EICHMANN, ADOLF Head of Dept. IV A4 of RSHA, and Chief of Sub-section "b" thereof charged with "The Solution of the Jewish Question". EPP, FRANZ, RITTER von Reichsleiter; Reichstatthalter Bayern; SA-Obergruppenfuehrer; Head of Colonial Policy Office of Party; General der Infanterie. ESSER, HERMANN Staatssekretaer and head of Tourists Division in Reich Propaganda Ministry; Praesident of "Reich Group Tourist Traffic" (Fremdenverkehr); Vice-President of the Reichstag; State Minister (retd). FALKENHAUSEN, ALEXANDER von Generaloberst-Commander of Belgium and Northern France. FALKENHORST, NIKOLAUS von Generaloberst-Commander in Norway. FIEHLER, KARL Reichsleiter; Chief of the Party Department for Municipal Policy; SS-Obergruppenfuehrer; Chairman of the Congress of German Municipalities; Oberbuergermeister Muenchen; Member of the Academy for German Law. FISCHER, ERICH Head of Home Press Division in the Reich Propaganda Ministry; Head of office for "German Press" in the Press Department of the Government; Head of Political Press section with Reichspressechef (RL). FISCHER, HUGO Head of Culture and Exhibitions sections in Reich Propaganda Department of RL. FOSTER, ALBERT Gauleiter, Reichsstatthalter and Reichsverteidigungskommissar Danzig-Westpreussen. FRANK, DR. HANS Governor-General of Poland; Reichsleiter until 1942; Reich Minister without portfolio; SS-Obergruppenfuehrer; President of the International Chamber of Law (1941-42) and of Academy of German Law; Member of the Reichstag; Leader of National Socialist Lawyers Bund (1933–1942). FRANK, KARL-HERMANN German Minister of State with rank of Reich Minister; Hoeherer SS und Polizeifuehrer “Protectorate” and Sudetenland. FREISLER, DR. ROLAND President of the People's Court; Prussian State Councillor; Member of the Academy of German Law. FRICK, WILHELM Minister of Interior (1933–1943); Reichsprotector of Bohemia and Moravia; Reichsdirektor of Elections (1933-1943); SSObergruppenfuehrer; Reichsleiter; Head of Nazi Reichstag Delegation; Member of Reich Defense Council; General Plenipotentiary for the Administration of the Reich (1935–1943); Reichsminister without Portfolio (1943–1945). FRIEDRICHS, DR. HELMUT Head of Section for Internal Party affairs in and deputy head of Chancellery of the Party. FRITZSCHE, HANS Ministerialdirektor, Reich Ministry of Propaganda; Plenipotentiary for the Political Supervision of Broadcasting in Greater Germany; head of Broadcasting Division in Propaganda Ministry. FUNK, DR. WALTER Reich Minister of Economics; Member of the Ministerial Council for Defense of the Reich; Plenipotentiary for Economics; President of the Reichsbank; Vice-President of the Reich Chamber of Culture; formerly Chief of Press of the Reich Government (1933-1937); member of Reichstag (1932-1933); and State Secretary in the Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (1933-1937). GLAISE-HORSTENAU, DR. h. c. EDMUND von General der Infantrie; SA-Gruppenfuehrer; Minister in SeyssInquart Cabinet; German General Plenipotentiary in Austria in 1944. GLUECKS, RICHARD Chief of "Amtsgruppe D" in the Economic and Administrative Main Office (Wirtschafts- and Verwaltungshauptamt) of SS; Commander of Concentration Camps; SS-Gruppenfuerer; General-leutnant d. Waffen-SS. GOEBBELS, DR. PAUL JOSEF Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda; Member of the Secret Cabinet Council; Chairman of the Interministerial Committee on Air-Raid Damage; Reichspropagandaleiter of the NSDAP; Reichsleiter; President of the Reich Chamber of Culture; Stadtpraesident, Gauleiter, Reichsverteidigungskommissar of Berlin; Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War Effort. GOERING, HERMANN WILHELM Successor designate No. 1 to Hitler; Reich Minister for Air; President of the Ministerial Council for the Defense of the Reich; member of the Secret Cabinet Council; Reich Forest Master; Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force; Prime Minister of Prussia; President of the Prussian State Council; President of the Reichstag; Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan; Head of the "Reichswerke Hermann Goering"; Reichsmarschall; SSObergruppenfuehrer; SA-Obergruppenfuehrer. GREIM, ROBERT RITTER v. Generaloberst, C.-in-C. of the Air Force (OKL) 1945. GROSS, DR. WALTER Head of Racial Policy Department of the Party; high official in the Chancery of the Party; Hauptdienstleiter; Head of the Science Division in Ideology Department (Amt Rosenberg). GUDERIAN, HEINZ Generaloberst, Chief of Staff of the Army (OKH). GUENTHER, DR. HANS K. F. Professor of racial science at Jena. HAENEL Head of Amt II, Reich Main Security Office; SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer. HALDER, FRANZ Colonel-General; Chief of Staff of OKH (until summer 1942). HANNEKEN, HERMANN von General der Infanterie; Military Commander in Denmark until 1945. HAUSHOEFER, DR. KARL Professor; Generalmajor (retd); President of Society for Geopolitics; Publisher of periodical "Die Geopolitik." HENLEIN, KONRAD Gauleiter and Reichsstatthalter Sudetenland; SS-Obergruppenfuehrer; member of the Reichstag. HESS, RUDOLF Successor Designate No. 2 of the Fuehrer; Deputy of the Fuehrer for all Party affairs; Reich Minister; member of the Reichstag until 1941. HEYDRICH, REINHARDT Formerly SS-Obergruppenfuehrer and Chief of the RSHA. HIERL, KONSTANTIN Reichsleiter; Reichsarbeitsfuehrer; Reichsminister; member of the Reichstag; Generalmajor. HIMMLER, HEINRICH Reichsfuehrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei; Reich Commissar for the Strengthening of German Folkdom; Reich Min 693255-47-68 ister of the Interior; Reichsleiter; Chief of the Replacement Army; Military Chief of the Volkssturm. HITLER, ADOLF Fuehrer u. Reichskanzler; Fuehrer of NS Party and Movement; Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht; Commander-in-Chief of Army; Chief of Cabinet; Chief of Reich Defense Council; Chief of SA. HOSSBACH, FRIEDRICH General der Infantrie. JODL, ALFRED Colonel-General (1944); Chief of Operation Staff of High Command of OKW (1939–1945). JUETTNER, HANS Head of SS Operational Main Office and Command of the Combat SS; Permanent Deputy to Himmler as Commander of the Replacement Army; SS-Obergruppenfuehrer; General d. Waffen-SS. JUETTNER, MAX Chief of SA Command and Permanent Deputy of the Chief of Staff; Chief of Mounted SA; SA-Obergruppenfuehrer; Member of the Reichstag. KALTENBRUNNER, DR. ERNST Chief of Security Police and Security Service; Chef des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes (Reich Security Main Office); Member of the Reichstag; SS-Obergruppenfuehrer; General der Polizei. KEITEL, WILHELM Generalfeldmarschall; Chief of the High Command of the Armed Forces (OKW); Member of Cabinet with rank of Reichsminister; Member of Secret Cabinet Council; Member of Ministerial Council for Defense of the Reich; Member of Reich Defense Council. KESSELRING, ALBERT Generalfeldmarschall; C-in-C. South West and Army Group C. KITZINGER, KARL General der Flieger. KLAGGES, DIETRICH Ministerpraesident, Minister of the Interior, of Finance and of Education, in Braunschweig; SS-Obergruppenfuehrer. KLEIST, EWALD von Generalfeldmarschall. KLOPPER, DR. GERHARD Ministerialdirektor; Staatssekretaer and Expert for Government Affairs in Party Chancery; Oberdienstleiter; SS-Gruppenfuehrer. KOCH, ERICH Oberpraesident and Gauleiter of Ostpreussen; Reich Defense Commissioner for Wehrkreis I; SS-Gruppenfuehrer; Reich Commissioner of Ukraine, Bialystak. KOERNER, PAUL Staatssekretaer to the Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan (Goering); Prussian State Councillor; Chairman, board of directors, Hermann Goering Werke Saltzgitter; SS-Obergruppenfuehrer. KRAUCH, DR. KARL Plenipotentiary of the Board of the Four Year Plan for questions of chemical production; acting head of the Department for Expansion of Economic Life (Wirtschaftsaufbau); Chairman, board of directors, I. G. Farben; Wehrwirtschaftsfuehrer. KRAUS, ERWIN Commander-in-Chief of the NSKK; Inspector for Motor Training in the Volkssturm; Member of the Reichstag; Plenipotentiary for Motor Transport in War Industry (under the Four Year Plan). KREBS, HANS General der Infanterie; Chief of Staff of OKH. KRUPP von BOHLEN und HALBACH, ALFRED President of Friedrich Krupp Company, took over sole ownership in 1943; Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Reichsvereinigung Eisen; joined NSDAP in 1936. KRUPP von BOHLEN und HALBACH, GUSTAV Chairman of Board of the Friedrich Krupp A.G.; Pioneer of Labor; awarded Party's Golden Honor Badge and the Eagle Shield of the Reich. LAHOUSEN, ERWIN Generalmajor; Assistant to Admiral Canaris, Head of Intelligence Section OKW (Abwehr); became Chief of Abwehr Section II in 1939. LAMMERS, DR. HANS HEINRICH Reichsminister; Chief of the Reich Chancery; SS-Obergruppenfuehrer; Member of and Secretary to the Secret Cabinet and the Ministerrat fuer die Reichsverteidigung; Preussischer Staatsrat; member of the Academy of German Law. LANGE, DR. KURT Commissioner for Currency, Banking, Insurance in Reich Ministry of Economics; Vice-President of Reichsbank; Deputy |