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That never fet a squadron in the field,
Nor the division of a battle knows.

More than a spinster; but the bookish theoric,
Wherein the toged counf lors can propose (4)

ful a wife, that the was his heaven on earth; that he idoli zed her, and forgot to think of happiness in an after state, as placing all his views of bliss in the fingle enjoyment of her. In this fenfe, beauty, when it can for feduce and ingross a man's thoughts, may be faid almost to damn him, Jeffica, fpeaking of Baffanio's happiness in a wife, fays fomething almost equal to this:

For having fuch a blessing in his lady,
He finds the joys of heaven here no earth;
And if om earth he do not merit it,

In reafon he thould never come to heaven

Mershant of Venice. - Beaumont and Fletcher likewife, in their King and no King, make Tigranes speak of such a degree of beauty fufficient to

damn fouls; 2016

had she so tempting fair,

That the could with it off for damning fouls.

i. e. either, for that it did damn fouls, or for fear it should (4) Wherein the tongued confuls) So the generality of the impreffions read; but the oldest Quarto has it, tozed, (which gave the hint for my emendation) the fenators, that affifted the duke in council, in their proper gowns. lago, a little lower, fays to Brabantio;

Zounds, Sir, you're robbed; for shame, put on your


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Now, I think, 'tis pretty certain that lago does not mean, "Slip on your night gown, but your gown of office, your fenatorial gown; put on your authority, and pursue the thief who has stole your daughter." Befides, there is not that cour traft of terms betwixt tongued, as there is betwixt toged and foldiership. This reading is peculiarly proper here, and the fame oppofition is alinost for ever made by the Roman wris

ters. For instance;

Cicero, in offic:

Cedant arma toge

Idem in Pifonem:

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As masterly as he; mere prattle, without practice,
Is all his foldiership-he had th' election;
And I, of whom his eyes had feen the proof
At Rhodes, at Cyprus, and on other grounds
Christian and Heathen (5) must be belee'd e'd and cal


-paternisque Lucii Pauli virtutibus fimillimu, omnibus

belli ac toge dotibus, &c.. Caffius Ciceroni:

Etenim tur toga omnium armis felicior.

Ovid. Metamo. lib. xv.

Cæfar in urte fua deus est; quam Marte togaqu
Pracipuam, &c.

Idem in Epift. ex Ponto, li. 2. ep. 1.


-Jam nunc bac à me, juvenum belloque togque

Juvenal, Sat. 1o.

-nocitura toga, nocitura petuntur



And in a great number of passages more that might be quoted. But now let me proceed to explan, why I have ventured to substitute counsellors in the roon of confuls; and then, I hope, the alteration will not apper arbitrary. The Venetian nobility 'tis well known, conftitite the great coun cil of the senate and are a part of the administration, and summoned allist and counsel the Doge, who is prince of the fenat, and, in that regard, has only precedency before theer magiftrates. So that, in this refpect, they may vev properly be called counsellors. Again, when the officer omes from the Duke to Brabantio, in a fubfequent scene of this act, he says;

The Duke's in council, and your noble felf,
I'm fure, is sent for.

And when Brabantio comes into the fenate, the Duke says to him;

We lacked your counfel, and your help to-night. Now Brabantio was a fenator, but no conful. Besides, though the government of Venice was democratic at first, under confuls and tribunes, that form of power has been totally abrogated since Doges have been elected; and whatever confuls of other states may be refident there, yet they have no more a voice, or place, in the public councils, or in what concerns peace or war, than foreign ambassadors can have in our parliament.

(5) Must be led and calmed] There is no consenance of

By Debitor and Creditor, this Counter-Caffer;
He, in good time, must his lieutenant be,
And I, (God bless the mark!) his Moorship's an-
Rod. By Heaven, I would have rather been his


Jago. But there's no remedy, 'tis the curse of ferPreferment goes by letter and affection, [vice; And notby old gradation, where each fecond Stood her to the first. Now, Sir, be judge yourIf I in ary just term am affigned

To love the Moor.

Rod. I vould not follow him then.
Jago. OSir, content you;

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I follow hin to serve my turn upon him.
We cannot ll be masters, nor all masters
Cannot be truly followed. You shall mark
Many a dute us and knee-crooking knave,
That, doatingon his own obfequious bondage,
Wears out his ime, much like his master's afs,
For nought busprovender; and when he's old, ca-


Whip me fuch honest knaves Others were are,
Who trimm'd in forms and visages of duty,
Keep yet their hearts attending on themselves;
And, throwing but shows of service on their lords,
Well thrive. by them; and when they've lin'd their


Do themselves homage. These folks have fome foul,
And fuch a one do I profess myself.
It is as fure as you are Rodorigo,

Were I the Moor, I would not be lago:

metaphor in these two terms. I have chose to read with the first Folio, and several other of the old editions. Beleed is a fea term as well as calmed; and a ship is faid to be beleed when he lyes close under the wind on the ler-fhore, makes no fail.

In following him, I follow but myself,
Heaven is my judge, not I, for love and duty,
But feeming fo, for my peculiar end:
For when my outward action doth demonstrate
The native act and figure of my heart
In compliment extern, 'tis not long after
But I will wear my heart upon my fleeve,
For daws to peck at; I'm not what I seem.
Rod. What a full fortune doth the thick-lips owe,
If he can carry her thus?

lago. Call up her father,

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Rouse him, make after him, poifon his delight;
Proclaim him in the streets, incense her kinîmen:
And though he in a fertile climate dwell,
Plague him with flies; tho' that his joy be joy,
Yet throw fuch changes of vexation on't,
As it may lose some colour.

Rod. Here is her father's house, I'll call aloud. lago. Do, with like timorous accent, and dire As when, by night and negligence, the fire (yell, Is spied in populous cities.

Rod. What, ho! Brabantio! Signior Brabantio, ho.
Iago. Awake! what ho! Brabantio! ho! thieves!


Look to your house, your daughter, and your bags: Thieves! thieves!

ERABANTIO appears above at a Window.

Bra. What is the reason of this terrible fummons?

What is the matter there?

Rod. Signior, is all your family within?

Iago. Are all doors lock'd?

Bra. Why, wherefore ask you this?

lago. Zounds! Sir, you're robb'd: for shame, put

on your gown,

Your heart is burst, you have lost half your foul:

Ev'n now, ev'n very now, an old black ram
Is tupping your white ewe. Arife, arife,
Awake the fnorting citizens with the bell,
Or else the devil will make a grandfire of you.
Arife, I fay.

Bra. What, have you lost your wits?

Rod. Most reverend Signior, do you know my

Bra. Not I; what are you?

Rod. My name is Rodorigo.

Bra. The worse welcome;


I've charged thee not to haunt about my doors:

In honeft plainness thou hast heard me say,

My daughter's not for thee. And now in madness, Being full of fupper and distemp'ring draughts,


Upon malicious bravery dost thou come

To start my quiet.

Rod. Sir, Şir, Sir

Bra. But thou must needs be fure,
My spirit and my place have in their power
To make this bitter to thee.

Rod. Patience, good Sir.

Bra. What telleft thou me of robbing? this is

My house is not a grange.

Rod. Most grave Brabantio,


In fimple and pure foul, I come to you.
Iago. Zounds! Sir, you are one of those that

! not ferve God, if the devil bid you. Because we come to do you service, you think we are ruffians. You'll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horfe, you'll have your nephews neigh to you; you'll have coursers for cousins, and gennets for germans.

Bra. What profane wretch art thou?

Iago. I amone, Sir, that comes to tell you, your daughter and the Moor are now making the beaft with two backs...

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