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On Chrift's Authority as a Teacher.


MATTHEW vii. 28, 29.

And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these Sayings, the People were astonished at his Doctrine. For he taught them as one having Authority, and not as the Scribes.


AVING in some former Dif courses offered several Obfervations concerning the Excellency of our Saviour's Teaching, I now come to confider that which giveth Weight to all the rest, and in which he was eminently superior to all others that ever appeared under the Character of Teachers,

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viz. the Divine Authority with which he taught. This was so remarkable, that the People could not help observing the signal Difference there was in this Respect between him and the Scribes, who were Teachers of the greatest Reputation among them. It was especially after Jesus had finished his admirable Sermon on the Mount, that the People made this Reflection. They were astonished at his Doctrine; at it's fuperior Purity and Excellency, so far tranfcending any thing they had ever heard before; and they were also aftonished at the Authority and commanding Power with which he spoke. He taught them as one having Authority, and not as the Scribes. The Scribes were the principal authorized Teachers among them. They had all the Authority which the chief Priefts Elders, the Heads of the Jewish Church and Nation, were able to give them. But the Authority Christ claimed was of a far higher Kind. He did not found his Doctrine, as the Scribes were wont to do, upon the Authority of their ancient Doctors and great Masters of Tradition. On the contrary, having shewn in several Instances what were their Gloffes in the Interpretation of the Law, he with great Solemnity declared against their Decifions in several


Matters of no small Importance; to which




he opposed his own Determinations, in a Manner which plainly shewed, that he taught as having an Authority superior to theirs, an Authority not derived merely from Men, but from above. Thus the People understood it, and this seems to be what they principally intended in saying, that He taught as one having Authority, and not as the Scribes; i. e. as one having an extraordinary Divine Authority and Commiffion, which was what the Scribes, who were not Prophets, nor had the Power of working Miracles, could not pretend to.

But it may also farther signify, that he taught with a wonderful Gravity and Dignity, with a Power and Energy that struck and penetrated the Soul; whereas the Scribes taught in a cold, formal, lifeless Way, that made little Impression upon the Heart. That Character given of the Word of God, Heb. iv. 12, might well be applied to our Saviour's Teaching: The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged Sword, piercing even to the Dividing afunder of Soul and Spirit, and of the Joints and Marrow, and is a Difcerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart. And this particularly appeared in the great Effects his Preaching had even upon many of those that were called Publicans and Sinaers, in bringing them to a fincere Repentance.



pentance. Another Thing here intended may be, that in his Teaching he was above being influenced by the Fear of Men, or Respect of Persons. What the Pharifees and Herodians faid to him, though with a Design of infnaring him, was literally true: Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the Way of God in Truth, neither carest thou for any Man, for thou regardest not the Perfon of Man. Matt. xxii. 16. So the People elsewhere observe, that he spake boldly, John vii. 26, with a noble Liberty and Confidence, as knowing his own Divine Dignity and Authority.

Accordingly, notwithstanding all the Prejudices conceived against him on the Account of the Meanness of his Appearance, and the carnal Notions which then prevailed of the Meffiah and his Kingdom, notwithstanding the Oppofition made to him by the chief Priests and Heads of the Jewish Nation, yet there were great Numbers that believed in him; and not only among the People, but even among the chief Rulers too, though they were deterred from openly profeffing it. John xii. 42. And though their Faith was for a While very much shaken, and almost extinguished by his Crucifixion; yet, after his Refurrection, and the extraordinary Effusion of the Holy

Ghost, which helped to remove the Pre

judices judices arifing from his Sufferings and Death, the vast and sudden Increase of the Converts to Christianity at Jerufalem was no doubt very much owing to their having been prepared for it by our Saviour's own admirable Instructions and Miracles, during the Course of his personal Ministry.

This may fuffice to shew what it is that is probably intended here, when the People speak of Chrift's Teaching with Authority, and not as the Scribes. But I shall now treat the Subject in a larger Extent, and shall more fully and distinctly confider the Authority with which our Lord spake, and thew that in this he is vastly superior to all other Teachers.


First, He taught as a Prophet immediately fent and commiffioned by God; and on this Account must needs have an Authority much fuperior to that of any uninspired human Teacher. For, let them be never so learned and knowing, never fo fincere and impartial Lovers of Truth, they are liable to Mistake; especially in Things that relate to the Divine Administrations, the Laws and Counsels of God, the Rewards it will please him to confer, and the Punishments he will inflict, and his Acts of Grace and Favour, which depend upon the free Determinations of his all-comprehending Wisdom, and of which,

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