Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Том 2U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946 |
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Стр. 2
... crimes we have proven . The flower- ing of the system is represented in the fanatical SS General Ohlendorf , who told this Tribunal without shame or trace of pity how he personally directed the putting to death of 90,000 men , women ...
... crimes we have proven . The flower- ing of the system is represented in the fanatical SS General Ohlendorf , who told this Tribunal without shame or trace of pity how he personally directed the putting to death of 90,000 men , women ...
Стр. 3
... crimes are unprecedented ones because of the shocking numbers of victims . They are even more shocking and ... crime . Ohlendorf from the witness stand accused other SS commanders , whose killings exceeded his , of " exaggerating ...
... crimes are unprecedented ones because of the shocking numbers of victims . They are even more shocking and ... crime . Ohlendorf from the witness stand accused other SS commanders , whose killings exceeded his , of " exaggerating ...
Стр. 4
... crimes . In opening this case , I said that the United States does not seek to convict the whole German people of crime . But it is equally important that this trial shall not serve to absolve the whole German people . except 22 men ...
... crimes . In opening this case , I said that the United States does not seek to convict the whole German people of crime . But it is equally important that this trial shall not serve to absolve the whole German people . except 22 men ...
Стр. 10
... crime the formation of and mem- bership in a criminal gang . Criminologists of the U.S.S.R. call this crime the " crime of banditry , " a term appropriate to the Ger- man organizations . French criminal law makes membership in ...
... crime the formation of and mem- bership in a criminal gang . Criminologists of the U.S.S.R. call this crime the " crime of banditry , " a term appropriate to the Ger- man organizations . French criminal law makes membership in ...
Стр. 12
... crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such plan . " The individual defendants are arraigned at your bar on this charge which , if proved , makes them responsible for the acts of others in execution ...
... crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such plan . " The individual defendants are arraigned at your bar on this charge which , if proved , makes them responsible for the acts of others in execution ...
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1933 Reichsgesetzblatt activities administration Adolf Hitler Affidavit aggressive April Armed Forces Army August Austria Bormann Cabinet Chancellor Chief Commissar concentration camps concerning conference conspiracy Council crimes criminal December decree directed Document Description Vol Doenitz economic execution February foreign Frick Fuehrer Funk Gauleiter German Reich GESTAPO Goering Government Hess High Command Himmler Hitler Youth issued January Jewish Jews Jodl July June Kaltenbrunner Keitel Krupp labor leaders Leadership Corps letter March memorandum ment military Ministry National Socialist Navy Nazi Party November NSDAP Nurnberg October Office operations organization Papen participated persons plans Poland Police and SD political prisoners prisoners of war Raeder Reich Chancellery Reich Defense Reich Minister Reichsfuehrer Reichsfuehrer SS Reichsleiter Reichstag Ribbentrop Rosenberg RSHA Schacht Schirach Secret Security Police September Seyss-Inquart signed SIPO and SD speech Staff Supreme Command tion U-boat VIII Waffen SS Wehrmacht workers