OF MAN IN THE FALL, AND UNBELIEF. Designed as a Pocket Companion. BY A MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS, "WHATSOEVER things were written aforetime, were Rom. xv. 4. Printed for the Author, at the Columbian Press; AND SOLD BY B. Smith; Harvey and Darton, Gracechurch Street; REVIEWERS' REMARKS, ON THE FIRST EDITION. THIS is a very useful and pleasing "Pocket Companion" for serious Christians of all denominations. It contains many "precious promises" of scripture, arranged under distinct heads; and not promises only, but other encouraging passages, with admonitions, and exhortations also; arranged with more judgment than we have often seen, and wholly without note or comment: we can therefore cordially recommend it to our readers. Evan. Mag. Dec, 1820, |