20 29.48 24,549 W. SE. 59128 33 W. fair. N E. 6. cloudy,ftor.ra,&fa. cloudy, fair. fnow. 18 27.531 24-25 N E. to N W. 4. (now & rain, fair. 549,5 14 175 NW. fair. do. E. fair, cloudy, fnow. fair, 68 11 14 7 S W. cloudy, fair. 26 82 84 90 17 23 48 S W. fair, hazy. no. cloudy, fair. The Obfervations are taken at 8 o'clock, at 1, and at 9, in the W. SW. N W. AN ALPHABETICAL INDE X, To the BOSTON VOL. I. Effays, Differtations, Anecdotes, Occurrences, &c. &c. MADEIRA, Defcription of Mau, on, 178, 228, 289. 269. Married Women, advice to,, ragement of, N. 432, 555. N News, Foreign, 35, 77, 119, 160,205, 256, 303, 35, 399, 447, 497, 534, 575, 624. 498-535,575,625. New Teftament Chriftian (wered, an- .567. BITUARY, 121,165, 213, 261, Obfervator's Addrefs, Old Age, Triumph over, Obfervations upon this question, 47. EMPLE's Style,Chara&er of, 91. Trillotion's Style, Character of, 91 Treaty of Peace, between Ruffia 225. of Amity and Commerce, V. ENONI, and Louifa, Story of, Verfailles, Defcription of, Vice, the progress of, 117. 562, 611. 471. 411. 338. 461, 511. Character and Death of, 361. 195. 280. V Oddity, an, 129. Officer's Addrefs to Gen. Wah- ington, 45. Voltaire, Prayer of, P. Petition of dilcarded U, 24. Philofophical Queftrons, 436. Plan for ten new States, 254. Pleasure, on, 482. Poem, Proposals for, 196. 100. Peltzen, County affecting ATIENCE, Thoughts on, Poetry, on, Preliminary articles of Peace, between his Britannic Ma- W. AR, on the Folly and Wick- Calamities of, 249. 127. Warren, Maj. Gen. Memoirs of, 221. 43, 83. Water, New method of drawing, 457. account of confecrating,at St.P.460. Weather, Judgment of the, 234. jefty, and the Moft Chrif Wind, Obfervations on the, 235. tian King, 203. Proclamation, 255. Whale Fishing, account of, |