sible, and was given to von Neurath to use for coercion of the Czechs. The declared basic policy of the Protectorate was to destroy the identity of the Czechs as a nation and to absorb their territory into the Reich. This is borne out by a memorandum signed by Lt. Gen. of Infantry Frederici (862-PS), which is headed "The Deputy General of the Armed Forces with the Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia". It is marked Top Secret and dated 15 October 1940. That was practically a year before von Neurath went on leave, as he puts it, on 27 September 1941. The memorandum discusses “Basic Political Principles in the Protectorate," and copies went to Keitel and Jodl. The memorandum states: "On 9 October of this year [1940] the office of the Reich pro- "After ample deliberation, the Reich Protector expressed his "A. German infiltration of Moravia and reduction of the Czech nationality to a residual Bohemia. "This solution is considered as unsatisfactory, because the "B. Many arguments can be brought up against the most "Elements which counteract the planned Germanization are "After a discussion, the Fuehrer has chosen Solution C (as- That view of the Reich Protector was accepted and formed a basis of his policy. The result was a program of consolidating German control over Bohemia and Moravia by the systematic oppression of the Czechs through the abolishment of civil liberties, and the systematic undermining of the native political, economic, and cultural structure by a regime of terror. The only protection given by von Neurath was a protection to the perpetrators of innumerable crimes against the Czechs. (Proof of this aspect of von Neurath's responsibility was left for development by the Soviet prosecuting staff.) F. CONCLUSION. Von Neurath received many honors and rewards as his worth. It even appears that Hitler showered more honors on von Neurath than on some of the leading Nazis who had been with the Party since the very beginning. His appointments as President of the newly created Secret Cabinet Council in 1938 was in itself a new and singular distinction. On 22 September 1940 Hitler awarded him the War Merit Cross, First Class, as Reich Protector for Bohemia and Moravia. He was also awarded the Golden Badge of the Party, and was promoted by Hitler personally from the rank of Gruppenfuehrer to Obergruppenfuehrer in the SS, on 21 June 1943. Von Neurath and Ribbentrop were the only two Ger mans to be awarded the Adlerorden, a distinction normally reserved for foreigners. Von Neurath's seventieth birthday, 2 February 1943, was made the occasion for most of the German newspapers to praise his many years of service to the Nazi regime. This service, in the view of the prosecution, may be summed up in two ways: (1) He was an internal fifth columnist among Conservative political circles in Germany. They had been anti-Nazi but were converted in part by seeing one of themselves, in the person of von Neurath, wholeheartedly with the Nazis. (2) His previous reputation as a diplomat made public opinion abroad slow to believe that he would be a member of a cabinet which did not stand by its words and assurances. It was most important for Hitler that his own readiness to break every treaty or commitment should be concealed as long as possible, and for this purpose he found in von Neurath his handiest tool. LEGAL REFERENCES AND LIST OF DOCUMENTS *789-PS *812-PS *862-PS *1439-PS Notes on a conference with Hitler File of papers on Case Green (the III III III Speech of the Fuehrer at a confer- Treaty of Protection between Slo- 295 305 572 586 III 618 Document Description Vol. Page **1654-PS Vienna 18 March and in Berlin ing universal military conscription. IV 163 *1708-PS 208 305 349 IV 360 *1760-PS *1774-PS *1780-PS *2031-PS 2119-PS *2194-PS *2246-PS *2247-PS The Program of the NSDAP. Na- smith, 28 August 1945. (USA 57). IV Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich |