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Keitel Order, 16 September 1941,

[blocks in formation]


Letters of 26 and 28 November
1941, enclosing orders concerning
protection of troops against Par-
tisans and sabotage. (USA 556)... VII
File of circulars from Reichsfueh-
rer SS, the OKW, Inspector of
Concentration Camps, Chief of
Security Police and SD, dating

49 Document


Vol. Page







[blocks in formation]






Statement of PW Ernst Walde,
13 December 1945. (GB 278)..... VII
Order of Hitler, 30 July 1944, con-
cerning combatting of “terrorists"
and "saboteurs" in Occupied Ter-
ritories. (GB 298)............
Circular of OKW, 18 August 1944,
regarding penal jurisdiction of
non-German civilians in Occupied
Territories. (GB300)..........
Circular of OKW, 18 August 1944,
concerning combatting of "terror-
ists" and "saboteurs" in Occupied
Territories and jurisdiction rela-
tive thereto. (GB299)...........VII
Directives of OKW, 2 September
1944, regarding offenses by non-
German civilians in Occupied Ter-
ritories. (GB 302) ..




[blocks in formation]


Telegram signed by Gen. Chris-
tiansen, 21 September 1940, rela-
tive to application of capital pun-



Vol. Page


ishment in connection with Railway

strike in Holland. (GB 304)...... VII 229

Circular, 24 September 1944, on

offenses of non-German civilians


in Occupied Territories. (GB305). VII. 229 Directive of Chief of OKW to

German Foreign Office at Salz-
burg, on treatment of Allied "Ter-
rorist"-flyers, 14 June 1944. (GB

VII 231







Draft of directive, 14 June 1944,
from OKW to Supreme Com-
mander of "Luftwaffe", regard-
ing treatment of Allied "Ter-
rorist"-flyers. (GB308).......... VII 232
Draft of directive of Chief of

VII 234

OKW, 15 June 1944, to German
Foreign Office at Salzburg, con-
cerning treatment of Allied "Ter-
rorist"-flyers. (GB309).......... VII 233
Draft of directive, 15 June 1944,
from OKW to Supreme Com-
mander of "Luftwaffe" concern-
ing treatment of Allied "Ter-
rorist"-flyers. (GB310)..........
Notes, 18 June 1944, concerning
treatment of Anglo-American
"Terrorist"-flyers. (GB 311)...... VII
Letter from Reichsmarschall to
Chief of OKW, 19 August 1944,
regarding treatment of Allied
"Terrorist"-flyers. (GB312)...... VII
Draft of communication from Am-
bassador Ritter, Salzburg, to Chief
of OKW, 20 June 1944, on treat-
ment of Allied "Terrorist"-flyers.
(GB 313).






Note of OKW to Supreme Com-
mander of "Luftwaffe", 23 June

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