Nosa d'Achurch - 1882 ELEMENTS OF CRITICISM. VOLUME II. By Henry Home (Lord Kames) EDINBURGH: Printed for A. MILLAR, London; AND A. KINCAID & J. BELL, Edinburgh. MDCCLXII. ELEMENTS OF CRITICISM. ; CHAP. Χ. Congruity and Propriety. M AN is distinguished from the brute creation, not more remarkably by the fuperiority of his rational faculties, than by the greater delicacy of his perceptions and feelings. With respect to the gross pleafures of sense, man probably has little superiority over other animals. Some obscure perception of beauty may also fall to their share. But they are probably not acquainted with the more delicate conceptions of regularity, order, uniformity, or congruity. Such A 2 |