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done what she could." A similar gathering has been held annually for several years past, and it has increased in numbers and interest every year. The entire cost of the meetings is borne by the senior superintendent, Mr. Williamson, who, in the eighty-second year of his age, is as regular and earnest in his attendance, and as liberal in his support of the school, as when he took the superintendence of it, at its commencement, thirty-four years ago.


TAUNTON.-About 14 years ago, soon after the erection of the Independent Chapel in North-street, Taunton, a considerable amount of accommodation was provided for the Sunday school, including a lecture and assembly room for the boys' school, 51 feet by 25 feet, spacious girls' and infant school-rooms were built, together with eight separate Bible class-rooms, large enough to accommodate from 12 to 25 persons each. Yet even these have now been found too strait for the multitude of young people and children who congregate together on the Sabbath for instruction, and it was recently resolved to build two more large school-rooms, and to provide eight additional class-rooms. A tea meeting was held on the 7th March, and nearly all the money (about £600.) provided to carry out the work. This zealous act of a united people took place just at the period when their beloved pastor, the Rev. Archibald McMillan, entered on the fourth year of his pastorate.


tendent, Mr. Crook. Addresses were delivered by Mr. Hitchin, on The Influence of Sunday schools upon the World" Mr. Dean, " Influence of Sunday schools upon the Church;" Mr. Waters, "Duty and Responsibility of Parents;" Mr. J. Cooper, "Duty and Responsibility of Teachers;" Mr. Carpenter, "Prayer;" the Rev. B. H. Kluht, "The Work of the Holy Spirit" and Mr. Smith, "Success of Sunday school Instruction." The meeting was rendered additionally interesting through the presentation of “ Bagster's ComMr. mentary, wholly Biblical," to Willoughby, the late superintendent.


touching and

The second anniversary of the Sunday and day schools in connection with the Baptist Church, was held on Monday, March 14, J. D. Lowden, Esq., in the chair. The report, which was read by the Rev. G. Rouse Lowden, F.R.G.S., was highly encouraging. The Rev. R. W. Guinness delivered affecting address to parents; the Rev. Mr. Griffith, of Hayes, confined his remarks to that well-known passage, in Scripture: "Let us not be weary in well-doing;" the Rev. J. Gibson addressed the teachers earnestly and affectionately. Addresses were also delivered by the pastor, and Messrs. Stransome, Bettridge, and George.


SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS' UNION.A very interesting social meeting in connection with this union was held at the Above Bar chapel school-rooms on PERRY-STREET.-The friends of the Tuesday evening, March 1st. It may Sunday school held their annual tea be necessary to premise, for the informameeting in the school room at the above tion of any of our readers who may not place on Tuesday, March 8. John be acquainted with the details of this Cooper, Esq,, presided. Prayers were movement, that the union was originoffered by Messrs. Pink, Munns, Elkin, ated last autumn, through a suggestion and by the chairman. The report, emanating, we believe, from the respected which was very satisfactory, was read incumbent of Trinity church, and that by the secretary and present superin- by degrees it has widened its boundaries,

of the Ragged Sunday-school, followed with some remarks, insisting strongly on the importance of a personal acquaintance on the part of the teachers with that religion which it is their mission to explain to their youthful charge. Mr. Gamblen, of the East-street Baptist school, also joined in the discussion, making some valuable suggestions gathered from his own experience, as to the most efficient methods of imparting Sabbath-school instruction; after which, at the solicitation of the meeting,

until it now includes among its adherents and referred in impressive terms to the the teachers and officers of the following time when all party differences will be Sunday-schools:-Church of England: buried in the grave, and when, at the Trinity and Christchurch, Northam; sound of the trump, the dust of the dead Congregational: Above Bar, Victoria in Christ will be raised first, without Rooms, Broad-street, Kingsland, Belvi- distinction of sect or respect of persons. dere chapel, Northam, and Portswood; The president then called upon Mr. A. Wesleyan: East-street and Bevois valley; Hillier, of the Victoria Rooms CongreBaptist: Portland and East-street; Pri- gational school, to open a discussion on mitive Methodist: St. Mary-street; Bi- the best means of retaining the elder ble Christian, Canal-walk; and the scholars in the Sunday-schools, which he school conducted in the Ragged School did in a brief but able manner, advocatbuildings. The purpose of the associa-ing the establishment of senior classes, tion is to afford to Sunday-school teachers to be presided over by intelligent and of all denominations the opportunity of well-qualified teachers. Mr. Coleman, frequent intercourse for mutual edification, social prayer, and the discussion of topics relating to the work in which they are engaged. The meeting on Tuesday was an aggregate gathering of the entire union, and at half-past 7 o'clock a large body of teachers of both sexes, numbering upwards of two hundred, and comprising representatives from all the various schools above enumerated, sat down to an excellent tea, provided for them in the spacious school-rooms connected with the Above Bar chapel. The Revs. Messrs. A. B. Burton and Mr. Thomas Marshall entered at some Goodee, the incumbent and curate of Trinity church, and the Rev. G. Gregg, minister of Belvidere chapel, Northam, were present, and took a lively interest in the proceedings. After an hour spent superintendents, a careful avoidance of in social converse, and in disposing of the good things provided, the tables were removed, and a meeting for discussion was held. Mr. Morris, the master of the Ragged Schools, and president of the union, commenced the proceedings with an excellent and impressive address, in which he described the principle on which the association was formed as an attempt at a spiritual union between teachers of all denominations, without any design to interfere in the internal management of the respective schools. He insisted very forcibly on the duty of all laborers in Christ's vineyard to seek by mutual encouragement and co-operation to strengthen each other's efforts, has rarely been enjoyed.

length into details connected with the management of the senior classes, urging it as indispensable to their efficiency that there should be, on the part of the

an undue spirit of routine in the administration of school discipline, so far as these classes are concerned; and on the part of teachers having charge of such classes, a method of instruction divested of everything unreal and conventional. Mr. Tiller, of Portland Baptist school, and Mr. Saunders, the superintendent of Itchen congregational school, having added a few remarks, the proceedings were brought to a close by singing the doxology, and the benediction pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Burton; after which the meeting separated, with the evident impression on all present, that a more delightful and profitable evening


singing the following hymn, and prayer:


Adieu, adieu, dear friends, adieu,

Still in God's ways delight;
So grace and peace shall be with you-
Good night, dear friends, good night.
And when Christ's banners are unfurled,
A signal for our flight,

We each will say to this vain world,

Good night, good night, good night,
But when we reach the realms above,
And see the glorious sight,
We'll sing of his redeeming love,
And never say, good night.


For some time past, the Wesleyan, Beaumont Independent, and Quay Independent teachers, have had a monthly meeting for united prayer, held in rotation at the three chapels. They have also had an annual united teachers' tea meeting for several years. This year the Union added a new feature to its doings. On Wednesday, March 17th,

JOHN-STREET CHAPEL (HON. AND REV. B. W. NOEL'S) YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS SOCIAL MEETING.-ON Monday evening, 7th March, about sixty of the members of the above class (which mainly consists of those who had joined it after having been in the boys' school) met their indefatigable teacher (Mr. Roberts) and other friends interested in the welfare of the class, at the classroom of the schools at Calthorpe-street, Gray's-inn-road, known as the North London British and Sunday schools, and which are conducted by members of Mr. Noel's Church. After tea, thanks having been sung, Mr. Roberts rose, and related briefly the history of the class. He said it was gratifying and encouraging to him to find, in glancing at his class, that, during the twenty-one years of his connection with it, 150 had evidenced decision of character, out of which number 121 had professed faith n Christ, in his own appointed way, by openly joining his people. There had sprung up, from among the members, a tea was provided for the parents of various institutions as-"The Sunday the scholars of the three schools, in the and Ragged School Benevolent Society," lecture hall. The number present, instarted by a youth sixteen years of age; cluding the teachers exceeded three an "Association for the Diffusion of hundred. After tea, the chair was Total Abstinence Information," and, taken by F. ALEXANDER, Esq., a mem"The Calthorpe Institute," numbering ber of the Society of Friends, and treaabout 200 members, providing lectures surer of the British schools. The chairand classes, which has proved a valuable man delivered an address in verse, which source of recreative improvement. The made one think that Bernard Barton attendance at the Bible class varied, but the poet, who resided on the premises through many providential removals, the occupied by the chairman, had not yet numbers now average 74. Mr. Waldrack, quite forsaken them. Prayer having the Secretary, said 18 had joined Chris- been offered by the Rev. J. Calvert, tian churches during 1858, and were en- missionary from Fiji, the chairman gaged in various ways in promoting the called upon the Rev. J. Rhodes and cause of Christ. A committee had been others to address the meeting. formed to watch over the best interests The Rev. J. RHODES spoke very earof the members. They were about to nestly and convincingly, respecting the establish a monthly magazine distribu-supreme importance of parental inflution for the best Christian magazines to ence being employed to secure the be circulated. Mr. Wallis, Mr. Sands, moral rectitude and eternal welfare of and Mr. Terry, spoke on various impor-children.

tant topics.

The meeting closed by Mr. BANNISTER pointed out various

ways in which parents might very use- ing to the Home and Colonial Society, fully co-operate with the Sunday school which appears to be that in which teachers. financial operations are carried on on Mr. SEAMEN referred to examples the largest scale. The total income of derived from his own experience, as a this school for 1857 was £7289. The parent and teacher, to show the necessity Government grant to this school, “in for consistency.

Mr. BODGENER addressed a few pointed and pathetic words to those present, on the object which called them together.

The Rev. H. H. SCULLARD urged on the parents, the duty of carrying on family worship, and of attending the house of God with their children.

After an interval, during which fruit was handed round, and some sacred music was performed by the united choirs, speaking was resumed, when

The Rev. A. DUFFY dwelt on the difficulties of parents, the way to overcome them, and the many encouragements which they have in seeking so to train their children, that in heaven they may say none of them is lost.

Messrs. Cullingford, Andrews, and Bennett also addressed to the audience suitable words of exhortation.

respect of students passing the annual examinations," was £1014., and the Government exhibitions for Queen's scholars, £1532. The remainder of the £7289. was obtained from a variety of sources, altogether unconnected with the Government. The fees paid by the students or their relatives were £2535., the average number of students in residence being 208. A sum of more than £1200. was the result of the annual subscriptions and donations specially for the use of the training college, and about £900. came from other private sources. The expenditure for the year exceeded the receipts in a trifling degree, about half being swallowed by board, washing, and servants' wages. All the schools on the list derive additional support from similar sources to those described, and the proportions between the sums obtained from each appear to be tolerably uniform, the Gray's Inn-road School being a fair sample of the rest in this respect, though there are only a few in which the expenditure is on so large a scale as

A more delightful meeting, and one more likely to be useful than this was, it is believed is seldom held. Great praise is due to the members of the three congregations, who so promptly contributed more than £9. to pay for the entertainment, as also to the collectors and others in this one. for the labor which they performed.


More than three hundred common TRAINING SCHOOLS AIDED BY schools are supported by the governPARLIAMENTARY GRANTS. ment, as is, also, the seminary at LaA RETURN has just been made to the hainaluna, with its 106 pupils, and the House of Commons of the income, Royal School," with its forty sons of expenditure, and number of pupils of chief men. Two of the high schools, all Training Institutions aided by Par-containing 120 pupils, are sustained by liamentary grants for the year ending the board; and, so for the present, 31st December, 1857. The source of waiting for its endowment, is the Oahu income which all such schools possess, College. The mission to the Marquesas independently of the Government sup- Islands, originated by the Hawaiian port, is clearly shown. As an example churches, is still supported by them, and of the numerous resources on which is prosperous. American Missionary some of the schools can fall back, we take the Gray's Inn-road School, belong


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HAPPY teachers? rich your joys—

Those thoughtful girls-those hopeful boysYear after year, you've laboured well;

Still labour on-for who can tell? How little fruit-yet still the ground

With seed you've sown, must now abound; It will take root, and blade as well,

"Have faith in God"-for who can tell? Forget all anxious by gone fears;

Behold, how bright the field appears!

Souls must be snatch'd like brands from hell,

Point all to Christ-for who can tell?

Rest not-your days of labour wane
For your support the Spirit came :
Still plough, and sow, and harrow well

By earnest prayer-for who can tell?
He that hath ears, now let him hear,

Christ's smiles, urge all to persevere; Hark! how he meekly gives commands, And kindly bids you, "Feed his Lambs: " Then give to each his portion well,

Leave all to Christ-for who can tell?

And when life's journey is out-run,

When Jesus crowns the vict'ry won,

May all your charge heaven's anthem's swell For ever more-and, who can tell? Chelsea.



SPEED the work, brave band of Teachers, Ye have need to watch and pray; Christianity's true preachers,

Work while it is called to-day.

Speed the work, nor faint, nor weary, Though 'tis dark and doubtful here; Press on, teacher, there's one near thee, He will triumph, do not fear.

Speed the work, the harvest ripens,

Few the laborers, wide the field; Trust the promise God has given us,— "I will be my people's shield."

Speed the work, there's millions waiting,

Sunk in misery, guilt, and crime; Whose the hand to point them upward?

Christian teacher, it is thine.

Speed the work, ye rich and worldly,
Rouse ye from your lethargy;
Think not 'tis another's mission,

Rise and come HE calleth thee.
Rouse thee, rouse thee, sinful sleeper,
Myriads throng the road to hell;
Art thou not thy brother's keeper,
And to God accountable ?

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