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150 deuenit

GOA fortißima Indice vrbs in Chris fianorum potesfatem anno Salutis 15 09.



part, goe naked, saving an apron of a span long, and as much in bredth before them, and a lace two fingers broad before them, girded about with a string and no more: and thus they thinke them as well as we with all our trimming. Of the fruits and trees that be here I cannot now speake, for I should make another letter as long as this. For hitherto I have not seene a tree here, whose like I have seene in Europe, the vine excepted, which neverthelesse here is to no purpose, so that all the wines are brought out of Portugall. The drinke of this countrey is good water, or wine of the Palme tree, or of a fruit called Cocos. And this shall suffice for this time. If God send me my health, I shall have opportunity to write to you once againe. Now the length of my letter compelleth me to take my leave: and thus I wish your most prosperous health. From Goa the tenth of November, 1579.

Your loving sonne Thomas



A briefe relation of the great magnificence and [II. ii. 102.] rich traffike of the kingdome of Pegu beyond the East India, written by Frey Peter of Lisbon, to his cousin Frey Diego of Lisbon, from Cochin.

Received your letters in the harbour of Damaon by a caravell of advise that came from Malacca, which brought shot, powder, and other provision for the furnishing of foure gallies and a great gallion, which are now in building, to keepe our coast for feare of great store of men of warre, being Moores, which trouble us The coast of very sore. At that instant when I received your letters India greatly I was newly come from the kingdome of Pegu, where I had remained one yeere and an halfe, and from thence I departed to the city of Cochin in October 1587. The newes which I can certifie you of concerning these



2 B

troubled with Moores.


pearles, & precious stones in Pegu.

countreys are: That this king of Pegu is the mightiest king of men, & the richest that is in these parts of the world: for he bringeth into the field at any time, when he hath warres with other princes, above a million of fighting men: howbeit they be very leane and small people, and are brought unto the field without good Abundance of order. He is lord of the Elephants, and of all the golde golde, silver, and silver mines, and of all the pearles and precious stones: so that he hath the greatest store of treasure that ever was heard of in these parts. The country people call him The God of trueth and of justice. I had great conference with this king, and with the head captaine of the Portugals, which is one of the countrey. They demanded of me many questions as touching the law and faith of Jesus Christ, and as touching the Ten Commandements. And the king gave his consent that our Order should build a Church in his countrey, which was halfe builded; but our perverse and malicious Portugals plucked it downe againe: for whereas it is a countrey wherein our nation gaine very much by their commodities, they fearing that by the building of this Church there would be greater resort thither, and so their trade should be impaired, if their great gaines should be knowen unto others then those which found this countrey out first, therefore they were so unwilling that the building of this Church should goe forward. Our Portugals which are here in this realme are woorse people then the Gentiles. I preached divers times among those heathen people; but being obstinate they say, that as their fathers beleeved so they will beleeve: for if their forefathers went to the divell so they will. Whereupon I returned backe againe to our monastery to certifie our father provinciall of the estate of this New found countrey. It is the best and richest countrey in all this East India; and it is thought to be richer then China. I am afrayd that the warres which his Majesty hath with England will be the utter undoing and spoile of Spaine: for these countreys likewise are almost spoiled

The great

gaine of the Portugals in Pegu.

Pegu the best & richest country in all the East India.


with civil warres, which the Moores have against the Gentiles: for the kings here are up in armes all the countrey over. Here is an Indian which is counted a A prophesie Prophet, which hath prophesied that there will a Dragon of an Indian against Spaine. arise in a strange countrey, which will do great hurt to Spaine. How it will fall out, onely God doth know. And thus I rest: from this monastery of Cochin the 28 of December, 1589.


Your good cousin and assured friend
frier Peter of Lisbon.

voyage with three tall ships, the Penelope
Admirall, the Marchant royall Viceadmirall,
and the Edward Bonaventure Rereadmirall,
to the East Indies, by the Cape of Buona
Speransa, to Quitangone neere Mosambique,
to the Iles of Comoro and Zanzibar on the
backeside of Africa, and beyond Cape Comori
in India, to the Iles of Nicubar and of Gomes
Polo within two leagues of Sumatra, to the
Ilands of Pulo Pinaom, and thence to the
maine land of Malacca, begunne by M.
George Raymond, in the yeere 1591, and
performed by M. James Lancaster, and written
from the mouth of Edmund Barker of
Ipswich, his lieutenant in the sayd voyage,
by M. Richard Hakluyt.

Ur fleet of the three tall ships abovenamed departed from Plimmouth the 10 of April 1591, and arrived at the Canarieilands the 25 of the same, from whence we departed the 29 of April. The second of May we were in the height of Cape Blanco. The fift we passed the tropique of Cancer. The eight we were in the height of Cape Verde. All this time we went with a faire winde

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