A Book of Children's LiteratureLillian Hollowell Rinehart, 1950 - Всего страниц: 697 |
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Стр. 73
... mother wanted to talk with her alone in her bed- room ; but she minded what the White Bear had said , and wouldn't go upstairs . “ Oh , what we have to talk about will keep , " she said , and put her mother off . But somehow or other ...
... mother wanted to talk with her alone in her bed- room ; but she minded what the White Bear had said , and wouldn't go upstairs . “ Oh , what we have to talk about will keep , " she said , and put her mother off . But somehow or other ...
Стр. 516
... Mother Goose rhymes ? For those set to music , see Sing Mother Goose and Songs from Mother Goose . 11. Examine some books of nursery rhymes of different countries : Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes , Picture Rhymes from Foreign Lands ...
... Mother Goose rhymes ? For those set to music , see Sing Mother Goose and Songs from Mother Goose . 11. Examine some books of nursery rhymes of different countries : Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes , Picture Rhymes from Foreign Lands ...
Стр. 517
... Mother Goose . Music for thirteen of the twenty - four . Jolly Rhymes of Mother Goose . Edited by Watty Piper . Illustrated by Lois Lenski . New York : The Platt & Munk Company , 1932. ( P ) The Little Mother Goose . Illustrated by ...
... Mother Goose . Music for thirteen of the twenty - four . Jolly Rhymes of Mother Goose . Edited by Watty Piper . Illustrated by Lois Lenski . New York : The Platt & Munk Company , 1932. ( P ) The Little Mother Goose . Illustrated by ...
Iktomi and the Ducks | 108 |
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adventures Aesop answered asked Beast beautiful began Beowulf birds Brer Brer Fox brother castle child Childe Rowland Court Jester cried Crocodile door dragon duck eyes fables Fairy Fairy Tales Fairyfoot father fell flew G. P. Putnam's Sons Giant girl gold golden grew hand head heard heart Hercules horse Hudden Iktomi Illus Illustrated J. B. Lippincott Company King knew Little Georgie lived Loki looked Macmillan Company Madame Suzie maiden Miss Hickory Mole Monkey moon morning mother Mouse never Newbery award night old witch once palace Pecos Bill Perseus Pinocchio poor Prince Rabbit round Scarface Simeon sleep soon stood stories Swallow Swan Maiden tell thing thou thought Thumbelisa Ting-a-ling told took trated tree Turilira voice Wind woman wonderful York young