After the first of the intercessions insert a suffrage for the President. After the intercession for Bishops, Priests, and Deacons insert a suffrage for labourers in the harvest. Omit the rubric preceding the words O Christ hear us, O Christ hear us, and after these words insert O Saviour of the world, etc., and the response Save us, etc.; then a new rubric as to discretion; then these words: Lord have mercy upon us. Lord have mercy upon us. PRAYERS AND THANKSGIVINGS UPON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. Omit the rubric after the title. After the word Prayers insert a new rubric. After the Prayer for Congress insert a new rubric. Transpose the Prayer to be used at Meetings of Convention so that it follows the Prayer for Congress, and change the rubric that follows it. Omit the words and presence, and also the word present before work from the prayer. Insert the following prayers: For a Person or Persons on a Journey; For Persons preparing for Confirmation; For all who are dependent on the Public Care; For Missions; For the Increase of the Ministry; For Fruitful Seasons. Also a substitute for the prayer for Fruitful Seasons. In the prayer For Fair Weather substitute Chastisements for Punishments. Add a prayer, In the Vacancy of a Cure of Souls. Add to the Prayers this rubric: ¶ These Prayers and Collects may be said after the Collects of Morning and Evening Prayer, and at other fit times at the discretion of the Minister. Then follow these prayers: For the Spirit of Prayer; For the Light of God's Truth; For the Renewing of the Holy Ghost; For Patience under Suffering; For Grace to speak the Truth in Love; An Intercession for those who labour in the Gospel; An Intercession for those who err from the Faith; An Intercession for those who live in Sin; A Prayer for Mercy and Pardon; A General Intercession; A Morning Prayer; A Morning Prayer; An Evening Prayer; An Evening Prayer; For Aid against Perils. THANKSGIVINGS. Insert a rubric after the word Thanksgivings. Strike out the from the title of the first Thanksgiving and change the rubric. In the first Thanksgiving strike out the words this woman and change the rubric which precedes it. Insert two Thanksgivings under titles For a Child's Recovery from Sickness; For an Escape from Accident. Change the title of Thanksgiving For a Safe Return from Sea to For a Safe Return from Voyage or Travel, and in the Thanksgiving italicize the words the great deep and insert after them, also in italics, and bracketed, the alternative words [his way]. After the Prayers and Thanksgivings upon Several Occasions place A PENITENTIAL OFFICE FOR ASH-WEDNESDAY. Next insert THE PROPER ORDER FOR PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING ON THANKSGIVING DAY, OR HARVEST HOME. Next insert A SHORT OFFICE OF PRAYER FOR SUNDRY OCCASIONS. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. Insert a rubric after the general title. After the Gospel for Christmas-day insert this rubric: ¶ Or the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel which follow may be used. Then follow with alternate Collect, Epistle, and Gospel for Christmas-day. Immediately after the second Gospel for Christmas-day insert the Collects, Epistles, and Gospels for St. Stephen's Day, St. John the Evangelist's Day, and The Innocents' Day, omitting them from their present place. After the Gospel for Innocents' Day insert this rubric: ¶ If there be any more days before the Sunday after Christmas-day, the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel for Christmas-day shall serve for them. After the Collect for St. Stephen's Day insert the rubric. Add to the rubric after the Collect for Ash-Wednesday the words until the Sunday before Easter. Omit the second rubric after the Collect for Ash-Wednesday; also the prayers that follow it. Insert a rubric after the Gospel for Ash-Wednesday. After the Collect for The Sunday next before Easter insert a rubric. Insert before the Epistles for the respective days Collects. for the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday before Easter. After the title Easter-day omit the rubric and anthems, and after the Gospel insert alternate Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, preceded by a rubric. Substitute a new Collect for the Collect for Monday in Easter-week. Substitute a new Collect for the Collect for Tuesday in Easter-week. After the Gospel for Ascension-day insert a rubric. Whitsun-day, insert an alternative Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, preceded by a rubric. Substitute a new Collect for the present Collect for Monday in Whitsun-week. Substitute a new Collect for the present Collect for Tuesday in Whitsun-week. For the title Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity substitute the title The Sunday next before Advent. After the Gospel for the feast of St. James the Apostle insert the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel for The Transfiguration of Christ. HOLY COMMUNION. Change the second rubric. Omit the doxology from the Lord's Prayer. From the rubric immediately before the Decalogue omit the words as followeth and add another rubric. Change the rubric after the prayer beginning "O Almighty Lord, and everlasting God." For the rubric Here the people shall say, substitute the rubric, Here shall be said or sung. After "Glory be to thee, O Lord," insert ¶ And after the Gospel, "Thanks be to thee, O Lord." For the rubric ¶ Then shall be read the Apostles' or Nicene Creed, etc., substitute a new rubric, and after it place the Nicene Creed. Add to the rubric before the Offertory Sentences a note referring to the use of the Sentences. At the end of the Offertory Sentences add a portion of I. Chron. xxix., 11, 12, 14. Add to the rubric which follows the Offertory Sentences the words, And when the Alms are presented there may be said or sung an Offertory Anthem. Transfer the rubric which follows the Prayer for the Church Militant and the two succeeding exhortations to a place at the end of the Office. To the rubric before the exhortation beginning "Dearly beloved in the Lord; Ye who mind," add a note. Make the Tersanctus a distinct paragraph, omitting from the rubric preceding it the words and people, and adding a side rubric, ¶ Priest and people. Make the Invocation in the Prayer of Consecration a distinct paragraph. In the Prayer of Consecration change "we and all others who" to, "whosoever." دو Change the rubric after the Prayer of Consecration so that it shall read: Here may be sung a hymn. Amend the last clause of the rubric before the Gloria in Excelsis so that it shall read, or some other Hymn.” 66 Insert the five Collects formerly at the end of the service immediately after the Blessing, with the rubric, to be said before the Benediction as occasion may require. Collects In the rubric following the Blessing substitute the word though for the word of. In the second rubric, for the words "eat and drink" substitute " consume. Insert two additional rubrics. PUBLIC BAPTISM OF INFANTS. Add to the rubric immediately before the Exhortation the words "the people all standing until the Lord's Prayer." Change the first sentence of the rubric before the Gospel. Print the Amen at the end of the prayer, "Almighty and Everlasting God, Heavenly Father," in Roman type, to indicate that the prayer is to be said by Minister and people. Omit from the first rubric all after the word "Children." In the second rubric change "they" to "he" and omit the word "like." Change the wording of the first Prayer of Thanksgiving. In the rubric following the Thanksgiving insert the words "all standing" after the words "in which case. Enlarge the form of Certification which follows the rubric. Omit from the second form of Certification the words "in this wise.' وو Omit from the rubric that follows all after the words follows." BAPTISM OF THOSE OF RIPER YEARS. 66 as After the second rubric insert the words "Hath this person been already Baptized or no?" Add to the second rubric the words "And standing there, the Minister shall say." Omit the present third rubric, and after the question this person?" etc., insert a new rubric. "Hath Print the Amen at the end of the prayer, "Almighty and Everlasting God, Heavenly Father," in Roman type, to indicate that the prayer is to be said by the Minister and people. In the closing Exhortation change "representeth" to "doth represent.' ORDER OF CONFIRMATION. Change the first rubric. After the preface insert: ¶ Then the Bishop, or some Minister appointed by him, may say, Hear the words of the Evangelist St. Luke, in the eighth chapter of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. Add the passage Acts viii., 12-17. Insert a form for presenting the candidates to the Bishop. Insert, after the form and before the present questions and answers, three questions upon the Baptismal vows, with answers. After the prayer, "Almighty and everlasting God," insert the rubric: Then may be sung a hymn. After the Collect, "O Almighty Lord," add a rubric and alternate Collect. After the final Blessing insert a rubric, and also after the present rubric at the end of the office put a new rubric. |