| Sir Richard Steele - 1710 - 488 pages
...him in the Violence of his Paffion, and finds the Time leflen infenfibly, according to the different Workings of his Difdain. I have not mentioned the...himfelf Leave to think his Mother worfe than others. Dejiderantur mult*. Whereas Mr. Jeffery Groggram hat furrendered himfelf by his Letter bearing Date... | |
 | 1728 - 344 pages
...his Difdain. I have not mentioned the Inceft of tier Marringe, which is fo obvious a Provocation 5 but can't forbear taking Notice, that when his Fury is at its Height, he cries, Fiailty, thy Name is Woman! As railing at the Sex in genera), rather than giving himfelf Leave to think... | |
 | Tatler - 1754 - 338 pages
...him in the Violence of his Paffion, and finds the Time leflen infenfibly, according to the different Workings of his Difdain. I have not mentioned the...himfelf Leave to think his Mother worfe than others, Dcfiderantur mult a. WHEREAS Mr. Jeffrey Groggram has furrendred bimftlf by bis Letter bearing Date... | |
 | 1764 - 216 pages
...difdain. I have not mentioned the inceft of her marriage, which is fo obvious a provocation ; but cannot forbear taking notice, that when his fury is at its...cries, Frailty^ thy name is woman! as railing at the fex in general, rather than giviag himfelf leave to think his mother worfe than others. I may add that... | |
 | 1709 - 388 pages
...difdain. I have not mentioned the inceft of h<r marriage, which is fo obvious a provocation ; but cannot forbear taking notice, that when his fury is at its...himfelf leave to think his mother worfe than others, — —— — Dejiderantur multa. " Whereas Mr. Jefery Groggram has furrenderedhirti" felf by his... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1803 - 572 pages
...disdain. I have not mentioned the incest of her marriage, which is so obvious a provocation ; but cannot forbear taking notice, that when his fury is at its height, he cries, " Frailty, thy name is Woman !" ns railing at the sex in general, rather than giving himself leave to think his mother worse than... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - 348 pages
...disdain. I have not mentioned the incest of her marriage, which is so obvious a provocation.; but cannot forbear taking notice, that when his fury is at its...railing at the sex in general, rather than giving himself leave to think his mother worse than others Desiderantur multa. *** Whereas Mr. Jeffery Groggram... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1817 - 340 pages
...disdain. I have not mentioned the incest of her marriage, which is so obvious a provocation ; but cannot forbear taking notice, that when his fury is at its...railing at the sex in general, rather than giving himself leave to think his mother worse than others Desiderantur multa. *** Whereas Mr. Jeffery Groggram... | |
 | James Ferguson - 1819 - 348 pages
...disdain. I have not mentioned the incest of her marriage, which is so obvious a provocation: but cannot forbear taking notice, that when his fury is at its...railing at the sex in general, rather than giving himself leave to think his mother worse than others Dcsiderantur multa. *.,* Whereas Mr. Jeffery Groggram... | |
 | 1822 - 498 pages
...disdain. I have not mentioned the incest of her marriage, which is so obvious a provocation ; but cannot forbear taking notice, that when his fury is at its...railing at the sex in general, rather than giving himself leave to think his mother worse than others — Desiderantur multa. 1 Whereas Mr. JefFery Groggram... | |
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