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Allemagne. Projet de loi sur l'expropriation des biens des princes.

Argentine. Projet de loi sur les associations ouvrières et patronales;

Droits civils de la femme.

Belgique. Conférence internationale diplomatique de droit maritime.

Egypte. Communications radio-électriques; Cinquantenaire des
Tribunaux mixtes (Discours de M. van den Bosch); Statut juri-
dique des Suisses en Egypte; Loi sur la nationalité égyptienne.
France. Responsabilité des hôteliers (proposition de loi); Taxes
sur les étrangers (proposition de loi); Pêche dans les eaux terri-
toriales (projet de loi); Extradition (proposition de loi).

Géorgie. Résolution en faveur de la Géorgie.

Grande-Bretagne. Eaux territoriales britanniques.

Haïti. Commission des réclamations Etats-Unis-Haïti.

Maroc. Les caractéristiques du protectorat marocain.

Mexique. Droit des étrangers.

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Voir la suite du Sommaire au 3e page de la couverture.

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de sociétés; Femme mariée; Mariage en France des citoyens armé-

Grande-Bretagne. Les dettes de la Russie; Caractères des mandats bri-
tanniques; Le gouvernement roumain et les compagnies de pétrole
britanniques; Points principaux des matières contenues dans "The
Journal of the Parliaments of the Empire", vol. VII, no. 3 (juillet
1926); Note on the Treaty of Peace (Turkey) Bill, 1924; Com-
mission for the assessment of damage suffered in Turkey.
Haïti. Commission des réclamations; Tarif douanier.
Italie. Navires d'État étrangers, actes d'exécution.

Lettonie. Pétition des propriétaires fonciers lettons appartenant
aux minorités ethniques de la Lettonie au Conseil de la Société des

Luxembourg. Ouvriers étrangers.

Mexique. Acquisition de biens fonciers par les étrangers; Impôts sur les mines.

Paraguay. Réforme monétaire et bancaire.

Pays-Bas. Question mise au concours; Double imposition; Visite de professeurs américains.

Pologne. Création d'un conseil juridique; Devises étrangères. Portugal. Radiotélégraphie; Importation de l'Allemagne au titre des réparations.

Suisse. Société des juristes suisses; Séquestre.

Syrie-Liban. Arrêté no. 261 portant modification de la compétence des juridictions religieuses et étendant la compétence des tribunaux ordinaires pour les questions de statut personnel, sauf en ce qui concerne le mariage; Arrêté no. 97/S sur la nationalité des sociétés constituées conformément à la loi ottomane et fonctionnant en Syrie et au Liban; Arrête no. 96/J sur les sociétés anonymes étrangères.

Turquie. Le Code civil turc et les minorités.

Union Sud-Africaine. Nationalité; Sociétés.

Venezuela. Droit pénal.

Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin.

Institutions poursuivant un but international. International Law

Aperçu des réunions internationales . .

Aperçu des rapports conventionnels internationaux

Bibliographie de droit international et de matières connexes

I. Documents officiels. II. Ouvrages. III. Articles de revue. Notices bibliographiques






Quelques-unes des principales questions adressées à l'I. I. I. 493 Faits intéressant l'I. I. I.

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Annexe. Bulletin relatif aux Conventions de La Haye de 1902 et 1905 sur le droit international privé

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The question of the status of a Protectorate within the British Empire has once more been raised and determined in the case of Sobhuza II v. Miller and the Swaziland Corporation Limited (Times Newspaper, 15th April, 1926).

The facts are set out in the judgment of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council delivered by Viscount Haldane, who in delivering their Lordship's judgment said:

This is an appeal from a judgment of the Special Court of Swaziland by which a petition of the appellant has been dismissed with costs. The petition was presented against the first respondent, and the second respondents were added at the trial on the footing that they claimed to own the land in controversy and that the first respondent was acting as their manager. The substance of the petition was that certain lands known as Farm 188 formed part of an area originally subject to a concession known as the „Unallotted Lands Concession", granted by the former King of the Swazis, Umbandine, on July 26, 1889. Under this concession the grantees bound themselves to respect all prior rights, and, further, in no way to interfere with the rights of the native subjects of the grantor. The concession of 1889 was expressed to have been made by the King with the advice and consent of his Indunas in Council in favour of two persons, Thorburn and Watkins, of exclusive grazing, and to have conferred agricultural and planting rights over the unoccupied land within the concession, for 50 years, with a right to renewal, at a yearly rent of £50. The King, in consideration of this, undertook to protect the concessionnaires in the exercise of their rights. The claim made in the petition was that the first respondent had trespassed on the existing rights of native occupiers and had caused them to be ejected from the land they occupied.

Evidence was taken at the trial of the petition. It was found that certain natives and their predecessors had been for a long time in occupation of portions of the land included within the concession, and that they were now being ejected from the portions of the land other than such as had been demarcated for the sole and exclusive use of the natives. The judgment of the Court set out that the original concession had been confirmed on December 17, 1890, by the High Court of Swaziland, a Court constituted by the King of the Swazis with the assent of the British Government and the South African Republic, and having jurisdiction to inquire into the validity of concessions such as that in question. But on September 19, 1908 the concession was expropriated by the High Commissioner by notice to the concessionnaires under section 12 of Proclamation No. 3 (Swaziland), 1904. The judgment went on to state that by Order in Council of November 2, 1907, the area of the concession became Crown land, as having been expropriated, and that a portion of it was granted to the respondent company who claimed a clear freehold title under the grant. The natives, on the other hand, claimed that their rights of use and occupation under native law had not been affectBulletin XV : 1


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