A meeting of the subscribers to the survey of the projected Railway from Whitby to the Darlington and Stockton Railroad, and other inhabitants of the town of Whitby, has been held pursuant to public notice. The plan and estimate of Mr. Storey, the engineer, which was laid before the Company, did not give that satisfaction which was anticipated from the report he furnished at the close of the survey of the line of road. He was then of opinion that it would not cost more than 120,0007.; but, according to his present estimates, he now calculates the cost at nearly 226,000l. A subscription was entered into, for the purpose of obtaining, by some other engineer, a second survey of Mr. Storey's line, and if found to be really so expensive as he has reported, the engineer should be empowered to deviate from it wherever he thought it beneficial to do so, or to adopt altogether a new line, if he could fix upon one more advantageous. SCOTLAND. The election of a Lord Rector for the Glasgow University has taken place, and after a keen and well-contested struggle, the friends of Mr. Cockburn obtained a triumphant majority. Only in the Glottiana, or Clydesdale nation, had Mr. Hume a superiority in numbers, while in the other three nations there was a large majority in favour of the Solicitor-General. The votes stood thus:H. Cockburn, 203; J. Hume, 170; J. G. Lockhart, 89. IRELAND. The "Belfast News-Letter" describes an extraordinary whirlwind by which their neighbourhood has been visited. "In its course, it lifted up perpendicularly great sheets of water to a vast height, also large wet lup-cocks of hay, turf, and stacks of oats the latter, in one instance, was lifted more than 300 feet in height. The country-people fled, attributing what they saw to a supernatural cause." A canal is about to be cut from Lough Erne to the sea. The Fermanagh Grand-jury applied to Government on the subject, and Mr. Killaly, the engineer, has reported in favour of the works. MONTHLY METEOROLOGICAL JOURNAL, FROM OCT. 23 TO NOV. 22, 1831. COMMERCIAL AND MONEY-MARKET REPORT. Until the last week of October, no falling off iu business was evinced at the Cotton Market of Liverpool. The last sale of any importance there was of 22,000 bales, which were chiefly taken up for the supply of home manufactories. During the three first weeks of November, the sales have considerably diminished in amount, averaging weekly at 9000 bales, and amounting, in all, to 26,860. This shows a falling off of nearly half from the amount of business during the corresponding period of the preceding month. It is impossible yet to say whether it has been occasioned by any great diminution in the demand for our Cotton manufactures. In the Metropolitan Cotton Market things have remained nearly in the same state as by our last report. Business has been rather steady, and very little alteration in prices has taken place. The sales reported from the 1st to the 22nd of November, have amounted to 4098 bales. In the Sugar Market, business has been very unequal; the purchases in British plantation have been limited there was some demand in the early part of the month for the Coloury sorts; but a decline in prices afterwards took place, and the market became flat. In East India Sugars business has been, upon the whole, very brisk: the sales in Mauritius alone, from the 1st to the 22nd of November, have amounted to 23,452 bags; there was one sale of Manilla, consisting of 20,076 bags. There is every appearance that prices will be maintained in this description of Sugars. In refined ones, the descriptions entitled to the bounty on double refined, have been a good deal in request for exportation. As the supplies have not been adequate to the demand, prices have generally stood high, and are well maintained. There was not much done in other descriptions of fine goods. A brisk demand for Coffee has been kept up during the greater part of the month, many grocers having taken in stock for the retail trade. No particular preference was evinced as to quality or growth, and the prices obtained were fair. Hardly any transactions for exportation were reported. The Silk trade is in a languishing state, as it usually is at the present time of the year. In the Italian Market things continue flat: prices there have been on the decline for some time past. The East India Company's Sale, during the last week in October, went off very heavily. Out of the number of bales offered, not above two-thirds were sold; the remainder were with drawn. A good deal of business has been doing in fruits of all kinds and growths. In our former report we said, that the present season promised excellent qualities from Spain and Turkey. Both figs and raisins (currants included) are, in fact, of the very best, and the supplies have been taken up at very fair prices, as fast as they came on the market. In consequence of the differences which have lately occurred between the English Factory at Canton and the Chinese authorities, the supply of Teas is expected to be short next year, unless the Chinese will consent in time to such terms as will secure the persons and property of British residents from all risk. In anticipation, however, for the worse, the East India Company have already given notice, that at the next March sale, a slight advance of price will be put on the several descriptions. For the forthcoming sale, which stands fixed for the 5th of December, the different descriptions declared (in all 8,150,000lbs.) remain taxed as formerly. Business in the funds has not been considerable since our last report. Investments have been kept back by the prospect of political commotion about Reform, and speculators have been rather puzzled as to the turn that things are likely to take, and therefore at a loss what course to adopt. From the 1st to the 24th of November inclusive, the fluctuations in the price of Consols for the November account have not exceeded 1 onequarter per cent. The quotation on the 1st was 82 one half to five eighths; the lowest was on the 12th, at 81 seven-eighths to 82; and the highest on the 23rd, at 83 one-eighth to one-quarter. Generaliy, the price was steady, and about the middle of the month remained almost stationary for four or five days. The Stock Exchange folks have evinced a greater confidence in the public credit than they were supposed to profess under appearances so unfavourable as those by which the tranquillity of the country has latterly been threatened. The settlement of the account on the 24th did not, however, pass off quite as well as was expected. Two defalcations of some note have occurred in consequence of large speculations by the parties, for the fall. The next settling day was fixed for the 19th of January, and Consols for that account opened on the 24th at 83 onehalf to five-eighths. In the heavy Stocks the transactions have not been extensive, and the prices have kept pace with Consols. In the Foreign Stock Exchange little has occurred worth any notice. Some inquiry at one time prevailed for Spanish Cortes Bonds, and their price rose in consequence rather more than one per cent. Danish and Russian Bonds have been constantly on the rise, but business in them has not been sufficiently important to give a decided impulse to the prices. The South American Securities have, with the single exception of Brazil Stock, been entirely stationary in value, and were wholly neglected. In Brazil Stock, though some variations in price occurred, owing to political occurrences, hardly any business was done. Money has been generally abundant in the City and at the Stock Exchange, and good bills easily discountable at the rate of 3 per cent. A notice has been issued by Government of an intention to cancel Exchequer Bills to the amount of about thirteen millions sterling. This has operated unfavourably on the value of those securities in the market, the premium falling to 4s. According to the new mode adopted at the Custom House, for the purpose of showing, as much as possible, the amount of exports in silver and gold, it appears, that from the 1st to the 19th of November, both inclusive, 2,122,096 ounces of silver, and 23,023 ounces of gold, have been sent off from London to Calais, Rotterdam, and Hamburgh. Although the accounts relating to the importation of bullion are not equally accurate, it appears, that since the 13th of September, dollars to the amount of three millions, equal to as many ounces, have been imported from America, chiefly the United States. Closing prices on the 24th of November. ENGLISH FUNDS. Three per Cent. Consols, 83 three-eighths, half. -Three per Cent. Consols, for the Account, 83 half, five-eighths. Three per Cent. Reduced, 82 half. Three and a Half per Cent. Reduced, 89 quarter.-New Three and a Half per Cent, 91.Four per Cent. (1826), 99 quarter.-Indian Stock, 200.-Bank Stock, 191.-Exchequer Bills, 5s. to 63. premium. India Bonds, 2s. to 4s. discount. --Long Annuities, 16 five-eighths. FOREIGN FUNDS. Brazilian Five per Cent. 44 quarter.-Chilian, 18, 19.-Colombian (1824) Six per Cent. 13 threequarters.-Danish Three per Cent. 66 half, 67.Dutch Two and a Half per Cent. 43 quarter, threequarters. French Five per Cent. 95 half, 96 half. -French Three per Cent. 69, 70. Greek Five per Cent. 23, 25.-Mexican Six per Cent. 34, balf. -Peruvian Six per Cent. 10 half, 11 half.Portuguese Five per Cent. 48 half, 49 half.Russian Five per Cent. 100 one-eighth.-Spanish Five per Cent. 15. SHARES. Anglo-Mexican Mines, 14, 15.-United Mexican, 3 half, 4.-Del Monte, 10, 12.- Brazil Company, I half, 2 half.- Brazil Imperial, 42 half, 43 half. Bolanos, 125, 135. Oct. 21. S. APPLEING, jun. Spital-square, silk manuP. R. LEWIS, Kent-terrace, Regent's-park, facturer. R. and C. BURR. Bentick-street, Manvictualler. R. DUNELL, St. John's-street. Smithchester-square. T. and J. J. JOHNSON, Lantfield, dealer in hay. G. H. RICKARDS, street, Southwark, carpenters. R. V. DAWCowley-road, Brixton, wine merchant. SON, Chiswell-street, Finsbury, veterinary surgeon. W. PRENTICE, High-street, Southwark, ironmonger. J. A. G. and F. G. D'OLIVEIRA, Old Jewry, merJ. SHEPPARD, Lechlade, Gloucestershire, D. and C. HOPE, Manchester, silk manuJ. HARRIS, Plymouth, painter. chants. baker. facturers. J. R. P. JACK H. WOOD, Jermyn-street, uplane, wine merchant holsterer. M. EVANS, Penmean Colliery, MonmouthE. P. WILLS, Chichester, shire, coal merchant. T. SHIRLEY, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars, tailor. D. FIELD, Garford. Berkshire, mealT. MANSFIELD and J. HACKNEY, Cobridge, T. A. CLUGSON wine merchant. S. HUXSTEP, FIRTH, Manchester, cotton spiuner. J. T. MORGAN, G. WALLEY, Tunstall, Staffordshire, victualler. Leeds, Yorkshire, money scrivener. T. SHEPARD, T. glass dealer. J. GRA Nov. 1. T. and R. CAPPER, Benufort-buildings, J. SMITH, George-place, Strand, coal merchants. w. grocer. street, dealer. merchant. Ramsey, J. HODKINSON and R. dealer in glass. Staffordshire, victualler. gist. WSC DYSON, W. QUINTON, Walsall, SCOTT, Newbottle, Durham, miller. Essex, cattle dealer. ham, Hertfordshire, corn dealer. farrier. bridge, coal merchant. merchant. S. M. chant. A. TURNER. Lud LAZABUS, Bath, soap maker. cadilly, coru dealer. J. BRET TELL, Bristol, cheesefactor. J. SCHOFIELD and J. CLOUGII, Selby, Lombard-street, D. R. WHAYMAN, money J. P. WOODMAN, sen. Pic place, Southwark, coffee house keeper. Hull, corn factors. scrivener. White-hart-court, J. J. PHILLIPS, jun. Great Drogheda, corn factors. victualler Brereton, Cheshire. W. W. TAYLER, Marylebone silversmith. facturer. J. W. FARR, Bristol, R. GREENOUGH, Manchester, manu INDEX TO THE THIRTY-THIRD VOLUME. F E A. Arthur of Brittany noticed, 302. Abercrombie's Inquiries concerning the Intellec- Artists, rights of, 222. tual Powers, noticed, 17. Abernethy, J. memoir of, 276. Abrantes, Duchess, memoirs of announced, 505. Academy, French, 31. Royal. See Royal Academy. Royal, of Music, lecture at, 221. Achievements of the Knights of Malta, noticed, 254. Adams, Mr. on the changes of climate in Great Addison's Miscellaneous Works, 211. Africa, accounts from, 343. Agricultural Home Colonies, 376. Ainger, Mr. on rail-road travelling, 226. Aldermen, court of, proceedings of, 425. Algiers, accounts from, 390, 519. Alice Paulet, a novel, noticed, 182, 327, 372, 460, Babbage's Decline of Science in England, 50. 524. Alletz's La Nouvelle Messiade, 252. Alpine Mastiffs, engraving of, 497. Altar, Roman, discovered, 269. Altar-piece at Sheffield, 124. America, accounts from, 201, 344,483-emigration to, 237, 329, 376. American blight, receipt for, 325. Amici, M. his experiments with plants, 272. Andersonian University, Edinburgh, 266. -proclamation of, 243. Animal and vegetable life, 363. Anna Boleyn, opera of, 359. Antiquaries' Society, 76, 125, 176, 322. Apiarian Society at Bury, formation of, 469. Baggage Waggon, at Naseby, print of, noticed, 453. Baines's History of Palestine, 449. Ball's Lectures on Shakspeare, 28. Bank Notes, amount in circulation, 414. Bankrupt Laws, petition respecting, 98, 145, 146, Bankrupts, 47, 96, 144, 192, 240, 288, 334, 384, Barbadoes, hurricane at, 483. Barilla duties, papers relative to, 100. Barnett's "My Loved Home," noticed, 25- overture in "The Carnival at Naples," 71. Barrow, Mr. on the present state of the Swan 235, 280, 330, 377, 426, 466, 508, 548. Dec. VOL, XXXIII. NO. CXXXII. Barry's Cæsar and the Britons, 447. Barton, Miss, her Bible letters for children no- Batley, on the Rights of man, 128. Beer houses, number of, 178, 284. 4 в Belgium, independence of, 6, 53-accounts from, ❘ Brazilian plants, collection of, 130. Bell, Dr. munificent de nation of, 334. Summer and Winter Hours noticed, 157. 33. Bennet's Songs of Solitude noticed, 492. Bent's London Catalogue, 306. Bermuda, accounts from, 152. Bernhard's machine for raising fluids, 132, 502. Best's Satires noticed, 305. Betham's Dignitaries, Feudal and Parliamentary Biber's Pestalozzi noticed, 345. Bible, Illustrations of, noticed, 452. Billiard table of cast iron, 323. Biographical particulars of persons deceased :- Bird's Framlingham noticed, 208. Birds, the colour of their plumage changed by Bird's-eye View of Foreign Parts noticed, 399. of the Wave," noticed, 25. Bolivar, Death of, 105-memoir of, 183-tomb Bones, fossil, 32. Bonny Blue Caps noticed, 122. Bonpland, M. detention of, 416. Booker's Champion of Cyrus noticed, 112. Boots, improvement in their construction, 230. Borneo, island of, 456. Borough proprietors, list of, 319. Boroughs, number of voters in, 414. Boston, new fire association at, 188-trade of, ib. Brewers, number of, 368. College, meeting of its shareholders, 189. British and Foreign School Society, 280. Institution, exhibitions of 122, 408-meet- ing of, 317. manufactures exported to Portugal, 456. 248. Brougham, Lord, 2-speech of, 265, 477. Buckstone's drama, "John Jones," 450-Victo- Budding's patent grass-cutter, S2. Bu'garni's Ivan Vejeeghen noticed, 308. Burford's Panorama, exhibition of, 72, 173. Burmese title, 366. Burnaby, W. E. memoir of, 86. Burney, Major, his reception at the court of Burns, proposed monument to, 451. C. Cabot, Sebastian, memoir of, 397. Cadell, Mr. on the hour-lines of the Ancients, 128. Cambridge, Duke of, appointed Viceroy of Hano- Campbell, Mr. motion of, 4. Canada, accounts from, 5, 103, 152, 200, 244- emigrants to, 329, 390, 440. Canada timber, tax on, 151. Candles, method of making, 81. Canning, statue of, 329. Capo D'Istrias, Count, his death, 521. Carlisle, meeting of magistrates at, 43. Carnarvon, Lord, his arguments against Reform, Bouchette's Account of Upper and Lower Ca- Carthagena, revolutions in, 296. Bourrienne's Life of Napoleon, 212, 254-new Cat, instinct of the, 267. nada, 461. Bounty, mutiny of, noticed, 532. French edition of, 233, 275. Bravo, The, noticed, 460, 485. 194. Carrier pigeon, performance of, 270. Cartwright, Major, colossal statue of, 284. Casts, new composition for, 408. Cathedrals, ancient, engravings of, 26, 409. Cavendish, or The Patrician at Sea, announced,460. Bray, Mrs. The Talba by, noticed, 114-Fables Cayley's Letter to the Hon. Viscount Milton, 489. |