LEGAL REFERENCES AND LIST OF DOCUMENTS Letter from Milch, Chief of the 266 *388-PS 693255-47-16 Document *686-PS Himmler for extermination through work. (USA 218)........ III 467 Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor to strengthen German III 496 *744-PS *778-PS Secret letter of Keitel, 8 July 1943, III 540 Memorandum by Minister of Jus III 557 tice, Guertner, of conference with Mueller's order, 17 December 1942, Letter from WVHA, 28 March 1942, concerning "Action 14 F 13" III 586 718 III 778 *1352-PS 1551-PS *1582-PS *1583-PS of prisoners clothing. (USA 458).. III 824 III 916 IV 106 114 IV 115 |