| John Tillotson - 1703 - 476 pages
...the Volume Jj0[y place every year with blood of others : (For then muft he often have fufferedfince the foundation of the world :) but now once in the end of the world, hath he Appeared to put away fin by the facrifce of himfelf, 4nd at it is appointed unto men... | |
| John Bunyan - 1708 - 344 pages
...that are fanflified, not that he jhould often offer himfelf; for then muft he often have fuffered fmce the foundation of the World: but now ONCE in the end of the World hath he apf eared to put (or do) away Sin by the facrifice , of himfelf, Namely, when he hanged... | |
| Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 pages
...without Spot , to God, and obtained eternal Redemption for us. Neither hath he often fuffered, fince tHe Foundation of the World ; But now, once, in the end of the World, hath he appeared, to put away Sin, by » Rev. I. 5. Tit. 2. i4. b Mat. 20. 28. I Tim. i. «.... | |
| John Sharp (abp. of York.) - 1722 - 466 pages
...like theirs ; then (as you have it in the former Part of the Verfe) muff he often have fuffered fines the Foundation of the World ; But now once in the End of the World, .hath he appeared to put away Sin by the Sacrifice ofhintfelf. This is the juft Refolution of... | |
| Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 pages
...into the HOLY PIACE every Year with BLOOD of others : 26 (Tot then niuft he often h^ve luffeied fince the FOUNDATION of the WORLD) but now once 'in the END of the WoRis h»th he appeared to •»» AWA» Si^ by the SACRIFICE of himfclf. *7 * 17 And as It is appointed... | |
| Patrick Smith (Vicar of Great Paxton) - 1732 - 302 pages
...High-Prieft entred in once every Tear, with the Blood of others, for then muft he often have fuffered from the Foundation of the World ; but now once in the end of the World, that is, of the Jewijh World or State, hath he appeared, to put away Sin by the Sacrifice of... | |
| 1737 - 470 pages
...the holy place every year with the blood of others : 26 For then rmift lie often have fuffered fince the foundation of the world : but * now once in the end of the world, hath Jie appeared to put a\vay fin by the facrif.ce of himfelf. 27 And as it is appointed unto... | |
| Charles Wheatly - 1746 - 500 pages
...holy Place, SER M. every Tear with Blood of others; (For then k. mujl he often have fuff'ered fince the Foundation of the World : But now once in the end of the World (or in the Conclufion of the Ages) has he appeared to put aivay Sin by the Sacrifice of himfelf,... | |
| Peter Browne (bp. of Cork and Ross.) - 1749 - 462 pages
...refpect to all preceding Generations, p. 165 HEB R. ix. 26. For then muft he often have fufferedjince the foundation of the world : But now once in the end of the world, hath he appeared to put away jin hythefacrifice of himjelf. SERMON VIII. Why Chrift appeared... | |
| 1765 - 512 pages
...appear in the prefence of God for ys,; nor yet that he mould offer himfelf often, as the high prieft •entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others: for then muft he often have fuffered fince the foundation of the world; 'but now once, in the end of the world,... | |
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