Again the lie, again the blows. 'Tis ftarling, thrush, and thrush and ftarling, You dog, you, my dear, my darling. At the request of a number of our readers, we infert the following favourite song of Rofline Caftle, fet to Mufic. T WA Sin the feafon of the year That Colin with the morning ray, With raptures warm,awake and fing; O hark my love! on ev'ry fpray, Come then my love, thy Colin'slay, With rapture calls, O come away; Come while the mufe this wreath fhall twine Around that modeft brow of thine: O hither hafte! And with thee bring That beauty blooming like the fpring; I've neither limb nor feature Men's hands have form'd my f {mooth, My guts were made by nature Nor male nor female is my fex, You'll fcarce believe my trot For when I've told you all my t You'll fwear 'tmuft needs be For oft my mafter lies with me His wife I oft enjoy ; Yet fhe's no whore, no cuckold And true to both am I. My cloaths, nor women fit no They're neither coat nor go Yet oft both men and maidens, They're naked, have them o When I'm upon my legs Ilie, Yet legs in truth I've none; And never am I feen fo high To rife, as when I'm down. What's oft my belly is oft my And what my feet my head And though I'm up, I have a Of being ftill a bed. And half of a veffel, that wh are dry, The Sheep and the Bramble- If full,I think all you will fupply. Join all thefe together, and t will fee, Monthly Chronologer for November, 1783.. Foreign News. COPENHAGEN, September 9. Accounts are received from Iceasd, of a violent eruption having tak place in that island, upon the 8th of June. Several villages have been deftroyed, and a confiderable tract of the country is buried under immenfe depths of lava: The new inland alfo continues to emit great quantities of Ere, and was fill encreafing when the laft Chips came from thence. Letters from Iceland, of the 24th Julyl contain the moft.difmal detail of the devaftations occasioned by the liva, and affirm that the eruptions continued even to that date. LONDON, September 23. Laft night one of the King's meffeagers, difpatched by his Grace the Duke of Manchester, arrived with the Moft Chriftian and Catholic Kings ratifications of the definitive treaties of peace, figned the 3d of this month, which were exchanged with his Grace, against those of his Majefty, on the 19th inftant, at Versailles, by the Ambaffador and Plenipotentiary of their Moft Chriftian and Catholic Majefties. On this occafion the Tower and Park guns were fired this day at one one o'clock. The ratification of the preliminary "This day the guns fired, for the capture of Hyder-nagur and the Bedanore country, by General Matthews; by this fuccefs three battali ons of Seapoys, taken with Col. Baillie, have been liberated and added to the British army. "The French fleet are gone from Cuddalote, except a line of battle fhip and a frigate. No certain accounts of Monf. Buffy's arrival. There is ftill a talk of peace with Tippoo." By the KING. A PROCLAMATION. GEORGE R. WHEREAS a definitive treaty of Moft Chriftian King, and the King of peace and friendship between Us, the Spain, hath been concluded at Verfailles, on the third day of this inftant, September, and the ratification thereof have been exchanged upon the nineteenth inftant; in conformity thereunto, we have thought fit hereby to command, that the fame be published throughout all our dominions: And we do declare to all our loving fubjects, our will and pleasure, that the faid treaty of peace and friendfhip be obferved inviolably, as welt by fea as land, and in all places whatfoever; Ari&ly charging and commanding all our loving fubjects to take notice hereof, and conform themfelves accordingly. Given at our Court,at St. James's, the twenty-fixth day of September, one thousand feven hundred and eighty-three, in the twentythird year of our reign. God fave the King. American News. CHARLESTOWN, (S. C.) Of. 11. By an act paffed in our affembly on the 13th of Auguft, moft articles of American produce imported, are fubject to a duty of two and a half per cent. This has occafioned great murmurings in feveral of the fifter ftates. Private letters are filled with complaints about it. A correfpond ent ent fays, it was impofed through mere overfight and inadvertency, and will certainly be taken off at the next affembly." BALTIMORE, 08. 17. On the 30th ult Congrefs refolved, "That the Secretary of War iffue to all officers in the army, under the rank of Major-General, who hold the fame rank that they held in the year 1777, a brevet commiffion one grade higher than their prefent rank, hav ing refpect to their feniority, and that commiffions for full Colonels be granted to Lieut. Colonels of 1777, the refolutions of 27th of May, 1778, notwithstanding," PHILADELPHIA, His Excellency General Washington, by General Orders iffued at Rocky Hill Nov.2, 1783, (wrote in a moft elegant and affectionate file) took his leave of the Armies of the United States. UNITED STATES in CONGRESS Affembled, October 25, 1783. THE Prefident having this day laid before Congrefs, a letter from the onorable P. J. Van Berekel, inclofing a copy of a letter of credence, by which it appears that he is appointed Ivinifier Plenipotentiary from their High Mightinefies the States General of the United Netherlands,to the United States of America; and the faid Minifter having requested to be in formed, when and where Congrefs will admit him to an audience, RESOLVED. That the faid honorable P. J. Van Berekel, be received as Minifier Plenipotentiary from their High Mightieffes the States General of the United Netherlands, and that agreeable to his requeft, he be admitted to a public audience in Congrefs: That the Congrefs room in Princeton, on Thursday next, at noon, be appointed as the time and place of fuch audience. That the Superintendant of Fihange and Secretary at War, or either of them, perform on this occafion the duties affigned to the Secretary fo foreign affairs, in the ceremoni refpecting foreign Minifters ; and the they inform the fupreme executive of New Jersey and Pennfylvania, h Excellency the Commander in Chie the honorable the Minifter Plenip tentiary of France, and fuch civil an military Gentlemen as are in or ne Princetown, of the public audience be given to the honorable Minift Plenipotentiary of their High Might neffes the States General of the Un ed Netherlands. ORDERED, That the Superi tendant of Finance and Secretary War, or either of them, take ord for an entertainment to be given the public expence, to the honoral P. J. Van Berekel, Minifter Plenip tentiary from their High M ghtine the States General of the United N therlands to the United States America. OCTOBER 29, 1783. A letter of the 29th, from the h orable P. J. Van. Berekel was rea whereupon RESOLVED, That the audie to be given to the faid Minifter, poftponed til Friday next. OCTOBER 31, 1783. According to order, the bonora P. J. Vani Berekel, Minifter Pleni tentiary from their High Mightine the States General of the United therlands, was admitted to an a ence. And upon being introduced, addreffed Congrefs in a fpeech. which the following is a tranflat Gentlemen of the Congrefs, PREVIOUS to my laying be you the commiffion, with which t High Might ineffes the States Gen of the United Netherlands have nored me, permit me to exprefs joy I feel on finding myself this in this affembly, and meeting t illuftrious men whom the prefen admires, and whom pofterity wi ways point to as models of pat ifm, and whofe merits eternity can alone recompenfe. While all Europe kept its eyes ed on your exploits,their High M neffes could not refrain from feriously interefting themselves t in, recollecting as they always |