Begging for mercy,-which I gave to them. On the same throne, which proudly then o'erlook'd Still I will live; 'tis cowardice to die,- And, like this fearless rock whereon I stand, Or rush to meet the tide,-then mount the waves, THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. From Lord Byron's Poem, entitled " the Age of Bronze.” The autocrat of waltzes and of war! And generous spirit, when 'tis not frost-bit; But hardened back whene'er the morning's raw; Except that it would make the nations free. How fain, if Greeks would be his slaves, free THE INCURABLE. O doctor, doctor, I am come The surgeons say, my liver's bad, My hands are weak, my sight is dim, THE COURT OF ALDERMEN AT FISHMONGERS' HALL. Is that dace or perch? Said Alderman Wood; But its bones might a man slay, Said Alderman Ansley. I'll butter what I get, Said Alderman Heygate. Give me some stew'd carp, Said Alderman Thorp. The roe's dry as pith, Said Aldermen Smith. Don't cut so far down, Said Alderman Brown; But nearer the fin, Said Alderman Glyn. I've finish'd, i' faith man : Said Alderman Waithman : And I too, i'fatking, Said Alderman Atkins. They've crimp'd this cod drolly, Said Alderman Scholey; 'Tis bruised at the ridges. Said Alderman Brydges. Was it caught in a drag? Nay, Said Alderman Magnay. 'Twas brought by two men, Said Alderman Ven ables Yes, in a box, : Said Alderman Cox. They care not how fur 'tis, Said Alderman Curtis. From air kept, and from sun, Said Alderman Thompson; Pack'd neatly in straw, Said Alderman Shaw : In ice got from Gunter, Said Alderman Hunter. This ketchup iš sour, Said Alderman Flower; Then steep it in claret, Said Alderman Garret. TO PRINCE TALLEYRAND. Sev'n cities boasted Homer's birth 'tis true, IRISH ANGLING: An Irishman fishing one day in the Liffey, "That's never the way to accomplish your wishes," "Will swim under here, to keep out of the wet." ON THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF THE INQUISITION IN SPAIN IN 1815. To Spain, entranc'd in golden dreams, But ah, when walking, Spain essay'd TO-MORROW. To-morrow you will live, you always cry; 'Tis so far fetch'd, this 'morrow that I fear, To-morrow I will live, the fool does say, MISS STEPHENS. On hearing Miss Stephens sing, "Angels ever bright and fair.” Whilst you invoke the angels' care, In notes so soft, so sweet, so rare, I tremble lest you should be heard, And they should take you at your word. TO THE FLEAS IN SEVEN DIALS. Hence ye disturbers of my sleep, Will you suck the crimson flood, You hopping, jumping, ugly crew? Will nothing please you but my blood, And let that flow with torment too? Then take your fill, you thirsty elves, THE SWORD. "This emblem of all miseries and crimes,The robber's tool, that breaks the rich man's lock,The murderer's master-key to sleeping hearts,— |