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less favourably of my sincerity, or be less willing still to allow

me to rank among the number of your friends.

With this conviction on my mind, permit me to assure you, that I am,


Yours most respectfully and affectionately,


June 20th, 1824.



THE following pages relate chiefly to a country which must be viewed, by the inhabitants of Great Britain, with some degree of parental solicitude: Their object is to give a true description of Upper Canada, to represent the vast importance of that portion of his Majesty's dependencies, and to demonstrate some of its capabilities as as a grand field for colonization. When British territory is my subject, and the British Public my auditors,

if I may so express myself,-I hope I need make little apology for having allowed this work to pass through the press: For, though I am fully conscious of my inability to do perfect justice to the country which I have attempted to describe, or to afford much amusement to a people whom I am desirous to inform, I feel assured that my well-intended endeavours will be regarded by the candid reader as affording some excuse for the absence of more shining qualities. To lite

rary merit, I wish it to be distinctly understood, I make not the slightest pretensions. I am a plain man, unadorned with the graces of erudition, and accustomed to clothe my sentiments only in the simple garb of unaffected sincerity: And had some person of more competent acquirements entered on this task, many hours of diligent inquiry and industrious research, which I have spent in collecting materials, would have been devoted to other more profitable pursuits, But as this has not been the case, I shall perhaps obtain forgiveness for having performed that indifferently, which no man has attempted to perform at all.*

If, however, I had not the vanity to imagine, - and perhaps it may be only an imagination, — that these volumes contain as much useful in

* There have, I am aware, been several works recently published, which give some account of Upper Canada; but they have been written by Tourists, who have passed hastily through the country, and who have, in common with all rapid travellers, gleaned in their flight a few fragments of information, which, though sometimes correct, are much more frequently manifestly erroneous. Captain Stuart, the only resident writer, in his "Emigrant's Guide to Upper Canada,"-a work which might be much more appropriately entitled the Pilgrim's Guide to the Celestial Regions, has given some honest and valuable information respecting the country; but it contains such a confused medley of polemical theology, whining cant, and complimentary bombast, that it would require as much patience to travel through his duodecimo volume, as to make a pedestrian tour through the whole of the Upper Province.

formation respecting that part of the world to which they relate, as is usually found in productions on similar subjects, I should certainly never have been induced to offer them to the acceptance of the public.

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To those who may be disposed to apply to my style the severity of criticism, I would beg leave to observe, that, if I had even felt a disposition to become a candidate for literary fame, my numerous avocations would have precluded the possibility of bestowing such a portion of time on these pages, as every literary man knows to be indispensable to the accomplishment of such an object. Compelled, as I have been, to employ almost every hour of my life in avocations, which, though less congenial to me than those of literature, are necessarily of greater importance, I have had little leisure either for partaking of those intellectual banquets which are provided in rich profusion by other writers, or of attempting to prepare for my own readers a more homely repast. Much, I think, will not be expected from me, when I acknowledge, that almost every sentence contained in these volumes was composed by the light of the midnight lamp, with a mind sometimes unhinged, and often enervated, from having been employed during the day in duties of paramount consideration. During a resi

dence of nearly six years in America, I cannot now call to recollection a single day which I had an opportunity of devoting exclusively either to pleasure or to study: And these circumstances, united with the fact that the greater part of this work was written before the author had attained his twenty-third year, will constitute a sufficient apology for the defects which it contains.

In the succeeding INTRODUCTION, I have adverted to my native country, and to the motives for leaving it by which I and my friends were influenced: The reader will there find, that I am an Irishman; and if, in the indulgence of a strong attachment to the land of my birth, I exhibit some of that warmth of feeling and expression by which all my countrymen are distinguished, I hope to be pardoned for such unstudied and incidental displays of nationality.

I know only of another circumstance to which I may be expected to allude in the form of brief apology; and that is, to the recital of some Trans-atlantic conversations which occurred in my presence, and which I considered to be highly characteristic of American morals. These details, however, it will be perceived, have been given with as studious a regard to decency, as the high claims of my duty to the Public would allow. I could not reconcile it to my

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