The Poetical Works of Robert Southey, Esq. ...: Minor poemsLongman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1823 |
Common terms and phrases
Abbot Alboazar Atendio bade Ballad BATTLE OF BLENHEIM Beelzebub behold bell Beneath Besançon Bishop Bruno bless blest blood boat Bollandists Brecknockshire Charlemain cheek choristers church door Coimbra cold Count Aymerique cried Crocodile Dĉmon dark daughter dead death Devil Donica's evil eyes fair father fear fell fled friar Garci grew Gualberto hand hath Hatto hear heard heart Henry HENRY THE HERMIT Hermit holy Inchcape Rock Jaen Jaspar Keyna Keyne King Affonso knee knew la esperança Lady Argentine Les Catalans listen'd look'd Lord William loud loved Maid merrily Michael's monk Moorish Moscera never night o'er padre Painter palace pale patent coffin poor pray'd prayer Queen Orraca quoth Ramiro replied Rhine Richard Penlake ROBERT SOUTHEY rose round Rudiger saint sate sche seem'd shore shriek'd smile soul sound stone story stream thee Thomas Heywood thought tower traveller Twas Virgin voice wind Woman young
Popular passages
Page 167 - IT was a summer evening, Old Kaspar's work was done; And he before his cottage door Was sitting in the sun, And by him sported on the green His little grandchild Wilhelmine. She saw her brother Peterkin Roll something large and round...
Page 170 - And everybody praised the Duke who this great fight did win." "But what good came of it at last?" quoth little Peterkin. "Why that I cannot tell," said he, "but 'twas a famous victory.
Page 149 - The ship was still as she could be; Her sails from heaven received no motion, Her keel was steady in the ocean. Without either sign or sound of their shock, The waves flowed over the Inchcape Rock; So little they rose, so little they fell, They did not move the Inchcape Bell.
Page 160 - If the husband, of this gifted Well Shall drink before his wife, A happy man henceforth is he, For he shall be master for life. " But if the wife should drink of it first, God help the husband then ! " The stranger stooped to the Well of St. Keyne, And drank of the water again.
Page 68 - THE summer and autumn had been so wet, That in winter the corn was growing yet, 'Twas a piteous sight to see all around The grain lie rotting on the ground.
Page 50 - Now take thy due reward." He started up, each limb convulsed With agonizing fear : He only heard the storm of night, . . 'Twas music to his ear. When lo ! the voice of loud alarm His inmost soul...
Page 70 - He laid him down and closed his eyes; But soon a scream made him arise. He started, and saw two eyes of flame On his pillow, from whence the screaming came.
Page 6 - She loved, and young Richard had settled the day, And she hoped to be happy for life : But Richard was idle and worthless, and they Who knew him would pity poor Mary and say That she was too good for his wife.
Page 9 - Behind a wide column, half breathless with fear, She crept to conceal herself there : That instant the moon o'er a dark cloud shone clear, And she saw in the moon-light two rufGans appear, And between them a corpse did they bear.
Page 69 - The poor folk flock'd from far and near ; The great Barn was full as it could hold Of women and children, and young and old. Then when he saw it could hold no more, Bishop Hatto he made fast the door ; And while for mercy on Christ they call, He set fire to the Barn and burnt them all. " I'faith 'tis an excellent bonfire!" quoth he, " And the country is greatly obliged to me, For ridding it in these times forlorn Of Rats that only consume the corn.