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Report of von Papen to Hitler,
27 July 1935, concerning National
Socialism in Austria. (USA 63)... IV
Law concerning reunion of Austria
with German Reich, 13 March
1938. 1938 Reichsgesetzblatt,

Part I, p. 237. (GB 133)..
The End of the Party State, from
Documents of German Politics,
Vol. I, pp. 55-56.....

First decree for the implementa-
tion of law relating to The Reich
Chamber of Culture, 1 November
1933. 1933 Reichsgesetzblatt,
Part I....

Youth and the Church, from Com-
plete Handbook of Youth Laws.... V
Official German communique of
meeting of Hitler and Schusch-
nigg, 12 February 1938, published




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Concordat between the Holy See
and the German Reich, Article 31.
1933 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part II,
pp. 679, 687-8....

Passage written by Frick in Na-
tional Socialist Yearbook, 1927,
p. 124...

Law for the protection of Nation-
alist Symbols, 19 May 1933. 1933
Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 285...
U. S. State Department, National
Socialism, published by U. S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, 1943.....
Letter from Hitler to von Papen,
26 July 1934, published in Docu-
ments of German Politics, Vol. II,
p. 83, No. 38. (Referred to but
not offered in evidence.)...
Letter from von Papen to Hitler,
12 May 1936, concerning May
Rally of Freedom Union. (GB

Letter from Office of Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary Ambassador
of German Government to Reich
Chancellery, inclosing report on
Political situation in Austria, 14
January 1937...

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Extract from Papal Encyclical
"Mit Brennender Sorge", set
forth in Appendix II, p. 524, of
"The Persecution of the Catholic
Church in the Third Reich". (USA

Von Papen, Appeal to the German
Conscience, Stuttgart speech of
3 March 1933. (GB 240).
Von Papen's address as Chancel-
lor, 28 August 1932, published in
Frankfurter Zeitung, 29 August
1932. (GB 234)..

Von Papen's address as Chancel-
lor, 12 October 1932, published in
Frankfurter Zeitung, 13 October
1932. (GB 235)..

Visit of von Papen as Chancellor

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in Munich, 11 October 1932, pub-
lished in Frankfurter Zeitung, 12
October 1932. (GB 241).
Exchange of letters, Papen-Hitler-
Hindenburg, from Documents of
German Politics, Vol. I, p. 158.
(GB 239)...
Von Papen's speech at Essen, 2
November 1933, published in
Voelkischer Beobachter, Southern
German Edition, 4 November
1933. (GB 245)..
Dissolution of Union of Catholic
Germans, published in The Ar-
chives, September 1934, Vol. VI,
pp. 767-768. (GB 244).



Hitler Reichstag speech, 23 March
1933, asking for adoption of Ena-
bling Act, from Vce kis her Beo-
bachter, 24 March 1933, p. 1.
(USA 566)..

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Fulda Declaration of 28 March
1933, from Voelkischer Beobach-
ter, 29 March 1933, p. 2. (USA

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Within the Nazi conspiracy Seyss-Inquart became the expert manipulator and subjugator of countries to be invaded or already invaded by the Nazi conspirators, first of Austria, later of Poland and The Netherlands. For the benefit of the Nazi conspirators he enslaved these countries, making them vassals of the Nazi regime.


(1) Positions Held by Artur Seyss-Inquart in the Order Set Forth in the Indictment.

(a) Member of the NSDAP (Nazi Party), 13 March 1938 to 8 May 1945.

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