TH HE printers of a late publication, entitled the Boston Magazine, for October, 1783, fully fenfible of its many defects, think it their duty to confefs their plan many Sanguine, was the effect of hafte. But they flattered themselves with fupport, which has, in great measure, fail'd. Their motives however, were laudable and honeft. And they can fay with truth, they feel themfelves happy in the idea, that while they intended their own emolument, they believed, their defign, if carried into execution, would be productive of advantages both to individuals, and the public. however,as their expectations first were, they now find themfelves unequal to the task; and were they ftill deftitute of affistance, should submit to the neceffity of relinquishing the purfuit. But they feel themselves peculiarly happy to inform the public, that they now have the fullest affurance of fuch affiftance, as will, in all probability, render the future numbers (iv) Numbers more acceptable. The firft publication, they beg of their subscribers and others, may not be ranked among the numbers of the Boston Magazine: And fhall take the li berty of calling the Magazine for November, the first num ber. They cannot but hope, that their late publication being too hafty a production, will not fo operate as to hurt the original defign, or difcourage any future communications from gentlemen of taste and leisure. Should the Magazine be executed according to the original plan, the printers cannot but flatter themselves that every encouragement will be granted it, as fuch inftitutions not only afford amusement to individuals, but are countenanced by every principle of a free Republic. THE 酥 THE Boston Magazine, For NOVEMBER, 1783. Difquifition on rationai Chrifti- derate rafhnefs expunged from the anity. new-teftament every divine declaration, which agrees not exactly with their own notions of truth and rectiFrom a late Publication. tude; and this they have attempted ◄◄0 feveral learned and inge- by no other means, than by abfurd nious writers, fome doc- explanations, or by bold affertions trines of the chriftian reli- that they are not there, in dire& gion have appeared fo con- contradiction to the fenfe of language, tradictory to all the principles of rea- and the whole tenor of thofe writings; fon and equity, that they cannot af- as fome philofophers have ventured in fent to them, nor believe that they oppofition to all men's fenfes, and can be derived from the fountain of even to their own, to deny the exiftall truth and juftice. In order there- ence of matter, for no other reason, fore to fatisfy themfelves and others but because they find in it properties who may labour under the fame diffi- for which they are unable to account. culties, they have undertaken the ar- . Thus they have reduced chriftianity duous task of reconciling revelation to a mere fystem of Ethics, and retain and reafon; and great would have no part of it but the moral, which in been their merits, had they begun at fat is no characteristic part of it at the right end, that is, had they en- all, as this, though in a manner lefs deavoured to exalt the human under- perfect, makes a part of every religion Randing to the comprehenfion of the which ever appeared in the world, fublime doctrines of the gospel, rather This ingenious method of converting than to reduce thofe doctrines to the chriftianity into deifm, cannot fail of low ftandard of human reafon; but, acquiring many refpectable profelytes; unfortunately for themselves and ma- for every virtuous and pious man, By others, they have made choice of who would be a Chriftian if he could, the latter method, and, as the shortest that is, who reverences the name of way to effect it, have with inconfi- Chriftianity, but cannot affent to its tenets |