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lifted up their Eyes, they saw no Man, fave Jesus only. And, as they came down from the Mountain, Jefus charged them, Saying, Tell the Vision to no Man, until the Son of Man be risen again from the


UR Saviour's Transfiguration was an Event of a very extraordinary Nature, and which well deserveth our most attentive Confideration. In my former Discourses on this Subject, after having made some Observations upon the Manner in which the Evangelists introduce the Relation they give us of it, I confidered the wonderful Change that then passed upon our Lord, with Respect to his outward bodily Apppearance: His Face did Shine as the Sun, and his Raiment was white as the Light. I then proceeded to confider what is here related concerning Mofes and Elias's appearing in Glory, and converfing with him about his Decease, which he should accomplish at Jerufalem. The last Thing that was observed was the Testimony which was given to our blessed Lord by a Voice from the Cloud of Glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye bim.

It now remaineth that, according to the Order proposed, we consider the Effect

which all this had upon his Disciples who were Eye-witnesses of that wonderful Event.

St. Luke informs us, that Peter and they that were with him were heavy with Sleep : And, when they were awake, they saw his Glory, and the two Men that stood with him. Luke ix. 32. Whilst our Lord was praying, perhaps at some Distance from the Disciples, and probably continued for a confiderable Time, as he frequently did in that sacred Exercise, they became heavy with Sleep. And this is the less to be wondered at, if, as some suppose, the Night was by this Time pretty far advanced; for it was probably in the Evening that our Lord afcended the Mount with his Disciples; and it appears from Luke ix. 37, that they did not come down from the Hill till the next Day. As they were afleep, they did not fee when the glorious Change came first upon our Lord, or when Mofes and Elias first came from Heaven to visit him. But God ordered it so, that they awaked in the Midst of all that Glory. And we may more easily conceive than express the Surprise and Astonishment they were in, when, upon opening their Eyes, they beheld the unutterable dazzling Splendor and Radiancy of our Lord's Countenance, shining like the Mid-day Sun; and faw two of the Inhabitants

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Inhabitants of the heavenly World appearing in Glory and converfing with him. And, if this happened whilst it was yet Night, or the Morning but beginning to dawn, the Sight was still more glorious and amazing. This no Doubt put all their Powers in Motion, and roused their Senses to a vigorous Exercise; their Attention became strongly engaged, so that they found themselves thoroughly awakened, and could be as fure of it as any Man can be of what he hears and fees. But who can describe the Paffions of Wonder, Love, and Joy, that then seized and possessed their Minds, to find themselves at once transported as it were into Heaven itself! Such and more joyful may we suppose will be the Surprise of the pious Soul, when, upon it's leaving the Body, it shall be carried by Angels into the Regions of Bliss. It was but a few Moments before imprisoned in a diseased Body, exposed to manifeft Sorrows and Evils, in a State of Darkness and Infirmity; but now all Things are new, it is entered into the Paradife of God, and a most glorious and delightful Scene openeth to it's View.

How long the Disciples continued in this joyful Surprise we cannot tell. But it may be reasonably concluded, that this wonderful Appearance was observed and beheld by them for fome Length of Time, fufficient

fufficient to convince them that it was not a

mere Illusion of their own Imagination, but a glorious Reality. They gazed with Astonishment upon the Splendors that surrounded them; they distinctly saw our Lord Jesus Christ and those that were with him; they heard the Converfation they had together, by which they found out that the Persons they then beheld in human Shape arrayed with Glory, and converfing with Jefus, were Mofes and Elias. They observed the Subject of their Conversation, that it was about our Lord's Decease, which be should accomplish at Jerufalem; a Thing which they themselves had heard him speaking of before, but which was so contrary to their preconceived Notions and Prejudices, that they could not well receive and understand it. All this they heard and faw for some Time with filent Admiration. Their Souls were rapt up in sacred Extafy, but not a Word broke forth from their Lips. Thus it continued till they found Mofes and Elias were going to depart, and then Peter, who through the Fervency of his Spirit was usually the most forward of all the Disciples on such Occafions, could no longer contain. He could not help expressing his Defire that this glorious Sight and Conversation might be of a longer Continuance: He Said unto Jefus, Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here; if thou wilt, let us make here three Tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. The Evangelist Luke informeth us, that he spake these Words, as they, viz. Mofes and Elias, departed from Jefus. Luke ix. 33. And he observes that he knew not what be faid. He did not confider what he was saying, or else he would never have proposed to build Tabernacles for the heavenly Inhabitants here on Earth: As if they were to quit their blissful Manfions above, and to return and dwell in this State of Sorrow and Infirmity; or to exchange that Building of God, that House not, made with Hands, eternal in the Heavens, for Houses of Clay, whose Foundation is in the Dust. And certainly, if we formed a right Notion of Things, we would never so much as wish for the Return of the best and dearest Friends that are gone from us to Heaven. The only proper With in that Case is, that we may imitate their Faith, their Holiness and Patience, and be fitted for that glorious World where we may hope to join with them and the whole Church triumphant above in their sacred and delightful Exercises. Peter, instead of thinking to build Tabernacles for Moses and Elias here on Earth, should have thought how to imitate those excellent Persons in their eminent

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