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in many Instances, we cannot pretend to be competent Judges. In these Things the wisest Men, left merely to their own Judgment and Reason, cannot be absolutely depended upon. Their Reasonings and Decifions may prove defective, even where they seem most plausible, through the Narrowness of their Views, and for Want of knowing some Circumstances or other relating to those Subjects, which, if known, would make them judge otherwise than they have done. But, when we have a folid Afsurance that the Person who delivereth Doctrines and Laws relating to these important Matters comes from God, and is extraordinarily fent and inspired by him, the Word he delivereth comes with a quite different and far fuperior Power. Here is something in which the human Mind may furely acquiefce.

Though therefore our Lord Jesus had only appeared in the Character that belongeth to every true Prophet, who is really fent from God; his Doctrine must come with far greater Force and Authority, and must make a deeper Impression on the Hearts of those that receive him as such, than if taught by an uninspired Man, or Body of Men, however wife and learned. But, Secondly, It should be farther confidered, that our Lord Jesus Christ appear



ed in a far higher Character than that of a common Prophet; he taught with a peculiar Kind of Authority proper to himself, and far transcending any other that ever bore the prophetical Character; which gave his Instructions and Precepts, his Promises and Threatenings, a Force and Dignity that no other ever had. It is observed concerning Mofes, that there was not a Prophet in Ifrael, like unto Mofes, whom the Lord knew Face to Face. Deut. xxxiv. 1o, i. e. to whom he imparted his Will in a familiar and immediate Manner, and in a more excellent Way, than he did to the other Prophets; as appeareth by comparing this with what is said, Numb. xii. 6, 7, 8. And accordingly the Children of Ifrael shewed always a diftinguishing Regard to Mofes, as of eminent Authority above all the other Prophets, and as not only a Prophet, but a Lawgiver. In which Respects The bore a Refemblance to our Lord Jefus Cbrift, but with this Difference, that Chrift was vested with an Authority far fuperior to that of Moses, and which demandeth a peculiar Attention and Regard. For, as it is expressed, Heb. iii. 5, 6, Mofes verily was faithful in all his House as a Servant :But Chrift as a Son over his own House. He representeth himself as the only begotten Son of God; the Son of God not

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merely in that Sense, in which good Men, or earthly Magistrates, or Adam, who was immediately created by God, without the Intervention of a natural Parent, or the blessed Angels, are sometimes called the Sons of God; but in an eminent and appropriated Sense, in which no other is so, and which importeth a transcendent and unequalled Dignity. And therefore he mentions it as the most astonishing Instance of the Divine Grace and Goodness toward Mankind, that God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son. John iii. 16. Any one that is acquainted with the New Teftament cannot but observe, that he all along speaketh of God as his Father, in such a Strain of Intimacy and Nearness, and joineth himself to him, in such a Manner, as no other Prophet, nor Mofes himself, ever did, and which indeed would not have become the most glorious Angels, though of the highest Order of created Beings. What a wonderful Dignity breathes in those Declarations of his? - The Father worketh hitherto, and I work. What Things foever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewife. For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth bim all Things, that himself doeth. John iv. 17, 19, 20. As the Father knoweth me, even fo know 1 the Father. Johnx. 15. All Things are delivered unto me of my Fa ther

ther, and no Man knoweth the Son but the Father, neither knoweth any Man the Father, fave the Son, and be to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. Matt. xi. 27. Speaking of his Sheep, that hear his Voice and follow him, he faith, My Father which gave them me is greater than all: And none shall be able to pluck them out of my Father's Hand. I and my Father are one. John x. 29, 30. When Philip faid, Lord, shew us the. Father, and it fufficeth us, Jefus faith unto him, Have I been so long with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath feen me, hath feen the Father, and how fayest thou then, Shew us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? John xiv. 8, 9, 10. What a Grandeur is there in that Way of speaking to his Disciples, Let not your Hearts be troubled: Ye believe in God, believe also in me. John xiv. 1. If a Man love me, be will keep my Words: And my Father will love him, and we (i. e. my Father and I) will come unto him, and make our Abode with him. Ver. 23. And again, All Things that the Father hath are mine, therefore faid I, that He (i. e. the Holy Ghoft) shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you. John xvi. 15. He declares, That, as the Father bath Life in himself, so bath be given to the Son to have Life in pimself. John v. 26. Finally, he reprefenteth eth it as the Father's Will, that all Men Should honour the Son, even as they bonour the Father. John v. 23. And now upon reviewing these several Passages, to which many others might be added, did ever any Prophet, the most highly favoured of God, express himself after this Sort? Is there not fomething in this Manner of speaking that leadeth us to regard him as a Person of unparalleled Divine Dignity, and to whom no other was ever equal? And it is to be obferved, that not only doth he express himself in this wonderful Strain in his Discourses to Men, to the Jews, and to his own Disciples, but even in his immediate Addresses to God. Remarkable to this Purpose is that Prayer of his which is recorded in John xvii. What a Majesty may be observed in it, becoming his Nearness to the Father, yet ftill preserving a proper Subordination to him! His Prayer is of as peculiar a Kind, as his Character, and as the Dignity of his Person. There appeareth in it not only the most ardent Love to God, and Zeal for his Glory, and the most unparalleled Benevolence to his Disciples and to Mankind; but there is an inimitable Dignity, a Divine Grandeur and Solemnity in it, becoming the Son of God infinitely dear to the Father, and which would have become no other: Father, the Hour is


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