Di No. I. Frontispiece. 214 With the following EMBELLISHMENT S, viz. No. II. An elegant Likeness of the Rev. Samuel Cooper, D.D. &c. FREEMAN, N: WHITE and At their Office in Marshall's Lane, near the Bofton Stone. With the following EMBELLISHMENTS, viz. No. I. Frontispiece. No. II. An elegant Likeness of the Rev. Samuel Cooper, D. D. B O S TO N: Printed and Published by NOR MAN, WHITE and FREEMAN, At their Office in Marshall's Lane, near the Bofton Stone. SEN ENSIBLE of their obligations, the Editors of the Bos TON MAGAZINE, repeat their acknowledgments to their several Correfpondents, and afk the continuance of their favours. From the pieces prefented both in profe and verfe, they have felected fuch as they imagined would be mot entertaining to their readers. They do not deny fome mfrit to the reft, but it is their opinion, they are not fo well calculated for a Magazine. The proposals for a Poem upon the FALLS of NIAGARA were received with great pleasure. The author is defired to complete the work. The Editors have no doubt of his poetical talents, though he modeftly disclaims all pretensions to them. They once more defire that their correfpondents would tranfmit their pieces earlier in the Month: That they would mark fuch as are not original; and mention the work from whence they were taken. The Fifth Number is now fubmitted to their friends and readers. Should it be received with the fame candour which has been exercised towards their former publications, the Editors will think they have not been wholly unsuccessful in their attempt to amufe a vacant hour; and to relieve a mind oppreffed with more ferious application. N. B. The Effay on the English Univerfities was taken from an European Publication. ERRATA. Page 176, column 1. 1. 12. from bottom, dele and before underftanding. p. 186, col. 2. 1. 8th from bot. for luxurient r. luxuriant. 1.7 from bot. for or r. for. p. 187, col. 1, 1.4 from top, for unable r. enable. fame col. 26 1. from bot. for reclaim r.retain l. 21 from bot. for juft r. firft-1. 20 from bot. for affe&t r. effect. P. 192, col. 2, 1. 38 from bot. after laid add it. |