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No. XLI.

ART. I. The Resources of the United States of America; or, a View of the Agricultural, Commercial, Financial, Political, Literary, Moral, and Religious Character of the American People. By John Bristed, Counsellor at Law, Author of 'The Resources of the British Empire.

II. The Civil Architecture of Vitruvius, containing those Books of this Author relating to the Public and Private Edifices of the Ancients. Translated by William Wilkins, A. M. late fellow of Caius College, Cambridge.


III. The Testimony of Natural Theology to Christianity.
By Thomas Gisborne, A. M.

IV. Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China, and of
a Voyage to and from that Country, in the Years
1816 and 1817; containing an Account of the most
interesting Transactions of Lord Amherst's Embassy
to the Court of Pekin, and Observations on the Coun-
tries which it visited. By Clarke Abel, F. L. S.

V. Fairy Tales, or the Lilliputian Cabinet, containing
Twenty-four choice pieces of Fancy and Fiction, col-
lected by Benjamin Tabart.

VI. Select Pieces in Prose and Verse, by the late John
Bowdler, Junior, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at

VII. Sketches of America. A Narrative of a Journey
of Five Thousand Miles through the Eastern and
Western States of America; contained in Eight
Reports, addressed to the Thirty-nine Families by
whom the Author was deputed, in June 1817, to
ascertain whether any, and what part of the United
States would be suitable for their Residence: with
Remarks on Mr. Birkbeck's 'Notes,' and 'Letters.'
By Henry Bradshaw Fearon.

VIII. Church-of-Englandism and its Catechism examined: preceded by Strictures on the Exclusionary System, as pursued in the National Society's Schools: interspersed with parallel views of the English and Scottish









Established and Non-Established Churches: and con
cluding with Remedies Proposed for Abuses Indi-
cated: and an Examination of the Parliamentary
System of Church Reform lately pursued, and still
pursuing: including the proposed New Churches.
By Jeremy Bentham, Esq. Bencher of Lincoln's-inn,
and late of Queen's-college, Oxford, M. A.

IX. 1. The Travels of Marco Polo, a Venetian, in the Thir-
teenth Century;-being a Description by that early
Traveller of remarkable places and things, in the East-
ern parts of the World. Translated from the Italian,
with Notes, by William Marsden, F. R. S. &c.


2. Di Marco Polo e degli alteri Viaggiatori Veneziani
più illustri Dissertazioni del P. Ab. D. Placido Zurla. 177

X. 1. The Case stated between the Public Libraries and
the Booksellers.

2. Address to the Parliament of Great Britain, on the
Claims of Authors to their own Copyright. By a
Member of the University of Cambridge (Richard
Duppa, Esq. LL. B.)

3. Reasons for a further Amendment of the Act 54
Geo. III. c. 156. being an Act to amend the Copy-
right Act of Queen Anne. By Sir Egerton Brydges,
Bart. M. P.

4. A summary Statement of the great Grievances im-
posed on Authors and Publishers, and the Injury done
to Literature by the late Copyright Act. By Sir Eger-
ton Brydges, Bart. M. P.

5. A Vindication of the pending Bill for the Amendment
of the Copyright Act, from the Misrepresentations
and unjust Comments of the Syndics of the University
Library at Cambridge. By Sir Egerton Bridges, Bart.
M. P.

6. A Vindication of the Right of the Universities of the
United Kingdom to a Copy of every new Publication.
By Edward Christian, of Gray's Inn, Esq. Barrister at
Law, Professor of the Laws of England in the Univer-
sity of Cambridge, and Chief Justice of the Isle of

7. Inquiries and Observations respecting the University
Library. By Basil Montagu, Esq. A. M.

8. Inquiries concerning the proposed Alteration of the
Law of Copyright, as it affects Authors and the Uni-
versities. By Basil Montagu, Esq.


XI. A Voyage of Discovery, made under the order of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability of a North-west Passage. By John Ross, K. S. Captain R. N.





ART. I. Lectures on the History of Literature, Ancient and Modern, from the German of Frederick Schlegel.

II. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Re-
gions of the New Continent, during the years 1799-
1804. By Alexander de Humboldt and Aimé Bon-

III. Dissertation on the Use and Importance of Unautho-
ritative Tradition. By E. Hawkins, M. A. Fellow of
Oriel College.

IV. 1. Promenade aux Cimetières de Paris, aux Sépultures
Royales de Saint Denis, et aux Catacombes, &c. Par
M. P. St. A.

2. Description des Catacombes de Paris, précédée d'un
Précis Historique sur les Catacombes de tous les
Peuples de l'ancien et du nouveau Continent. Par L.
Hericart de Thury, Maître des Requêtes, Ingénieur
en chef au Corps Royal des Mines, Inspecteur-Géné-
ral des Travaux souterrains du Département de la

V. 1. The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland, 58 Geo. III. Vol. VII. Part II.





2. An Analytical Digest of the Reports of Cases decided
in the Courts of Common Law and Equity, of Appeal
and Nisi Prius, in the Year 1817. By a Barrister, 398

VI. 1. Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire de la Révolution
de Saint Domingue. Par le Lieutenant Général Ba-
ron Pamphilé de Lacroix, &c.

2. History of the Island of St. Domingo, from its first Discovery by Columbus to the present period.

3. Ré

3. Réflexions sur les Noirs et les Blancs, la Civilization
de l'Afrique, le Royaume d'Hayti, &c. Relation de
la Fête de S. M. la Reine d'Hayti, &c. Par le
Baron de Vastey, Secrétaire du Roi au Cap Henry.

4. Almanach Royal d'Hayti.

VII. 1. Laon and Cythna, or the Revolution of the Golden
City. A Vision of the Nineteenth Century, in the
Stanza of Spenser. By Percy B. Shelley.

2. The Revolt of Islam. A Poem, in Twelve Cantos.
By Percy Bysshe Shelley.



VIII. Maurice and Berghetta; or the Priest of Rahery. A



IX. 1. Prospectus and Specimen of an intended National
Work, by William and Robert Whistlecraft, of Stow-
market, Suffolk, Harness and Collar Makers, intended
to comprize the most interesting particulars relating
to King Arthur and his Round Table.

2. The Court of Beasts, freely translated from the Ani-
mali Parlanti of Giambattista Casti, a Poem, in seven
Cantos. By William Stewart Rose.

486 THE


JANUARY, 1819.

ART. I. The Resources of the United States of America; or, a View of the Agricultural, Commercial, Financial, Political, Literary, Moral, and Religious Character of the American People. By John Bristed, Counsellor at Law, Author of 'The Resources of the British Empire.' New York, March, 1818. 8vo. pp. 505.

MORE than half a century has elapsed since the commence

ment of those disputes between England and her North American colonies which finally terminated in their disunion. The events which followed the separation have contradicted the expectations of the enlightened statesmen of England and the shrewd and calculating politicians of America; who alike supposed that the prosperity of Great Britain was dependent upon the increase and the continued submission of her transatlantic dominions.

It now appears to those who are not so intimately acquainted with the views and feelings commonly entertained in England from the passing of the Stamp Act in 1765 to the beginning of the revolutionary war in 1775 as to make allowance for them, that a kind of infatuation must have possessed their countrymen and their governors; they would not otherwise have expected, that a country like North America, at such a distance from the seat of powerwith habits and prejudices averse from any but corporation governments-without an ecclesiastical establishment, or an order of nobility-could, when its population and wealth should be considerably increased, continue in subjection to the country that peopled it. Thinking men had, indeed, looked forward to a time when a separation would of necessity take place, but that period was considered so distant, and the means by which it might be brought about so doubtful, that scarcely any one had viewed it as an event likely to happen within his own time, and had therefore never turned his attention to its practical effects. It is useless now to speculate on what might have been the consequence, if the English government had voluntarily renounced its controul over North America, and left the people to construct the edifice of a civil constitution for themselves. Fortunately, perhaps, for the United States, the bustle of military employment, which allowed no leisure for political speculation, induced them to continue their civil institutions as they found them; hence few deviations were made from

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