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appointed him, as Moses also was faithful in all his House as a Servant, for a Testimony of these Things which were to be spoken after: But Christ as a Son over his own House. Heb. iii. 2, 5. This whole Difpensation which was instituted by the Ministry of Mofes, at the Command of God, was properly designed to be subservient and preparatory to that most perfect and glorious Dispensation, which was to be introduced by our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Fulness of Time. It contained the Shadow of Things to come, as the Apostle speaks, but the Body is of Christ. Finally, Moses himself prophefied of our Lord Jesus Christ, under the Character of a Prophet that should arife from among them, like unto him, i. e. one that was to bring in a new Difpenfation, and a System of Laws in the Name of God; one that was to be a Lawgiver; and in this Respect like Mofes, but vastly superior. warns Ifrael to hearken unto him when he should come to them, and intimates that, if they refused to do so, God would require it at their Hands. Deut. xviii. 15-19. On all these Accounts it appeareth that, if it seemed fit to God to appoint that any one of the ancient Saints and holy Men of God, who had lived in former Ages,


should attend our Lord Jesus Christ at his Transfiguration,

Transfiguration, none was more proper than Moses.

As to Elias, his Character was also highly remarkable. God raised him up at a Time when Ifrael was sunk into the greateft Corruption and Degeneracy, when they had almost totally apostatised from the only living and true God, who had taken them for his People by a special Covenant Relation, to the Idolatry of the Heathens, and had caft off his Law and Worship, and revolted unto Baal. At such a Time as this was Elias raised up, that, by the exemplary Purity and Strictness of his Life, by his unfhaken Constancy, and fervent Zeal, in Oppofition to all the Bribes and Terrors of this World, and by the glorious Miracles he performed, he might restore and vindicate the Honour of God's Law, and the Purity of his Worship, and bear Testimony for it against the prevailing Corruption and Idolatry of that Age. Accordingly more and greater Miracles are wrought by Elijah than had been wrought for many hundred Years, from the Time of Mofes to that Day. He even raised the Dead, which Mofes himself had not done. So it pleased God to order it, to give a greater Weight to his Ministry, and to the Warnings and Exhortations he gave the People of Ifrael in his Name; and the more effectually


effectually to awaken them to a holy Reverence of that God from whom they had departed, when they saw such awful Difplays of his Divine Majesty and Glory among them, so infinitely superior to all their Idol Deities. And, finally, he gave a most illustrious Testimony to Elijah, by taking him up bodily into Heaven, without feeing Death; a Privilege and Honour never allowed to any of the human Race, except to him and to Enoch; both of whom were Persons that had dared to be fingular in standing up for the Cause of Religion and Virtue, in a very corrupt and degenerate Age. And now Elias had a new and fignal Honour done him in being chosen along with Moses to wait upon our Lord at his glorious Transfiguration. What made it still more proper that Elias should appear on this Occafion, was, that it had been foretold by the Prophet Malachi, that God would fend Elijah before the Coming of the great and dreadful Day of the Lord. Mal iv. 5. This the Jews understood, as fignifying that Elias was to come in Perfon, and prepare the Way before the Meffiah. And though our Saviour directeth us to understand it principally of John the Baptist, who went before him in the Spirit and Power of Elias; yet this very Prediction, and the Expecta




tion the Jews had formed, shewed how very properly it was appointed, that Elias, as well as Mofes, should be chosen to attend upon our Lord at his Transfiguration. Both of them were fignally eminent for their personal Virtues and Excellencies, and for their Divine Mission and Character. The one was the Giver of the Law; the other was the greatest of the subsequent Prophets, and might be regarded as the Representative of them all, and a most zealous and illustrious Reformer in a Time of great Corruption. Both were eminently datinguished by the Miracles they performed,' and were Persons for whom the Jews had the profoundest Veneration. And it must have tended very much to recommend the Gospel of Jesus to their Esteem, when it came to be known that Mofes and Elias, the two most remarkable Persons under the Old Testament, concurred to give Testimony to our Lord, and to his Divine Miffion.

The Jews were for oppofing Mofes to Christ. The Pharifees and Rulers of the Jews faid to the Man that had been blind from his Birth, whom Jesus had healed, Thou art his Difciple, we are Mofes's Disciples. We know that God Spake unto Moses: As for this Fellow, we know not whence he is. John ix. 28, 29. But there was no Oppofition between Mofes and Jejus



Jesus. Moses had foretold his Coming, and directed Ifrael to look for him, as hath been already observed. And hence our Lord faith to the Jews, Had ye believed Mofes, ye would have believed me; for be wrote of me. John v. 46. And, as he had wrote of him, it was so ordered that he came in Person to visit him, whilst he was in the Days of his Flesh here on Earth. This shewed the intire Harmony there was between them; and so there was between the Dispensations they introduced: For the Law of Mofes was designed to be fubfervient to the evangelical Dispensation, and to prepare the Way for it. Accordingly our Saviour faith of himself, that he came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfil it, to answer the true Design and End of it, to confirm and establish it's moral Precepts, to fulfil the Intention of it's typical and shadowy Rites and Ceremonies, and to accomplish and verify the Predictions and Promises there contained. Thus the Old Testament and the New bear Witness to one another, they derive mutual Strength and Light the one to the other, and it is certainly a delightful Thing to contemplate Mofes and Elias thus harmonifing with Jesús.

The Saints under the Old Testament, and those of the New, belong to one and

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