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reply: I see in this an action contributing to European culture." (3048-PS)

(4) Conclusion. Schirach bears responsibility for rendering / significant aid to the Nazi conspirators in each major phase of the conspiracy; winning Nazi supporters before the seizure of power; consolidating the Nazis' control of Germany after the seizure of power; preparing for aggressive wars; and conducting aggressive wars. From the beginning he held important policymaking and administrative positions. From 1931 to the Nazis' downfall, he was one of the small group of Reich Leaders (Reichsleiter) of the NSDAP who consorted together, directly subordinate only to Hitler himself, and who provided the innermost leaven of the Leadership Corps of the Party. For nearly a decade he was fully in charge of perpetrating the Nazi regime by poisoning the minds of the young generation. Although his principal assistance to the conspiracy was given by his commission of German youth to the conspirators' objectives, still he also conspired to wage crimes against humanity as a Party and governmental administrator of high standing after the conspiracy had reached its inevitable involvement in war of aggression.




Vol. Page

Charter of the International Mili


tary Tribunal, Article 6......... I
International Military Tribunal,
Indictment Number 1, Section
IV (H); Appendix A............ I 29,65

Note: A single asterisk (*) before
a document indicates that the
document was received in evidence
at the Nurnberg trial. A double
asterisk (**) before a document
number indicates that the docu-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Statement by von Schirach concerning positions held. (USA 14).. V | Speech by von Schirach before


[blocks in formation]


Affidavit of Hans Marsalek, 8
April 1946, concerning Mauthausen
Concentration Camp and dying
statement of Franz Ziereis, the
Commandant. (USA 797)........ VI
Agreement between the League


[blocks in formation]

(1) Between 1925 and 1945 Bormann held the following positions:

(a) Member of the Nazi Party 1925-1945.

(b) Member of the Reichstag, November 1933-1945.

(c) Member of the Staff of the Supreme Command of the SA, 15 November 1928 to August 1930.

(d) Founder and head of Hilfskasse der NSDAP, August 1930 to July 1933.

(e) Reichsleiter, July 1933–1945.

(f) Chief of Staff, Office of the Fuehrer's Deputy, July 1933 to May 1941.

(g) Head of the Party Chancery, 12 May 1941-1945.

(h) Secretary of the Fuehrer, 12 April 1943-1945. (2981-PS) (i) Member of the Council of Ministers for the Defense of the Reich, 29 May 1942-1945. (2099-PS)

(j) Political and organizational head of the Volkssturm. (3018-PS)

(k) General in the SS. (3234-PS)

(2) During this period Bormann also held the following position: Member of the Reich Cabinet, 29 May 1941 to 1945. (2099-PS)

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