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journals in an endeavor to read. Then the door opens. Inge
looks up.
The Jew appears. She screams. In terror she
drops the paper. Horrified she jumps up. Her eyes stare
into the face of the Jewish doctor. And this face is the face
of the devil. In the middle of this devil's face is a huge
crooked nose. Behind the spectacles two criminal eyes. And
the thick lips are grinning, a grinning that expresses: 'Now
I got you at last, you little German girl!'

"And then the Jew approaches her. His fleshy fingers stretch
out after her. But now Inge has composed herself. Before
the Jew can grab hold of her, she smacks the fat face of
the Jew doctor with her hand. One jump to the door. Breath-
lessly Inge runs down the stairs. Breathlessly she escapes
the Jew house." (1778-PS).


Another photograph shows youthful admirers standing around looking at Streicher's picture, with the following commentary:

"Without a solution of the Jewish question there will be no salvation for mankind.' That is what he shouted to us. All of us could understand him. And when, at the end, he shouted 'Sieg Heil' for the Fuehrer, we all acclaimed him with tremendous enthusiasm. For two hours Streicher spoke at that occasion. To us it appeared to have been but a few minutes." (1778-PS).

The effect of all this propaganda is evident from the columns of "Der Stuermer" itself. In April 1936 there was published a letter, which is typical of many others that appear in other copies from children of all ages. The third paragraph of this letter, signed by the boys and girls of the National Socialist Youth Hostel at Grossmuellen, reads:


* Today we saw a play on how the devil persuades the Jew to shoot a conscientious National Socialist. In the course of the play the Jew did it too. We all heard the shot. We would have all liked to jump up and arrest the Jew. But then the policeman came and after a short struggle took the Jew along. You can imagine, dear Stuermer, that we heartily cheered the policeman. In the whole play not one name was mentioned, but we all knew that this play represented the murder by the Jew Frankfurter. We were very sick when we went to bed that night. None felt like talking to the others. This play made it clear to us how the Jew sets to work." (M-25).


Streicher's authority as a Gauleiter was extensive. The Organization Book of the NSDAP for 1938 describes the duties and authority of Gauleiters as follows:

"The Gauleiter bears over-all responsibility for the Fuehrer for the sector of sovereignty entrusted to him. The rights, duties and jurisdiction of the Gauleiter result primarily from the mission assigned by the Fuehrer and, apart from that, from detailed direction." (1814-PS).

Streicher's association with the Fuehrer and other Nazi conspirators may also be seen from the newspapers. On the occasion of Streicher's 50th birthday, Hitler paid a visit to Nurnberg to congratulate him. The account of that meeting is published in the "Voelkischer Beobachter" of 13 February 1934 as follows:

"Adolf Hitler spoke to his old comrades in battle and to his followers in words which went straight to their hearts. By way of introduction he remarked that it was a special pleasure to be present for a short while in Nurnberg, the town of the National Socialist community which had been steeled in battle, at this day of honor of Julius Streicher, and to be within the circle of the standard bearers of the National Socialist idea during many years.

"Just as they, all of them, had during the years of oppression unshakeably believed in the victory of the movement, so his friend and comrade in the battle, Streicher, had stood faithfully at his side at all times. It had been this unshakeable belief that had moved mountains.

"For Streicher it would surely be a solemn thought, that this 50th anniversary meant not only the halfway point of a century, but also of a thousand years of German history to him. He had in Streicher a companion of whom he could say that here in Nurnberg was a man who would never waver for a single second and who would unflinchingly stand behind him in every situation." (M-8).

A letter from Himmler, published in "Der Stuermer" of April 1937, declared:

"If in future years the history of the reawakening of the German people is written, and if already the next generation will be unable to understand that the German people was once friendly to the Jews, it will be stated that Julius Streicher and his weekly paper 'Der Stuermer' have contributed a great deal towards the enlightenment regarding the

enemy of humanity. "(Signed) For the Reichsfuehrer SS, Himmler." (M-22).

Finally, a letter from von Schirach, the Reich Youth Leader, published in "Der Stuermer" of January 1938, had this to say:

"It is the historical merit of 'Der Stuermer' to have enlightened the broad masses of our people in a popular way as to the Jewish world danger. 'Der Stuermer' is right in refusing to fulfill its task in the tone of the aesthetic drawing room. Jewry has shown no regard for the German people. We have, therefore, no cause to be considerate and to spare our worst enemy. What we fail to do today our youngsters of tomorrow will have to suffer for bitterly." (M-45).


It may be that Streicher is less directly involved in the physical commission of the crimes against Jews than some of his coconspirators. The submission of the Prosecution is that his crime is no less worse for that reason. No government in the world, before the Nazis came to power, could have embarked upon and put into effect a policy of mass Jewish extermination in the way in which they did, without having a people who would back them and support them, and without having a large number of people who were prepared to carry out the murder themselves. (See Chapter XII on Persecution of the Jews.)

It was to the task of educating and poisoning the people with hate, and of producing murderers, that Streicher set himself. For 25 years he continued unrelentingly the perversion of the people and youth of Germany. He went on and on, as he saw the results of his work bearing fruit.

In the early days he was preaching persecution. As persecution took place he preached extermination and annihilation and, as millions of Jews were exterminated and annihilated, in the Ghettos of the East, he cried out for more and more.

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The crime of Streicher is that he made these crimes possible, which they would never have been had it not been for him and for those like him. Without Streicher and his propaganda, the Kaltenbrunners, the Himmlers, the General Stroops would have had nobody to do their orders.

In its extent Streicher's crime is probably greater and more far-reaching than that of any of the other defendants. The misery which they caused ceased with their capture. The effects of this man's crime, of the poison that he has put into the minds of millions of young boys and girls goes on, for he concentrated

upon the youth and childhood of Germany. He leaves behind him a legacy of almost a whole people poisoned with hate, sadism, and murder, and perverted by him. That people remain a problem. and perhaps a menace to the rest of civilization for generations to come.


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Announcement in Press Confer-
ence, 4 August 1938, of breaking
up of synagogue. (USA 266)...... IV 224
Report of Goering's Commissioners









for investigation of Aryanisations.
(GB 175).....

Book "The Poisonous Mushroom",
published in Nurnberg 1938, con-
cerning Jews. (USA 257).
The Organization of the NSDAP
and its affiliated associations, from
Organization book of the NSDAP,
editions of 1936, 1938, 1940 and
1943, pp. 86-88. (USA 328). . . .
Article by Streicher, 4 November
1943, published in Der Sturmer.
(GB 176).

Defeat the Enemy of the World,
published in National Socialist
Party Correspondence No. 358,
30 March 1933. (GB 166)..
Streicher decrees, published in
National Socialist Party Corre-
spondence, No. 359, 31 March
1933. (GB 167)..

Announcement of Central Com-
mittee for defense against Jewish
horror and boycott agitation, 29
March 1933, published in National
Socialist Party Correspondence
No. 357. (USA 263)....

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