The Federal Emergency Management Agency's Office of National Preparedness: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Second Session, April 11, 2002, Том 4U.S. Government Printing Office, 2002 - Всего страниц: 74 |
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activities areas assess better prepared billion bioterrorism Chairman Citizen Corps Combating Terrorism committee communities Congress consequence management coordination COSTELLO counter-terrorism crisis management Department of Justice disaster District of Columbia Domestic Preparedness domestic terrorism emergency management emergency medical emergency preparedness emergency response enhance exercise program federal agencies Federal Emergency Management federal government federal programs FEMA fiscal year 2003 funds goals grant program Homeland Security interoperability jurisdictions LATOURETTE law enforcement levels of government mass destruction mission mutual aid National Governors Association National Preparedness national strategy Office of Domestic Office of Homeland Office of National personnel preparedness efforts preparedness programs private sector public health Responder Initiative response capabilities roles September 11th September 11th attack SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO subcommittee technical assistance terrorism preparedness terrorist attack terrorist event terrorist incident Thank threat training and equipment Washington weapons of mass World Trade Center
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Стр. 43 - Energy, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The...
Стр. 54 - Office') to be headed by the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security. "Sec. 2. Mission. The mission of the Office shall be to develop and coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist threats or attacks.
Стр. 28 - It would continue FEMA's efforts to reduce the loss of life and property and to protect our nation's institutions from all types of hazards through a comprehensive, risk-based, all-hazards emergency management program of preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery.
Стр. 54 - Security in setting priorities, interacting with agencies on program development and implementation, and developing and enforcing overall federal policy in terrorism-related activities is in the formative stages of being fully established. The emphasis needs to be on a national rather than a purely federal strategy. We have long advocated the involvement of state, local, and private-sector stakeholders in a collaborative effort to arrive at national goals.
Стр. 39 - Center for Domestic Preparedness, the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Louisiana State University, Texas A&M University, and the Department of Energy's Nevada Test Site. Each consortium member brings a unique set of assets to the domestic preparedness program. ODP also utilizes the capabilities of a number of specialized institutions in the design and delivery of its training programs. These include private contractors, other federal and state agencies, the National Terrorism Preparedness...
Стр. 71 - March 20 2001. Combating Terrorism: federal Response Teams Provide Varied Capabilities; Opportunities Remain to Improve Coordination.
Стр. 33 - It is the policy and intent of Congress to provide a system of civil defense for the protection of life and property in the United States from attack.
Стр. 61 - Act became the primary legislative framework through which agencies are required to set strategic and annual goals, measure performance, and report on the degree to which goals are met. The...
Стр. 69 - Chairman, this completes my prepared statement. I would be happy to respond to any questions you or other Members of the Subcommittee may have at this time.
Стр. 70 - Combating Terrorism: Observations on Options to Improve the Federal Response. GAO01-660T. Washington, DC: April 24, 2001. Combating Terrorism: Comments on Counterterrorism Leadership and National Strategy.