TODT, FRITZ Reichsleiter; 1940 Reich Minister for Armaments and Munitions; killed in 1942 in crash. UIBERREITHER, DR. SIEGFRIED Reichsstatthalter, Reichsverteidigungskommissar and Gauleiter of Steiermark; Head of Civil Administration in Untersteier50 mark. SICIA UTIKAL Staff Official in Rosenberg's Ministry for Occupied Eastern Territories, Chief of Staff of "Einsatzstab Rosenberg". VIETINGHOFF-SCHEEL, OTTO-HEINRICH von Generaloberst; C.-in-C. "South". WAGNER, ROBERT ATIA Reichsstatthalter, Reichsverteidigungskommissar and Gauleiter of Baden; Chief of Civil Administration in Alsace. WARLIMONT, WALTER General; Deputy Chief of Operations Staff of OKW. WEICHS, MAXIMILIAN, Freiherr, von Y Generaldfeldmarschall, Commander in Chief, Southeast and Army Group F. WEIZSAECKER, ERNST FREIHERR von German Ambassador to the Holy See. WIEDEMANN, FRITZ KOTKA German Consul General in Tientsin and San Francisco; for Hauptsturmfuehrer in Slovakia; Specialist on Jewish matters in Slovakia with Amt IV A4, Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Main Security Office) 1940-1944. WOLFF, KARL Supreme SS and Police commander in Italy; Commander of the Italian SS Legion; General of the Waffen-SS at the Fuehrer's Headquarters; chief of the personal staff of the Reichsfuehrung SS; SS-Obergruppenfuehrer. ZEITZLER, KURT CODE NAMES AND WORDS USED BY THE GERMAN HIGH COMMAND FOR OPERATIONS AND MEASURES ACHSE ADLER AFRIKA AIDA ALARICH ALPENVEILCHEN ANGELHAKEN ANTON ATTILA AUGSBURG BARBAROSSA BERLIN 11. BIRKE BLAUFUCHS BLUECHER BRAUNSCHWEIG DURING THE WAR Measures to be taken when Italy de clared a separate armistice. Capture of coast between Zara and Two Italo-German convoys from Italy Occupation of Egypt and the Suez Occupation of North Italy and Unoc- Invasion of Albania. (a and b) Attacks on British ships in Occupation of Unoccupied France, with Occupation of Unoccupied France; re- Delay attack, in Operation GELB. (I & II) Occupation of East Baltic Is- (a and b) Attacks on British ships in the North Atlantic by Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Hipper, etc. December 1940-January 1941. Withdrawal of troops from Finland. Attacks in Baltic Islands and near Finland. Part of planned attack on Caspian Sea, 1942. Operation around Stalingrad. CERBERUS CHURCHILL CORSI/CORSO DANZIG DOPPELSCHLAG EDELWEISS EICHE EISBAER EISENBAHN ELISABETH EISPALAST ERICH FELIX FEUERZANGE FEUERZAUBER FISCHREIHER FLIEGERPILZ FREISCHUETZ FRISCHES HAFF FRONTTHEATER GANGES GELB GISELA GRUEN Transfer of "Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, and Prinz Eugen" through the English Channel, 1942. Danish fishing vessel "Sursum Corda" spying on English Coast and later called ERICH. Part of operation GRUEN. Execute attack, in Operation GELB. Scheer and Hipper operating in Arctic, Operation around Baku and Caspian Rescue of Mussolini, 1943. Attack on Cos, 1943. Moving of the "Hipper" to Drontheim. Blockade running, Bay of Biscay, 1943. "Koeln" operating against UK-Russia convoys. Name changed to MEISENBALZ, 1942 See CHURCHILL. Part of operation SEEKRIEG, planned Combing out certain Adriatic Islands. Operations along the Volga, to Astra- Intended mining of Dardanelles, September 1944. Capture of Vis and other Adriatic Is lands, 1943. Defense of Danzig. See DOMINO. Operation in French area. Invasion of Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Occupation of Spain. Invasion of Czechoslovakia. GUSTAV HARPUNE HERBSTREISE HERBSTSTURM HERKULES HOLZAUGE ILONA ISABELLA JUNO KIRSCHBLUETE KONSTANTIN KORALLE KAMELIE KORSIKA KURFUERST LABYRINTH LANDWIRT MANDARINE MARCO POLO MARITA META The plan to assassinate Gen. Giraud. Attacks diversionary to BARBAROSSA by troops from Norway against Scotland, 1941. See HAIFISCH. See ANGELHAKEN. See ANGELHAKEN. Attacks on Arctic convoys. Landing on Scotch Coast; diversion to Evacuation of Adriatic coast. Naval operations in Baltic and North See ILONA. Norwegian operations, 1940. Voyage of Japanese submarines to Occupation of Italian-occupied Balkan Unidentified operation circa February Projected annexation of Corsica, 1941. Projected operation against Gibraltar. Attack on Murmansk railroad near Naval operational group in Mediterra- See GANGES. Operation involving collaboration with Invasion of Greece, 1941. See EISPALAST. Invasion of Crete, 1941. Ship cruising in Swedish water gathering various information, 1935. MONSUN NAUMBURG NORDLICHT NORDMARK NORDWEST OTTO PRINZ EUGEN REGENBOGEN RENNTIER ......... RHEINUEBUNG ROESSELSPRUNG ROT ROTBUCHE SAFARI SCHAMIL SCHLESWIG SEELOEWE SILBERSTREIFEN SK A planned landing in England. The economic counterpart of BARBA- Annexation of Austria, 1938; also fre- See KONSTANTIN. Attacks against Arctic convoy, P.Q. 20, Operations of the Bismarck. [OVIATW Defense of German bases in Estonia.Ami Paratrooper attack around Maikop. Part of operation SEEKRIEG (Landing on East English coast) including attack on Norwegian convoy, February 1940. Invasion of Great Britain. Operation in Norway, 1941 (cutting off Naval operations in Baltic and North SONDERSTAB F... Military mission to assist Iraq rebellion SONNENBLUME SPORTPALAST TAIFUN 1941. Capturing Tripoli and Malta (1941). |