And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment ; that ye may approve things that are excellent ; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ ; being filled with the fruits of righteousness,... The Boston magazine - Page 510Full view - About this book
| Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 pages
...being fruitful in every good Work, and increa(ing in the Knowledge of God. d Let your Love abound yet more and more, in Knowledge, and in all Judgment ; that ye may be filled with the Fruits of Righteoufnefs, which are by Jefus Chrift, unto the Glory and Praife of... | |
| Anthony Pearson - 1720 - 318 pages
...if Chrift wasjuft then about to appear, That ye may approve "Things that are ex- Phihi.ioi cellent, that ye may be fmcere and without Offence till the Day of Chrijl : Let your Moderation be known c^' *• '* unto all Men, the Lord is at Hand. And James and... | |
| William Darrell - 1736 - 340 pages
...Mi I pray, that your love may abtund yet more and more in knowledge^ and in all judg-> tnent \ 10. That ye may approve things that are excellent \ that ye may be fincere. and -without offence till the fry of Chrift, 11. Being filled with the fruits of right eoufnefs.,... | |
| Thomas Foxcroft - 1737 - 88 pages dear Colleague, your other Paftor! And this I pray t that your Love may abound yet more and mere in Knowledge and in all Judgment ; that ye may approve ^Things that are excellent, and continue in the "Things which ye have learned, and be watchful to firengthen the Things which remain... | |
| 1737 - 470 pages
...And this I pray, that your love may abound, yet more and more in knowledge, and in all judgment. 10 That ye may approve * things that are excellent, that ye may be fincere, and without oftence till the day of Chrill ; 1 1 Being filled with the -fruits of righteoiifnefs,... | |
| William Cooper (of Boston, Mass.) - 1740 - 160 pages
...theapoftles prayer for the Philippians, i chap. 9, 10, nv This I pray that pur love may abound ytt more and more in knowledge, and . in all judgment ,• that ye may approve things that are excellent • ( or, as the margin reads it, try things that differ; ) that ye may be fincere. and without oJKsce... | |
| John Straight - 1741 - 594 pages
...comprehend 'with all Saints, &c. And again, Phil. i. p, i o. and this I pray, that your Love may abound yet more and more in Knowledge and in all Judgment, that ye may approve things that ar: excellent. St. Paul {ays of the Roman;, Ch. xv. Ver. 14. that they were full of Goodnefs, filled'with... | |
| Stephen Weston (bp. of Exeter.) - 1747 - 540 pages
...Apoftle |for bis^Pbilippians mall make the Conclufiori. This I pray , that your Love roay abound yet more and more in Knowledge and in all Judgment ; that ye. may approve Stings that are excellent ; thbtyemay be fafere and without Offence till the Day of Cbri/l, being filled... | |
| John Abernethy - 1748 - 414 pages
...the ift chapter of the epiftle to the Philippians from the gth verfe, " that your love may abound yet more " and more in knowledge and in all judgment : " That ye may approve things that are ex" cellent, that ye may be fincerf, and without " offence till the day of Chrift. Being filled c<... | |
| 1765 - 512 pages
...greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jefus Chrift. And this I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge, and in all judgment: That ye may approve C ' ' """ " " E e 2 "". . . . . - Paraphrafe on the Cdlefl for the fwtMy fecond Sunday aftir Trimity.... | |
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