: T PREFACE. HE PUPLISHERS of the BOSTON MAGAZINE present their grateful acknowledgements to their cuftomers;-And, while they thank them for their favours, beg leave to express a consciousness of having done the best in their power to fulfil their own engagements, and rencier the work equally entertaining and accceptable to the public. The very favourable reception it hath met with is evidenced by the encreasing number of subscribers, and amply rewards their attention and affiduity. Original pieces compose one third of the Volume, which, to say nothing of their merit, make up an equal proportion with the European Publications of the same kind, and is as much as can be expected from a new country, just emerging from the calamities of war, in the dawn of public literature» and amidst a variety of scenes fitted to engage the attention of people, many of whom, at a season of greater leisure, might employ their pens upon literary subjects, and afford speculations equally instructive and amusing. If any fault has been alledged against the Magazine, it is that of being rather grave than sprightly, which is what we would avoid, as every extreme is disagreeable ;-yet had we rather hear this observation, of the two, than that it is trifling, superficial, or ludicrous. We wish to please the variety of of taftes, and our compliments wait on the witty as well as the wife; we trust that, with their assistance, our next Volume will be a more miscellaneous production, and give new fatisfaction and pleasure. The Publishers indulge a pride in thinking, that this Volume will be preserved in the LIBRARIES of men of taste and literature, and that they will find it a useful repository. -And, in a word, fat fapienti, as the old phrase is, that they will be so much pleased with it, as to leave room on the SHELVES for the succeeding FRUITS of their labour. : With the following EMBELLISHMENTS, viz. No. I. A Glass House. No. II. The Interview. No. III. A Song set to Music, Printed and Published by NORMAN & WHITE, at their Office in Marshall's Lane, near the Boston Stone. A Crown Glass House, with the men at Work. No. 1. the melting furnace. 2 The flashing furnace. 3 The cooling furnace. 4. A man blowing a globe for Crown glass. 5. A man flashing out a sheet of crown glass. 6. A man putting a sheet of glass into the cool ing furnace to cool. ! L Acknowledgments to our Correspondents. K's Instructions preparatory to the Marriage state • appear to be the production of one not sufficient) used to Composition. Adam's Lines, in praise of Women, are not corred enough for the public Eye. : The Enigmatical Lift of Preachers is under confide ation. The Imitation of the 34 Ode of Horace is received ar shall have a place in the next Number. Linnæus's System of Zoology will be pursued in some f ture Numbers; and better accommodated to the Engli reader. *** In page 25,column 1. line 7 from the bottom dele to, li 4 from the bottom, add to after "continuing." In the 31st in the Poetry for " Memesis," read Nemesis. |