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And as he was thus diligent in the more secret and private Exercises of Devotion, by himself and with his Apostles; so be was no less affiduous in the Exercises of public Worship. It was his constant Practice to frequent the Synagogues on the SabbathDays; and there he joined with the public Assemblies in Prayer and Praise, and in hearing or reading the holy Scriptures, and giving Exhortations from them; which were the usual stated Parts of the Synagogue Service: He himself gave an excellent Example of a right and profitable Obfervation of the Sabbeth, though he justly guarded against the superstitious Excess to which the Pharisees had carried it. We find him also frequently at the Temple on their folemn Festivals; and, as he was made under the Law, fo no Doubt he was careful and exact in observing the Rites and Ordinances prescribed in the Law, nor could his bitterest Enemies ever charge him with neglecting or transgreffing them, though they took Notice, that he and his Disciples transgreffed the Traditions of the Elders. Matt. XV. 2. Luke xi. 38. He came to John to be baptised of him, and when John faid to him, with Astonishment, I have Need to be baptised of thee, and comest thou to me? He gave this Reason for it, Thus it becomX 4 eth eth me to fulfil all Righteousness. Matt. iii, 14, 15. What was faid, in a more imperfect Sense, of Zachariah and Elifabeth might be justly applied to him, with the greatest Propriety, and in it's utmost Extent, that he was righteous before God, and walked in all the Commandments and Ordinances of the Lord blameless.


Thus have we confidered our Saviour's Character, with Relation to his Temper and Conduct towards God, bis heavenly Father. It appeareth that his whole Life was a Life of Devotedness to God; the Serving and Glorifying him was the principal End he had in View, and the Business to which he applied himself, with unwearied Ardour, Zeal, and Diligence. He yielded a perfect Obedience to all the Divine Commands, and an intire Refignation to the Will of God in all Things, even in the most difficult Instances. And he was also affiduous in immediate Acts of Devotion, and the Exercises of religious Worship, both public and private.. Thus hath he left us a perfect Example, with Respect to the Duties we owe to God. Nor was he less exemplary in Charity and Benevolence towards Mankind; which is what I propose to shew in the farther Prosecution of this Subject.


On the Example of Chrift.



And walk in Love, as Christ also hath loved us.


HE principal Ingredients in a good and excellent Character are Piety towards God, and Charity and Benevolence towards Mankind; and of both these our Lord Jesus Christ hath exhibited to us a most perfect Example. The latter is what we are now to confider. St. Paul, when he here exhorteth Christians to walk in Love, very properly urgeth the Example of Christ, as what should have a great Influence to engage them to it: Walk in


Love, as Christ also hath loved us. gave many fignal Proofs of his disinterested Benevolence and Loving-Kindness towards Mankind through the Course of his facred Life, but especially in the last concluding Scene of it, when he gave himself for us (as the Apostle here addeth) an Offering and a Sacrifice to God of a sweet-smelling Savour: And accordingly, when aur Saviour layeth it as his special Commandment upon his Disciples, that they should love one another, he proposeth his own Love to them, as furnishing both the most engaging Motive to mutual Love, and the most amiable and perfect Pattern of it: This is my Commandment (faith he) that ye love one another, as I have loved you. John

XV. 12.

The Instances and Proofs of Christ's Benevolence and Love to Mankind are so many and various, that it is not easy to make a distinct Enumeration of them.

His benevolent Difpofition appeared in the admirable Precepts of Love that dropped from his Lips: When he summed up the whole Law, it was in Love, in Love to God, and Love to our Neighbour, and by our Neighbour he hath taught us to understand, not merely those of the same City, Nation, or Religion with ourselves, but all Mankind, fo as to be ready to do them Good, as far



as we have Ability and Opportunity. Not only hath he forbidden the Rendering Evil for Evil, but he hath commanded us to render Good for Evil, to love our Enemies, to bless them that curse us, and to pray for them that despitefully use us and perfecute us; which is carrying Benevolence to the noblest Height. And his own Temper and Practice was every Way answerable to the Excellency of his Doctrine: He was the living unspotted Image of the fupreme Goodness and Benevolence. Not only was he far from injuring or wronging any Man, or doing the least Act of Injustice or Violence; but he went about doing Good, as St. Peter speaks, Acts x. 38. His Life was one constant Series of the most beneficent Acts of Goodness to the Bodies and to the Souls of Men. The Design of his Coming was, as he himself representeth it, to seek and to fave that which was lost, Luke xix. 10. He came to preach the Gofpel to the Poor, to heal the Broken-hearted, to preach Deliverance to the Captives, and Recovering of Sight to the Blind, to fet at Liberty them that are bruised. Luke iv. 18. He condescended to converse with the Pooreft, the Meanest, and even with those that were called Publicans and Sinners, that he might have an Opportunity of instructing them, and bringing them to a fincere Repentance :

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