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Copper Mine river,, which has not a northerly but an easterly direction.* Taking these circumstances together, we have very little doubt that the mouth of the Copper Mine river and the waters of the upper part of Hudson's Bay or Davis's Strait will either be found united, or at no great distance from each other.

This and several other interesting points connected with the geography and natural history of the northern shores of North America will probably soon be cleared up. An expedition, we understand, is about to proceed, under the direction of Lieutenant Franklin, late commander of the Trent, from Fort York on the shores of Hudson's Bay, with the co-operation and assistance of the Hudson's Bay Company, to the mouth of the Copper Mine river, and from thence along the shore of the Hyperborean Sea to the eastward or the northward, as the case may be, in order to settle the long sought point which forms the north-eastern extremity of the continent of America. Whether the two ships under the command of Lieutenant Parry, or the land expedition under Lieutenant Franklin, will have the good fortune to be the first in determining this point, we cannot pretend to guess; but we have very little doubt that it will be determined by one of them; and that thus the cloud which hangs over the northern geography of the American continent will be dissipated, and this reproach to the physical knowledge of the nineteenth century finally removed.

Since the foregoing Article was printed off, Captain Sabine's Remarks' on Captain Ross's book have been published. They more than confirm all our conjectures respecting the extraordinary abandonment of Sir James Lancaster's Sound; as to the rest we willingly leave those gentlemen to settle their disputes in their own way.

• History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions, p. 376.





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