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Circular letter from Bormann to
Political Leaders, 30 May 1944,
concerning justice exercised by
people against Anglo-American
murderers. (USA 329). .
Hitler Order of 30 September 1944
concerning reorganization of the
concerns of prisoners of war. (USA

Secret Bormann letter, 11 January
1944, concerning large-scale or-
ganization for withdrawal of com-
modities from occupied territories
for use of bombed-out population
in Germany. (USA 692)..
Top secret Hess directive of 13
March 1940, concerning behavior
in case of landings of enemy planes
or parachutists. (USA 696)....
Bormann letter to Rosenberg, 24
June 1940, submitting draft for
discriminatory church law for
Danzig and West Prussia. (USA

Letter from Bormann to Rosen-
berg, 17 January 1939, enclosing
order of 28 December 1938, con-
cerning decisions on Jewish ques-
tion. (USA 589)..

Letter of Deputy Fuehrer to
Rosenberg, 25 April 1941, on sub-
stitution of National Socialist mot-
tos for morning prayers in schools.
(USA 349).
Rosenberg letter to Bormann, 23
April 1941, replying to Bormann's
letter of 19 April 1941 (Document
072-PS). (USA 371)..
Bormann letter to Rosenberg, 19

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April 1941, concerning confisca-
tion of property, especially of art

treasures in the East. (USA 357).. III 122
Letter from Bormann to Rosen-
berg, 8 March 1940, instructing
Amann not to issue further news-
print to confessional newspapers.
(USA 360)....





Bormann's letter to Rosenberg,
22 February 1940, urging creation
of National Socialist Catechism,
etc. to provide moral foundation
for NS religion. (USA 350)............. III
Bormann letter to Reich Minister
of Finance, January 1940, de-
manding that church assessments
for the special war tax be greatly
increased. (USA 688)....
Bormann's letter to Rosenberg,
18 January 1940, urging prepara-
tion of National Socialist reading
material to replace Christian lit-
erature for soldiers (USA 691).... III





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ary 1939, to Minister of Education
requesting restriction or elimina-
tion of theological faculties. (USA

Bormann letter to Army High
Command, 28 January 1939, op-
posing the establishment of an
Army Corps of Chaplains.....
Bormann's letter to Rosenberg,
17 April 1939, enclosing copy of
Minister of Education letter, 6
April 1939, on elimination of theo-
logical faculties in various univer-
sities. (USA 362). . .

Confidential letter from Bormann
to Minister of Education, 23 June
1939, in reply to memorandum of
6 April 1939 (122-PS) reporting
the Party's decision to order the
suppression of numerous Divinity
Schools. (USA 686).

Bormann letter to Rosenberg, 12
December 1939, agreeing with sug-
gestion that the University Chairs
belonging to the Divinity School
in the University of Munich be
used for instructors at the Nazi
Academy (Hohe Schule). (USA

Bormann Circular, 5 May 1943,
containing detailed directions as to
the treatment of foreign workers
employed within the Reich....
Bormann Circular, 25 November
1943, demanding harsher treat-
ment of Prisoners of War and the
fuller utilization of their man-
power. (USA 695).........

Bormann Order of 13 September

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Letter, undated, from Bormann to
Political leaders, enclosing Order
of Supreme Command of the
Wehrmacht, 29 January 1943, re-
lating to self-defense against pris-
oners of war. (USA 339)..
Secret conference, 12 January 1943,
of the SS-Committee for General
Labor in the German Zone..
Minutes of meeting, 6 June 1944,
to fix the cases in which the appli-
cation of Lynch Law against
Allied airmen would be justified.
(GB 151)...

Letter from Hess' office signed
Bormann, 3 June 1939, referring
to Hitler's Decree of 6 March 1939
which precluded Christian Scien-
tists from joining the Party. (USA
Party Directive, 14 July 1939,
making clergy and theology stu-
dents ineligible for Party member-
ship. (USA 355).

Secret Order of Goering, 28 De-
cember 1938, concerning Jewish

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Law to insure the unity of Party
and State, 1 December 1933. 1933
Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 1016.
(GB 252)...

Order concerning utilization of
Jewish property, 3 December 1938.
1938 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I,
p. 1709...





Thirteenth regulation under Reich
Citizenship Law, 1 July 1943. 1943
Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 372...| IV
Memorandum of conference, 8
May 1942 between Hitler, Rosen-
berg, Lammers, Bormann. (GB





Bormann correspondence, 1940-
1941, concerning confiscation of
religious art treasures. (USA 690). IV
Order concerning cooperation of
Party offices with the Secret State
Police, 25 January 1938, pub-
lished in Decrees, Regulations,
Announcements, 1937, Vol. II,
pp. 430–439. (USA 206)..
Documents on RSHA meeting
concerning the study and treat-
ment of church politics. (USA

Stenographic report of the meeting
on The Jewish Question, under the
Chairmanship of Fieldmarshal
Goering, 12 November 1938. (USA

Secret letter from Lammers to
defendant von Schirach, 3 Decem-
ber 1940, concerning deportation
of Jews. (USA 681).

Law to Remove the Distress of
People and State, 24 March 1933.


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