A Book of Children's LiteratureLillian Hollowell Farrar & Rinehart, Incorporated, 1939 - Всего страниц: 942 Fairy tales, poetry, and fiction for children of all ages. |
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Стр. 309
... fables . What are some familiar and commonplace allusions taken from fables ? What are some human traits , or vices and virtues , depicted in the fables ? 3. After reading some history of Reynard the Fox , show its influence on the ...
... fables . What are some familiar and commonplace allusions taken from fables ? What are some human traits , or vices and virtues , depicted in the fables ? 3. After reading some history of Reynard the Fox , show its influence on the ...
Стр. 310
... Fables . York : Frederick A. Stokes Company , 1921 . A representative collection of every age and land . Davis , Mary Hayes , and Chow - Leung , Chinese Fables and Folk Stories . New York : American Book Company , 1908 . Komroff ...
... Fables . York : Frederick A. Stokes Company , 1921 . A representative collection of every age and land . Davis , Mary Hayes , and Chow - Leung , Chinese Fables and Folk Stories . New York : American Book Company , 1908 . Komroff ...
Стр. 310
... Fables . Illustrated by Paul Branson . New York : Frederick A. Stokes Company , 1921 . A representative collection of every age and land . Davis , Mary Hayes , and Chow - Leung , Chinese Fables and Folk Stories . New York : American ...
... Fables . Illustrated by Paul Branson . New York : Frederick A. Stokes Company , 1921 . A representative collection of every age and land . Davis , Mary Hayes , and Chow - Leung , Chinese Fables and Folk Stories . New York : American ...
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adventures answered Appleton-Century Company Asgard asked beautiful began Beowulf bird Book Boston Brace & Company Brown castle child Childe Rowland cried dance door Doran & Company Doubleday Dutton & Company E. P. Dutton eyes Fairy Fairy Tales Fairyfoot father feet fell flew flowers Frederick G. P. Putnam's Sons Garden City giant girl gold golden green grew hand Harper & Brothers head heard heart horse Houghton Mifflin Company Iktomi Illustrated Jötunheim King laughed lived Loki looked Macmillan Company Momotaro moon morning mother never night Odin Pecos Bill Perseus poor Prince princess Robin round Shingebiss Simeon sleep soon Stokes Company stood story Swallow sword tell thee things Thor thou thought Thumbelisa Ting-a-ling told took tree wind wonderful York young