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thereunto belonging, in ample form assembled at Philadelphia, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:




Know ye, that we, the said grand lodge of the most ancient and honourable fraternity of free and accepted masons (according to the old constitutions, revived by his royal highness prince Edwin, at York, in the kingdom of England, in the year of the christian era nine hundred twenty and six, and in the year of masonry four thousand nine hundred twenty and six,) by virtue of the powers and authorities vested in us, do hereby constitute and appoint our worthy and well beloved brethren senior warden, and

shipful master,

warden of a lodge, to be called held




to be

or within five miles of the same. And we do further authorise and empower our said trusty and well beloved brethren to admit and make free masons according to the most ancient and honourable custom of the royal craft in all ages and nations throughout the known world, and not contrarywise. And we do further empower and appoint the said and their successors

to hear and determine all and singular matters and things relating to the craft within the jurisdiction of the said lodge, with the assistance of the members of the said lodge. And lastly, we do hereby authorise and empower our said trusty and well-beloved brethren to instal their successors, be

ing first duly elected and chosen, to whom they shall deliver this warrant, and to invest them with all the powers and dignities to their offices respectively belonging: and such successors shall in like manner, from time to time, instal their successors, &c. &c. &c. Such installation to be upon or near St. John the Evangelist's day, during the continuance of this lodge, for ever. Provided always, That the said above named brethren, and their successors pay due respect to this right worshipful grand lodge, and the ordinances thereof, otherwise this warrant to be of no force or effect.

Given in open grand lodge, under the hands of our right worshipful grand officers and the seal of our grand lodge, at Philadelphia, this A. D. one thousand eight hun

day of

[blocks in formation]

Form of an application for initiation or membership. To the worshipful masters, officers, and brethren of lodge No. the undersigned respectfully prays that he may be initiated into the mysteries of free masonry, and become a member of your worshipful lodge.

[blocks in formation]


Declaration accompanying the above petition.

being free by birth, do declare, that, unbiassed by the improper solicitation of friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary or other unworthy motive, I freely and voluntarily offer myself a candidate for the mysteries of masonry; that I am prompted by a favourable opinion conceived of the institution, and a desire of knowledge; and that I will cheerfully conform to the ancient usages and established customs of the order. Witness my hand, this day of A. B.


No 9.

Form of an application from a brother for membership. To the R. W. officers and brethren of lodge No.

[blocks in formation]

be seen by reference to the enclosed certificate respectfully prays that he may be admitted a member of your worshipful lodge.



A. B.

Recommended by

No. 10.

Form of a report on a petition for initiation and membership, or

membership only.

To the worshipful master, officers, and brethren of lodge No.
The committee appointed on the

to make the necessary

(A. B. an applicant for initiation and

inquiries relative to membership;

Brother A. B. a

[blocks in formation]

have performed that duty, and beg leave to report in

favour {



} the prayer of the petition being granted.

A. D. 18 A. L. 58


Note.-In case an applicant for initiation is disqualified according to the 28th section of the constitution, (title members,) the report should state the fact, and recommend, that the applicant havel eave to withdraw his petition.

To brother

No. 11.

Form of Commission for a Proxy.

a past master mason, and member of lodge No. under the jurisdistion of the R. W. grand lodge of Penn


[blocks in formation]

appointed the representative of this lodge, in the said R. W.

grand lodge of Pennsylvania.

Witness our hands, and the seal of the lodge, this


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

No. 12.

General Returns from Lodge No.

Ancient Fork Masons, held Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, from The number of members, when the lodge was constituted was,



Add those subsequently initiated or admitted,

Deduct those subsequently resigned, suspended, expelled, or deceased,


see below.

For particulars

Account of dues at 8 1-3

cents per month, for each member, and $200 for every initiation.

members 11 month


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When Initi- When Pass-When Rais- Candidates Members Members Members rejected, expelled, withdrawn, deceased, when. when.



Officers Elected on the





Worshipful Master of Lodge No.

Worshipful Master,

Senior Warden,

Junior Warden,

that the foregoing contains a just and true Return of the Members of Lodge No. Ancient York Masons, do hereby certify to the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and of the Initiations, Admissions, &c. in the said Lodge, during the time above-mentioned; also a just and true account of the dues owing from said Lodge to the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, during the same period; term of twelve months succeeding the next St. John's day. and I do further certify, that at an election held on the day above stated, the above-named brethren were duly elected Officers of the said Lodge for the

A. C. 18

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of said Lodge to be affixed at and in the year of Masonry 58

[blocks in formation]

Note. It is recommended to the Lodge to preserve among its record a Duplicate of the above Returns.

No. 13.

General Returns from Lodge No. Ancient York Masons, held Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, from the 27th December, 181 The number of members, according to the last return, on the 27th December, 18

Add those subsequently initiated or admitted; for names and particulars see below, Deduct those subsequently resigned, suspended, expelled, or deceased; for names and particulars see below,

[blocks in formation]

Ancient York Masons, do hereby certify to the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, that the foregoing contains a just and true Return of the Members of Lodge No. and of the Initiations, Admissions, &c. in the said Lodge, during the time above-mentioned; also a just and true account of the dues owing from said Lodge to the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, during the same period; and I do further certify, that at an election held on the day above stated, the above-named brethren were duly elected Officers of the said Lodge for the term of twelve months succeeding the next St. John's day.

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